Student Success Center

Academic Policies for Students Transfer and Adult Student Support Services Student Tutoring Resources Our Staff

The Student Success Center is home to five success counselors to serve new students. Incoming freshmen are assigned a success counselor based on their major, and transfer students are assigned to a specific counselor as well. Your success counselor will help you navigate campus, find resources, and connect you with opportunities to get involved by meeting with you periodically to be sure that you are having a happy and healthy transition to UTM. Your success counselor is your “go to” person on campus and will get you connected to academic resources like STEM tutoring, the Math Learning Center, and your academic advisor. They can also direct you to important offices on campus like Financial Aid, Housing, and Student Life. The Student Success Center is committed to your academic success, and we are also here to help with any issues that may arise while you are a student at UT Martin. Your Success Counselor is a valuable and necessary resource to ensure that succuss!


Make an Appointment

Get advice about application essays, admission tests, letters of recomendation and timelimes for applying to graduate or professional school.
Make an appointment
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Student Tutoring Resources

Access tip sheets and resources to help you prepare for a strategic and confident job search.
View tutoring resources

Find us on Onespace

Integrate practical experience with education in a structured, supervised work environment.
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Transfer and Adult Student Support Services

Log in with your UT Martin username and password to search for job opportunities on and off campus.
View transfer and adult student support services

Academic Policies for Students

We conduct free career assessments, collaborate with you to identify interests, and explore majors that align with your goals.
Find academic policies
Student Success Center
Ashley Mealer, Primary Contact
210 Clement Hall
The University of Tennessee at Martin
Martin, TN 38238