Department of Computer Science

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Gain Skills to Develop Emerging Tech

The Department of Computer Science at UT Martin emphasizes the mathematical and theoretical foundations of computing, rather than teaching specific technologies. It provides the foundation to break into some of the most exciting and profitable careers.

Students learn the fundamentals of the computing discipline, including topics such as computer programming, mobile app development, operating systems, compilers, programming language design, algorithms and computing theory, graphics, artificial intelligence, networking, and databases.

Program Outcomes

Areas of Study

  • Computer Science
  • Cybersecurity

Department Scholarships

David Gatwood Scholarship

The David Gatwood Scholarship is awarded to a student pursuing a joint major in computer science and in an artistic field such as communications, music, English, or visual and theater arts.

Harbison-Gathers Excellence in Education Scholarship

The Harbison-Gathers Excellence in Education Scholarship is awarded to a junior or senior pursuing a teaching career in math, computer science, chemistry, or physics. Must have a 3.2 GPA or higher.


Our department maintains two primary computer labs. For computer science sophomores, juniors, and seniors our upper division computing lab provides access to computers running Microsoft Windows, Linux, and Apple's OS X.

The department also maintains an instructional laboratory that is tied to the regular campus computing network. Both students and faculty have access to our departmental servers, which are maintained in the computer science department's server rack in the campus computing center.

Department of Computer Science
Mr. Bob Bradley, Interim Chair
337 Latimer-Smith Building
The University of Tennessee at Martin
Martin, TN 38238