Summer 2024 Undergraduate Courses
CrnTitleSubjectCourseCredit HoursInstructor NameStart DateEnd Date
30162Acct Info Decision Making IACCT2013Bethany ElamJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) This course is designed to help students appreciate the role of accountants in providing information helpful to decisions of investors, creditors, government regulators, management and others and understand how that information can be used. Emphasis is on comprehending the meaning and value of the balance sheet, income statement. Pre-Req: Sophomore standing and grade of C or better in MATH 110 or MATH 130 or MATH 140  or MATH 160 or MATH 185  or MATH 210  or MATH 251. (Fall , Spring , Summer)
30163Acct Info Decision Making IIACCT2023Laura HatchJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) This course is designed to help students appreciate the role of accountants in providing information helpful to investors, creditors, and management in understanding the balance sheet, and income statement and statement of cash flows. In addition, uses of accounting information for managerial decision making includes planning and control activities of managers in business enterprises. Topics include methods for determining the costs of products and services, for assessing product and project profitability and for budgeting and monitoring of costs and profits. Pre-req: Grade of C or better in either ACCT 201 or ACCT 300. (Fall , Spring , Summer)
30164Intermediate Accounting IACCT3013Ben LeJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) A professional level study of financial accounting theory and practice, designed to prepare students for careers in all areas of accounting. Beginning with a review of the conceptual framework and the accounting cycle, the course provides a detailed examination of the recording and reporting issues encountered by financial accounting professionals. Prereq: Grade of C or better in ACCT 202. (F, Sp, Su)
30209Accounting Computer ApplicACCT3053Laura HatchJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) This course is a study of applications used to support communication, decision-making, and problem-solving in accounting. Emphasis is on word-processing, spreadsheet, presentation, and database applications used in accounting-focused business problems. Prereq: Grade of “C” or better in ACCT 301. (F, Sp)
30251Analysis of Fin StatementsACCT3133Yu-Ho ChiJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) An in-depth study of current financial reporting practices; analysis and interpretation of corporate financial statements. The course includes an extensive review of financial accounting concepts. Credit may not be granted for both Accounting 313 and Finance 313. Prereq: Grade of C or better in ACCT 301 or concurrent enrollment in ACCT 301. (as needed)
30165Agribusiness MgtAGEC4713Joseph MehlhornJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Principles and procedures for determining most profitable farm organization and system of operation. Nature of managerial processes. Records and their uses and budgeting procedures. Operations of firms selling farm supplies and merchandising agricultural products. Application of microeconomic theory to the problems of resource allocation, enterprise selection and scale of operation of agricultural firms. Prereq: AGEC 110 and junior standing. (F)
30166Manag/Entrepren Strat AgribusAGEC4753Joseph MehlhornJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Emphasis on entrepreneurial activity and business stability are essential for agribusiness survival at the local and international levels. Application of current management techniques to agribusiness problems will be developed with an emphasis on critical thinking skills. Focus on management from a systems approach utilizing all aspects of business and technology. Factors such as adoption of technology, risk analysis, policy changes and general world economic issues will be discussed. Prereq: Junior standing. (Sp-odd)
30167Practicum in AgribusinessAGEC4443Jessica CrewsJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Field research and/or work experience related to the agribusiness industry. Specific topics include agribusiness management, marketing, and financial management. Students are expected to make presentations to faculty, peers, and agribusiness professionals reflective of their research findings or develop a portfolio of experiential activities for presentation. An emphasis on problem solving and effectively communicating solutions to agricultural stakeholders will be practiced. Prereq: instructor’s approval. (As needed)
30168Spreadsheet Analysis AgribusAGEC3113Daniel MorrisJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Use of computer spreadsheets to analyze complex and unique problems facing the agricultural firm. Specific emphasis on financial, statistical, and logical spreadsheet functions will be addressed. Topics include linear programming, optimization techniques, risk analysis, simulation, and data organization and communication. Prereq: AGEC 110 or AGET 110. (F)
30169Farm ManagementAGEC2713Daniel MorrisJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Principles and procedures of farm management. Farm records, accounts, budgets and their uses. Farm tax law. Financing farm acquisition and expansion. (F)
30181Agriculture and Climate ChangeAGEC1203Rachna TewariJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
An introductory course on the impacts of climate change on agriculture, food security, and food systems. Topics include basic understanding of the science of climate and climate change, evaluating and measuring economic impacts of climate change on agriculture, policy issues in climate change and agriculture, and climate-smart agriculture.
30182Value Chain Mgt Food & AgriAGEC3123Rachna TewariJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Strategic links in agricultural value chains to enhance competitiveness and efficiency within the marketplace. Logistics and supply chain management as key components in agri-food value chains. Best practices in value chain management to support innovation in products and services. Understanding global issues and current trends in agricultural value chain management. Prereq: AGEC 110 and Junior standing.
30183Adv Farm & Ranch ManagementAGEC3713Rachna TewariJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Development of problem solving and risk management skills needed on the modern farm or ranch operation. Use of spreadsheets to perform production planning and analysis of farm and ranch problems with linear programming, simulations, and other tools. Analysis of the acquisition of resources and the use of information systems in managing the individual farm or ranch business. A complete farm plan will be developed and presented by class participants. Prereq: AGEC 271. Coreq: AGEC 372. (Sp)
30184Adv Farm & Ranch Mgmt LabAGEC3721Rachna TewariJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(1) Application of principles learned in Advanced Farm and Ranch Management (AGEC 371). This lab is designed to give students practical experience in developing simulation and linear program optimal solutions for farm management decision analysis. One two-hour lab. Coreq: AGEC 371. (F)
30206Veterinary Small Bus MgmtAGEC4053Clint AryJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) Emphasis on the management and operation of veterinary businesses in a changing business and regulatory landscape. All aspects of financial, managerial, marketing, and human resource management issues will be explored as they relate to veterinary related businesses and non-profit entities. Prereq: AGEC 110. (As needed)
30233Intro Agricultural BusinessAGEC1103Jessica CrewsJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) An introduction to the field of agricultural business and some of the basic tools and concepts of decision-making. Concepts are illustrated in terms of selected current social and economic issues in the industry of production agriculture, agricultural business and the computer application of those concepts. (F, Sp)
30234Livestock EconomicsAGEC3803Daniel MorrisJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) Resource allocation, enterprise analysis, and business management of livestock production. Applying production economic theory to managerial and marketing problems. Analyze the financial feasibility of various livestock enterprises. Explore risk mitigation tools such as futures, options, and insurance products. Explore the profitability of livestock enterprises based on production performance. Prereq: AGEC 110 (As Needed)
30280Environmental and Agri LawAGEC3753Daniel MorrisMay 13, 2024May 31, 2024
(3) Survey of law and its application to agricultural and natural resource management. Property, contracts, torts, drainage and water rights. Environmental law, land tenure, employment, forms of business organization, estate planning, regulatory law and other selected topics. (Same as NRM 375.) (F)
30285Intro Agricultural SalesAGEC2503Anthony DelmondJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Principles of selling food, agricultural, and other industrial/institutional products in wholesale and retail outlets. Topics include developing business-to-business selling techniques, farmers market, technical product distribution, wholesale and retail financing. Cooperative advertising, group selling, specification selling, personal selling and technical business plans. (F)
30286Internatl Agri TradeAGEC3353Anthony DelmondJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Theory and practice in international trade in agricultural and food products. Trade policy, trade agreements, trade law, tariffs, customs practices, exchange rates and their impact on trade in U.S. and world agriculture. Prereq: AGEC 110 or ECON 202. (Sp)
30532Agricultural MarketingAGEC3643Jessica CrewsJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) The American marketing system. Alternative market function of the marketing system. Commodity futures problems. Current marketing problems and possibilities for improvement. Prereq: AGEC 110 or ECON 202. (Sp)
30684Special ProblemsAGEC3011Jessica CrewsJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(1) Independent study projects for students exhibiting special interest in applied areas of agricultural economics. Topics may be chosen from, but are not restricted to, production, marketing, management, policy, finance and resource economics. Taught only by arrangement prior to registration. (F)
30729Intro Agricultural BusinessAGEC1103Jessica CrewsJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) An introduction to the field of agricultural business and some of the basic tools and concepts of decision-making. Concepts are illustrated in terms of selected current social and economic issues in the industry of production agriculture, agricultural business and the computer application of those concepts. (F, Sp)
30363Intro Agric EnginAGET1103John ColeJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Survey of basic engineering principles and terms. Engineering applications in agriculture including topics in soil and water engineering, power and machinery and farm structure building materials and design. Prereq: Students must have satisfied entrance requirements in mathematics. (F, Sp)
30508Intro Land Surveying PrincipleAGET3523Sandra MehlhornJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
Introduction to fundamental principles, instruments, and techniques of surveying and surveying data collection. Emphasis will be placed on surveying calculations, as well as care of equipment and methods for data collections. Two one-hour lectures and one two-hour lab. May not recieve credit for both AGET 352 and ENGR 350. Prereq: AGET 220 or MATH 170, 210, 251, or instructor approval.
30509IrrigationAGET4203John ColeJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Comprehensive overview of irrigation design practices including: applications, materials selection, systems, and layout. Emphasis on systems of irrigation for crops, landscape and turf applications. Prereq: AGET 110. Any university wide general education for math course. (Sp)
30512Intro Land Survey Prin LabAGET352L Sandra MehlhornJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
30513Internatl Food & Fiber SystemsAGRI2953Rachna TewariJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) A study of the influence of food and fiber systems on the economy, environment, health, life style and political systems throughout the world. The impact of cultural differences, gender and institutions on international food and fiber systems is discussed. Course provides students with a global perspective on current issues related to international food and fiber. (F, Sp, Su)
30203Intro Animal ScienceANSC1103Amber MooreJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Fundamental principles of animal agriculture. Biological and scientific aspects of development, inheritance and feeding. Animal products and scope of the animal industry. (F, Sp)
30204Animal Welfare and EthicsANSC2703Clint AryJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) This course will begin with a look at the human-animal relationship, and examine the origins of people’s beliefs and attitudes regarding domestic farm and companion animals. It will provide insight into the roles that government, organizations, businesses and key individuals play in influencing animal welfare laws and practices. Through interactive discussion, students will focus on contemporary welfare and ethical issues in areas of food animal production, animal research, and using animals for recreation and companionship. Three one-hour lectures. (Sp)
30205Exotic & Companion Animal MgmtANSC2303Jason RobertsJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) A survey of the basic principles involved in the care and management of exotic and companion animal species. Particular emphasis will be on nutrition and feeding programs, breeding cycles, vaccination programs and diseases of exotic and companion animals generally regarded as household pets. Three one-hour lectures. (F)
30247Farm Animal HealthANSC3203Jason RobertsJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Principles of etiology, pathology, symptomatology, diagnosis and suggested treatment as applied to common viral, bacterial and parasitic diseases of livestock. Topics to be emphasized include herd immunization programs, sanitation, quarantine, herd health programs and economic aspects of disease control.
30592Applied Animal ReproducANSC3723Stephanie JonesJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) Anatomy and physiology and reproduction including: endocrinology, reproductive cycles, fertilization, gestation, fetal development, parturition and lactation. Techniques for improving reproductive efficiency include: semen evaluation, artificial insemination, synchronization of ovulation, pregnancy diagnosis and embryo transfer. Three one-hour lectures. Prereq: BIOL 110 and 120, or BIOL 130 and 140, or permission of instructor. (Sp)
30514Understanding Visual ArtART1103James PalmerJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) (TBR: ART 1030) An introduction to the aesthetic principles of visual art as exemplified in selected masterpieces. (F)
30186AstronomyASTR2014Lionel CrewsJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(4) An introduction to astronomy with a lab to illustrate data collection and analysis in astronomy. Theories of the solar system from models for ancient calendars to data from recent space probes and an introduction to the optics of the eye and telescope. Three hours lecture and two hours lab. (F)
30187Astronomy LabASTR201L Lionel CrewsJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
30239AstronomyASTR2024Lionel CrewsJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(4) An introduction to astronomy with a lab to illustrate data collection and analysis in astronomy. Evolution of main sequence stars, neutron stars, black holes, structure of the galaxy and theories of cosmology. It is recommended that the courses be taken in sequence. Three hours lecture and two hours lab. (Sp)
30240Astronomy LabASTR202L Lionel CrewsJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
30386Business AnalyticsBADM3013Hui ChenJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Business analytics introduces fundamental quantitative concepts and methods needed to understand the role of data analytics in business. The student will learn to analyze business problems using meaningful collection, description, analysis and communication of quantitative data to support business decision making. Prereq: MATH 210 and ECON 202 OR ACCT 202.](3) Business analytics introduces fundamental quantitative concepts and methods needed to understand the role of data analytics in business. The student will learn to analyze business problems using meaningful collection, description, analysis and communication of quantitative data to support business decision making. Prereq: MATH 210 and ECON 202 OR ACCT 202. (F, Sp)
30531Business CommunicationBCOM3513William BishopJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) This course covers communication of business information through written documents, including electronic communication; instruction writing; oral presentation and meeting protocol; nonverbal communication; an introductory job-search unit; and report-writing techniques. All units incorporate proper use of business grammar and APA writing style. (F, Sp, Su)
30096Found Biol: Cell & MolecularBIOL1404Amanda VanhooseJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(4) (TBR: BIOL 1110) An introductory course designed for science majors that investigates cell and molecular biology including biochemical processes, cellular function, genetics and the biology of microbes. Lab experiences include the collection, analysis and interpretation of cellular and molecular data. Three one-hour lectures and one two-hour lab. Students should not attempt BIOL 140 unless the results of mathematics testing indicate placement in MATH 140 or a higher level course. Students may not receive credit for both BIOL 140 and BIOL 110. (F, Sp, Su)
30097Biology LabBIOL140L Amanda VanhooseJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
30100Human Impact on Bio SystemsBIOL1204Heather WilkinsJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(4) A course for non-science majors focused on the impacts humans have on biological systems including basic ecological and evolutionary principles, population growth, biodiversity, resource use, pollution, and energy. This course requires field work involving physical activity. Three one-hour lectures and a two-hour lab. (Fall , Spring , Summer)
30101Human Impact on Bio Sys LabBIOL120L Heather WilkinsJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
30350Intro Cell Biology & GeneticsBIOL1104Katie ReamsJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(4) (TBR: BIOL 1010) An introductory course that emphasizes plant and animal cell structure, cellular processes and genetics. Three one-hour lectures and one two-hour lab. Students may not receive credit for both BIOL 110 and BIOL 140. (F, Sp, Su)
30351Biology LabBIOL110L Katie ReamsJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
30211Business Law IBLAW3013Patrick BakerJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) Basic principles of the law of contracts, including the elements of a valid contract, performance and remedies for breach of contract. The law of agency. The law of partnerships. Emphasis on the Uniform Commercial Code. Prereq: Minimum grade of D in ECON 201 and ECON 202. (F,Sp, Su)
30311Child AbuseCJ3603Cynthia BoylesMay 13, 2024May 31, 2024
(3) The goal of this course is to introduce students to the multifaceted issue of child abuse law. Students will learn about child sexual predators, child witnesses, types of child abuse and neglect and the future of child abuse in the criminal justice system. The course will include an examination of the various courts that deal with child abuse issues. (F-even)
30333Intro to Criminal JusticeCJ2003Danny PirtleJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) An intensive examination of the philosophical and historical backgrounds, agencies and processes, purposes and functions, administration and technical problems and career orientations of our criminal justice system. Extensive reading required. Critical thinking, problem solving and writing exercises are utilized. This course is a prerequisite to all other criminal justice courses. (F, Sp)
30388CriminologyCJ3253Tina LeeJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Problems, theory, cause, control and prevention of criminal behavior. (Same as SOC 413) (F, Sp)
30394Criminal InvestigationCJ3103Brian DonavantMay 13, 2024May 31, 2024
(3) Foundation and principles of criminal investigation, including legal parameters and follow-through activities necessary for capitalizing on investigative efforts. (F)
30537Principles of Law EnforcementCJ2113Danny PirtleMay 13, 2024May 31, 2024
(3) An introduction to the complex responsibilities, procedures and policies of a law enforcement agency operating in a pluralistic, multi-culture, free market, democratic society. Extensive reading required. Critical thinking, problem solving and writing exercises geared to practical applications in law enforcement are core requirements of this course. Interaction with computer based software applications for research required.
30538Research MethodsCJ3033Tina LeeJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) Major concepts and techniques in social science research, including the scientific method, measurement, sampling, data collection, interpretation of statistics and evaluation settings. Data analysis techniques include descriptive and inferential statistics, including central tendency, variability, analysis of variance, and correlation. The course includes training in the use of statistical programs in order to calculate statistics. (F,Sp)
30700Criminal LawCJ4003Danny PirtleJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) The history, purpose and theory of criminal law. An examination of the classification of crimes and the nature of criminal liability. (F)
30207Programming Conc/Prob Solv ICSCI2213James BradleyJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Introduction to programming in the C++ language. Types and representations, arithmetic, strings, arrays, control structures, basic algorith design, and problem solving. Prereq: placement in or completion of MATH 110 or MATH 140 or above, or grade of C or better in CSCI 220. (F, Sp)
30515Programming Conc & Prob Slv IICSCI2223James BradleyJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) A programming intensive continuation of CSCI 221 and introduction to the object oriented paradigm. Multidimensional arrats, structs, classes, inheritance and polymorphism, pointers and dynamic memory management, recursion, templates, and operator overloading. Prereq: Grade of C or better in CSCI 221. (F, Sp)
30025Effect Instr Strat & Mgmt EnvCTE2903Elizabeth WhiteJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) This course is designed to introduce instructional strategies aimed at fostering a classroom environment which promotes student success and achievement through the integration of educational theory, classroom management techniques, as well as assessment. Topics presented in this course will address lesson and unit plan construction, differentiated instruction to diverse learners, mastery of content knowledge, along with the importance of ongoing reflection and its relationship to professional learning. Discipline-specific literacy skills and strategies will be introduced. Course fulfills three credit hours toward an Occupational Licensure certification. Course may not be substituted for education degree program credit without permission of the department; may also require additional coursework. (As needed)
30026Students with ExceptionalitiesCTE3003Jane HinsonJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) An introductory course designed to provide an overview of the field of special education. Principles, characteristics, programs, special needs, legal requirements and instructional strategies, related to the education of students with exceptionalities. A deeper understanding of discipline-specific literacy skills and strategies will be covered, as well as, acronyms used in the state and region that are unique to the special education field. Course fulfills three credit hours towards an Occupational Licensure certification. Course may not be substituted for education degree program credit without permission of the department; may also require additional coursework. (As needed)
30027Diagnosis and EvaluationCTE3033Elizabeth WhiteJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Designed to develop skills in selecting, constructing, administering and interpreting instruments appropriate for assessing differing needs and achievement of students in the classroom. Criterion-based assessment and their classroom relevance will be reviewed. Instructor will continue to promote the use of academic and discipline-specific vocabulary. Course fulfills three credit hours towards an Occupational Licensure certification. Course may not be substituted for education degree program credit without permission of the department; may also require additional coursework. (As needed)
30028Educational PsychologyCTE3253Sally JonesJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Introduction to the psychology of learning, motivation, and social development. The course focus will be on the development of learning theory, psychological and environmental factors that influence learning and the validity of various learning paradigms. Academic and discipline-specific vocabulary will be covered. Course fulfills three credit hours towards an Occupational Licensure certification. Course may not be substituted for education degree program credit without permission of the department; may also require additional coursework.
30273Understanding DanceDANC1103Sarah McCormickMay 13, 2024May 31, 2024
3) General survey of the development of dance as an art form from primitive times to the present. (F, Sp)
30294Basic Driver & Traffic SafetyDSED4303Tara Tansil-GentryJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) The course will explore driver education in the secondary school, paying particular attention to traffic laws and enforcement, traffic engineering and educational theory. Lesson planning and peer teaching will be evaluated. (Su)
30306Adv Driver & Traffic Safety EdDSED4353Tara Tansil-GentryJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) The course will explore advanced driver education concepts of various driving activities involving instructional aids germane to Drivers Education in the public schools (i.e. simulators, range equipment). Prereq: DSED 430 or 630. (Su)
30313Gen Safety EducDSED4203Tara Tansil-GentryMay 13, 2024May 31, 2024
(3) A background in characteristics of effective teaching and techniques for safety principles, practices and procedures. The cause and prevention of accidents in the home, school and community as related to modern living. (Su)
30213Interm Micro TheoryECON3113William DavisJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) An in-depth analysis of supply and demand and their elasticities, the allocation of resources and price determination in various market models, an analysis of consumption and marginal utility and other topics. Prereq: ECON 201-202. (F, Su)
30330Principles of MacroeconomicsECON2013Richard NanneyJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) An introduction to the economic problem, the basics of supply and demand, national income accounting, fiscal and monetary policy and other topics. Coreq: A college level math course. (F, Sp, Su)
30331Principles of MicroeconomicsECON2023Richard NanneyJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) An in-depth analysis of supply and demand, the economics of production and cost and analysis of firm behavior in various market models, resource markets and the international economy and other topics. Coreq: A college level math course. (F, Sp, Su)
30409WShop:Teaching as a ProfessionEDST2901Michael SpauldingJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(1-3) Workshop on selected topics. No more than nine hours of workshop credit may be applied to an undergraduate degree in education. Cannot be repeated for credit under the same workshop title. (As needed)
30153CompositionENGL1123Daniel PiggJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) (TBR: ENGL 1020) Further study of written English and practice in composition. Readings and research writing with documentation. Predominantly a skills course. Students must complete ENGL 111 and 112 in sequence. For successful completion of ENGL 112, students must earn a grade of C or higher. (F, Sp, Su)
30176CompositionENGL1123Melissa BurneyJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) (TBR: ENGL 1020) Further study of written English and practice in composition. Readings and research writing with documentation. Predominantly a skills course. Students must complete ENGL 111 and 112 in sequence. For successful completion of ENGL 112, students must earn a grade of C or higher. (F, Sp, Su)
30178CompositionENGL1113David WilliamsJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) (TBR: ENGL 1010) Introduction to the fundamentals of written discourse. Study of rhetoric, grammar and style as means to effective prose. Readings and concomitant writing assignments. Predominantly a skills course. Students must complete ENGL 111 and 112 in sequence. In order to proceed to ENGL 112, students must complete ENGL 111 with a grade of C or higher. (F, Sp, Su)
30185British Literary TraditionsENGL2503Daniel PiggJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) (TBR: ENGL 2210) English literature from Beowulf through the Neoclassic period. Prereq: ENGL 112, 112H, or 113. (F, Sp)
30235Technical CommunicationsENGL3253Trisha CapanskyJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) Introduction to written, oral and electronic media in professional fields such as criminal justice, engineering, agriculture and business. Topics include memoranda, letters, proposals, feasibility reports, oral presentations and on-line communications. Prereq: ENGL 112,112H, or 113 and one course within the student’s major field of study. (F, Sp)
30237American Literary TraditionsENGL2603Melvin HillJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) (TBR: ENGL 2110) American literature from the pre-Colonial period through the Romantic period. Prereq: ENGL 112, 112H, or 113. (F, Sp)
30238American Literary TraditionsENGL2613Melvin HillJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) (TBR: ENGL 2120) American literature from the Realistic period to the present. ENGL 261 may be taken before ENGL 260. Prereq: ENGL 112, 112H, or 113. (F, Sp)
30270British Literary TraditionsENGL2513Melissa BurneyJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) (TBR: ENGL 2220) English literature from the Romantic period to the present. ENGL 251 may be taken before ENGL 250. Prereq: ENGL 112, 112H, or 113. (F, Sp)
30704Southern LiteratureENGL4403Ashley GoulderJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) A study of humorists, local colorists and realists in relation to the Southern tradition in literature from William Byrd to the present. (Sp-odd)
30314Cardio Exercise PhysiologyEXSC4343Todd ShermanMay 13, 2024May 31, 2024
(3) Overview of the physiological mechanisms underlying healthy and disease cardiac function during acute and chronic exercise and how those components adapt to and benefit from a systematic program of exercise training. Prereq: HPER 327, HPED 300 or EXSC 430. (F, Sp)
30216Managerial FinanceFIN3013Mahmoud HaddadJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) The domestic and multinational corporation, its operating, legal and tax environment. Financial statement analysis, long-term investment decisions, security valuation, cost of capital, international finance, and sources of long-term financing. Prereq: ACCT 201 or ACCT 300; and ECON 201 or ECON 202. (F, Sp, Su)
30217International FinFIN3323Mark FarleyJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) Financing the multinational corporation, hedging and arbitrage, foreign exchange, Eurodollar and Euro-bond markets and cost of capital are covered topics. Capital budgeting for foreign acquisitions and investments are covered. Currency value changes and the impact upon the balance sheet and corporate cash flows are covered. Prereq: Grade of C or better in FIN 301. (Sp)
30253Fin Markets & InstitutionsFIN3413Brittany ColeJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) A study of the wide range of markets and instruments used to finance projects and control risk in today’s global economy. Students are introduced to the operational, regulatory and transitory characteristics of capital markets and financial institutions. Topics in this application-oriented course include the monetary system, stock, bond, mortgage, futures and options markets, pension funds, investment firms, commercial banks, credit unions, mutual funds and insurance companies. Prereq: ACCT 201 or 300, and ECON 201 or 202. (F)
30516Investment AnalysisFIN3113Brittany ColeJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) An introductory course on the basics of investing in bonds and common stocks. Topics covered include the operations of stock and bond markets, fundamental and technical analysis of stocks, bond portfolio management, options and futures. Prereq: Grade of C or better in FIN 301. (F, Su)
30355SpTp: Fen Stu MinicourseGENS3301Ashley BynumJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
30356General Studies MinicourseGENS3801Ashley BynumJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
30357General Studies MinicourseGENS3811Ashley BynumJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
30171Geoscience in Everyday LifeGEOS1104Thomas DePriestJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(4) A survey of the geosciences as they apply to societal issues. Topics include earthquakes, volcanoes, natural resources, water availability issues, severe weather, flooding, mass wasting, pollution, pandemics, and other natural phenomena. Scientific data and tools by which the Earth is studied will also be introduced. Three hours lecture and two hours lab.
30172Geoscience Everyday Life LabGEOS110L Thomas DePriestJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
30173Earth Materials and ProcessesGEOS1204Thomas DePriestJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(4) An examination of the composition and structure of the Earth, its internal and surface processes, and applications to the environment and society. Topics include geologic time, minerals and atomic structure, the rock cycle, plate tectonics, Earth’s internal structure, deformation processes, and geomorphology. Prereq. GEOS 110, or two semesters of university-level lab science coursework.
30174Earth Materials&Processes LabGEOS120L Thomas DePriestJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
30628Geoscience in Everyday LifeGEOS1104Thomas DePriestJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(4) A survey of the geosciences as they apply to societal issues. Topics include earthquakes, volcanoes, natural resources, water availability issues, severe weather, flooding, mass wasting, pollution, pandemics, and other natural phenomena. Scientific data and tools by which the Earth is studied will also be introduced. Three hours lecture and two hours lab.
30629Geoscience Everyday Life LabGEOS110L Thomas DePriestJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
30292Introduction to EpidemiologyHHP3303Claret OnukoguJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) Introduction to the basic principles and methods of epidemiology. Topics to be covered include the historical perspective of epidemiology, measures of disease occurrence and association, clinical epidemiology, disease screening, causal inference and study design. (F, Sp)
30293Human SexualityHHP3533Laura BrownJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) This course addresses the relationship between health and human sexuality, focusing on the prevention of disease, disorder and dysfunction. Content examines the broad range of attitudes, behaviors, knowledge, practices and myths pertaining to sexuality. (F, Sp)
30304Substance Abuse PreventionHHP3513Janet WilbertJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) This course examines the scope of substance abuse in the United States and explores the various strategies of prevention. Addictive behaviors, dependence and short and long term consequences of drug use and abuse including prescription drugs, illicit street drugs and ergogenic substances will be covered. Students may not receive credit for this class and Psychology 360. (F, Sp)
30305Stress ManagementHHP3253Laura BrownJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) This course is designed to help people know how to cope with stress in their lives. Being able to manage stress in a positive manner enhances the potential for maximum performance both professionally and personally. This course teaches the student how to recognize negative and positive stressors and how to cope accordingly. (As needed)
30378Healthy AgingHHP3603Laura TaylorJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) This course addresses the physical, psychological, cultural and social issues associated with being an older person in our society. Students enrolled in this course will learn factors and influences associated with aging and what can be done to perhaps slow the aging process. (Sp)
30156Dev World Civil IHIST1213Benjamin GuyerJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) (TBR: HIST 1110) Studies the formation, interactions, and development of world civilizations and cultures from ancient beginnings to 1500. (F, Sp, Su)
30157Dev World Civil IIHIST1223Benjamin GuyerJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) (TBR: HIST 1120.) Studies the formation, interactions, and development of world civilizations and cultures from 1500 to the present. (F, Sp, Su)
30202Hist Of U SHIST2023Timothy SmithJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) (TBR: HIST 2020) A study of the main currents and developments in American life from 1877 to the present. (F, Sp, Su)
30276Hist Of U SHIST2013Timothy SmithMay 13, 2024May 31, 2024
(3) (TBR: HIST 2010) A study of the main currents and developments in American life from colonial times to 1877. (F, Sp, Su)
30517SpTp: History of BaseballHIST4803Adam WilsonJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) Classes in one or more of the following areas: (a) interdisciplinary approaches to historical periods and (b) specialized topics suitable for in-depth study. May be repeated for credit (with different topic). Only six hours of undergraduate topics courses (460, 470, 480 or 490) can be counted toward the major or minor. Not regularly offered. (As needed)
30518Imperial America 1877-1900HIST4443Timothy SmithJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) A critical examination of the pivotal era in U.S. history, with special attention given to such topics as Gilded Age politics and culture, the final subjugation of the American Indians, the closing of the frontier, and America’s expanding involvement overseas, including its war with Spain and its conquest of the Philippines. (F-odd)
30519Sr Sem: Hist Research & WritHIST4993Timothy SmithJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) A theme-based writing seminar designed to promote scholarly expression and hone analytical and critical thinking skills. Students will learn the mechanics of historical writing and editing in a closely directed environment while acquiring skills essential to professional development. Themes will be selected by the instructor. This course is required for all History Majors and should be taken before the student’s final semester. Prereq: HIST 299. (F, Sp)
30593SpTp: American RevolutionHIST4803Daniel McDonoughJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) Classes in one or more of the following areas: (a) interdisciplinary approaches to historical periods and (b) specialized topics suitable for in-depth study. May be repeated for credit (with different topic). Only six hours of undergraduate topics courses (460, 470, 480 or 490) can be counted toward the major or minor. Not regularly offered. (As needed)
30611Mod Middle East 1800-PresentHIST3243Richard GarlitzJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) This course surveys major political and cultural developments in the Middle East over the last two centuries, emphasizing interactions with the West, the development of secular nation-states, the nature of Arab nationalism and the Arab-Israeli dispute, oil diplomacy, and the Islamist revival. Time is reserved for discussion of topics that have acquired a broad contemporary significance. (Sp-odd)
30113Educ PsychHLRN3253Texas CulverJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) An overview of the application of psychology to the teaching/learning process. The creation of an effective learning environment is emphasized through the study of the teaching process, human development, learner differences, learning theory and motivation. (F, Sp)
30149Technology IntegrationHLRN3113Michael SpauldingMay 13, 2024May 31, 2024
(3) Overview of methods for integrating technology into the K-12 curriculum. Emphasis is on the application of technology-based strategies and web-based resources to support and promote diverse, learner-centered classroom environments. (F, Sp)
30295Principles & Concept Pers HlthHLTH1113Matthew CupplesJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Development of the understandings, attitudes and practices which contribute to better individual health. (F, Sp)
30379Adv First Aid, CPR and AEDHLTH2203Angelina CulleyJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Procedures for emergency care and accident prevention. American Red Cross certification in Advanced First Aid, CPR and AED are available. (F, Sp)
30303Motor Dev & Lrng Acrs LifespanHPER3503Stuart CurrieJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) An examination of the motor development and motor learning principles as they relate to the teaching-learning process for human movement from birth to old age. Includes discussion regarding the maintenance of motor skills and activities of daily living throughout middle and older adulthood. (F, Sp)
30312Nutr for Hlth Fitness & SportHPER4353Brian CarrollJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Examines the role of nutrition for the physically active individual as it relates to health-related fitness and athletic performance. Topics include the human energy system, macro and micronutrients, weight management, hydration and nutritional supplements. Prereq: NUTR 100; EXSC 430 or any human anatomy and/or physiology with a lab, or instructor’s approval. (F, Sp)
30377Fitness & Hlth Promotion PractHPER3022Todd ShermanJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(2) An introduction to a variety of career opportunities, developing a professional résumé, professional philosophy, professional goals and objectives and a professional portfolio. Includes a 45 hour supervised study and experience with a cooperating agency. Application must be approved and liability insurance purchased before student may enroll. Prereq: Student must be a Department of Health and Human Performance major. (As needed)
30170Senior SeminarIDST4903Deborah GibsonJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) The capstone course associated with the Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies major. A theme-based writing seminar designed to promote scholarly expression; to synthesize connections among experiences outside of the formal classroom; to make connections across disciplines; to solve difficult problems; to clearly express interdependence of language, thought, and expression; to develop a sense of self as a learner building on prior experiences; and to draw conclusions by combining more than one field of study or perspective. This course is required for all Interdisciplinary Studies majors and should be taken in their last semester of study and completed with a grade of C or better. Prereq: Interdisciplinary Studies major. (F, Sp, Su)
30219Mgt Inform SystemINFS3103Charles FoltzJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) A comprehensive overview of the use of management information systems and their applications to all functional areas of business including technical foundations and implementation of management and support information systems. Prereq: Junior standing. (F, Sp)
30359People, Power and ChangeLDSP3213Darren EkeyJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) Analysis of social and scientific leaders. Special focus shall be placed on resources, innovation, control, power, influence, and the role ideas play in cultural development. Students will combine selected readings, films, and lecture materials to better grasp fundamentals of leadership. This academic approach to the study and researching of leadership will provide students with a firm understanding of the subject matter as well as an appreciation for the opportunities all challenges supply. Emphasis will additionally be placed on individual leadership development within our modern and emerging American political-economic environment. (F)
30476Children's LiteratureLIBS4513Lauren CampbellJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) Survey of the history of children’s literature and examination of materials suitable for children in grades K-9 to use for leisure time or classroom activities. Criteria for selecting books, magazines, recordings, films, videos and computer software. Storytelling and other strategies for developing appreciation of literature. (F, Sp)
30154Elementary Statistics & ProbabMATH2103Curtis KunkelJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) An introduction to descriptive and inferential statistics. Topics include basic probability, measures of central tendency and variability, graphical representations of data, correlation and linear regression, random variables and probability distributions, sampling distributions, tests of hypotheses about means and proportions for one and two populations, confidence interval estimation of parameters, and utilization of statistical software. Prereq: MATH 100-MATH 110, or MATH 130, or MATH 140, or MATH 170, or MATH 185, or MATH 251 or appropriate mathematics placement. (Fall, Spring)
30188Essentials of Algebra Part IMATH1004Susan HamiltonJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(4) Functions and their graphs (including polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic), exponents, roots, radicals, rational expression, factoring polynomials, zeroes of polynomials, solutions of linear and nonlinear equations and inequalities, systems of equations, matrices and determinants, inverse functions. In order to proceed to MATH 110, students must complete MATH 100 with a grade of C or better. MATH 100 may not be substituted for MATH 110. MATH 100 cannot be used to satisfy the general education requirement. Credit may not be received for both MATH 100-MATH 110 and MATH 140. (Fall, Spring)
30189Mathematics LabMATH100L Susan HamiltonJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
30198Precalculus College AlgebraMATH1403Dana GatewoodJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) Functions (e.g. , polynomial, rational, exponential and logarithmic). Zeroes of polynomials. Solutions of systems of equations. Matrices and determinants. Other selected topics from algebra. Credit may not be received for both MATH 140 and MATH 100-MATH 110. Prereq: Two units of high school algebra, and appropriate mathematics placement. (Fall, Spring)
30241Essentials of Algebra Part IIMATH1104Susan HamiltonJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(4) Functions and their graphs (including polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic), exponents, roots, radicals, rational expression, factoring polynomials, zeroes of polynomials, solutions of linear and nonlinear equations and inequalities, systems of equations, matrices and determinants, inverse functions. In order to proceed to MATH 110, students must complete MATH 100 with a grade of C or better. MATH 100 may not be substituted for MATH 110. MATH 100 cannot be used to satisfy the general education requirement. Credit may not be received for both MATH 100-MATH 110 and MATH 140. (Fall, Spring)
30242Mathematics LabMATH110L Susan HamiltonJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
30243Precalculus College AlgebraMATH1403Dana GatewoodJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Functions (e.g. , polynomial, rational, exponential and logarithmic). Zeroes of polynomials. Solutions of systems of equations. Matrices and determinants. Other selected topics from algebra. Credit may not be received for both MATH 140 and MATH 100-MATH 110. Prereq: Two units of high school algebra, and appropriate mathematics placement. (Fall, Spring)
30220Management and BehaviorMGT3003Benton JohnsonJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) This is a study of managerial functions and decision-making and how these affect human behavior within organizations. This course also includes consideration of organizational structure and organizational dynamics relative to the environments. Prereq: MATH 110 or higher; ECON 201 or ECON 202; have earned a minimum of 45 hours credit. (F, Sp, Su)
30221Intro to EntrepreneurshipMGT3043Brandon KilburnJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) This course provides the student with fundamentals of entrepreneurship and covers the entrepreneurial process from conception to harvest of the new venture. The student will be involved in writing a business plan. It concentrates on identifying the attributes of entrepreneurs, the process of searching for opportunities, evaluating the viability of a new venture, financing, starting and operating the new venture. Prereq: Junior standing or instructor’s permission. (F)
30222Creativity & InnovationMGT3053Paul McCulloughJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) Intensive practice in the use of contemporary approaches to the creative process, including use of proven aids for developing innovative ideas. The generation of creative designs of products, processes and services with emphasis on commercial applications is stressed. Considerable emphasis on intellectual contribution that can be patented or copyrighted. Prereq: Junior standing. (as needed)
30223Small & Family Oper BusinessMGT3073Brandon KilburnJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) Course is designed for students interested in the issues, problems and unique concerns of family business involvement and management. Cases, videos, readings and guest lectures focus on critical aspects of family business management. Course is organized around the following themes: understanding the family business systems theory, culture and stages of evolution; individual development and career planning; management of family structure, conflicts and relationships; and organizational issues including succession and estate planning, strategic planning and formalizing the firm. Prereq: Junior standing or instructor’s permission. (as needed)
30224Operations ManagementMGT3103Taeuk KangJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) Management of business transformation processes. A survey of the basic concepts, principles and practices involved in the design, implementation, operation and control of business processes (operations) in contemporary business organizations. Emphasis is placed on the integration of the operation function with other disciplines to foster achievement of strategic and tactical goals in both manufacturing and service organizations. Topical coverage includes operations strategy, product/service design, process design, contemporary quality management, forecasting, capacity planning, facility location and layout, work design and scheduling, production planning and control with a broad emphasis on goal-driven process and productivity management and quality management. Prereq: MATH 210 and either MGT 300 or MGT 301, or ENGR 311 and Instructor Approval. (Same as INEG 310.) (F, Sp, Su)
30225Process Control & ImprovementMGT3303Taeuk KangJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) A methodology for selecting, defining, measuring, stabilizing, evaluating and improving both production and service processes is presented. A variety of analytical methods are utilized in the sequence of instruction including the seven simple tools of quality, metrology, SPC, process capability analysis and experimental design. Prereq: Junior standing. (Same as INEG 330.) (Sp)
30226International ManagementMGT4613Jamye LongJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) A study of the rapidly changing global environment and the ability of organizations to adapt to these changes. This study of changes includes developing countries, legal and political issues, ethical values and social responsibility, strategic and operational decisions and the role of culture in motivating and building an effective workforce. Students will complete projects and presentations that will demonstrate understanding and application of concepts and theories. Prereq: MGT 300 or MGT 301. (F, Sp, Su)
30254Data Analysis for Mgr Dec MakgMGT3203Samuel FaughtJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Managerial decision making is emphasized based on the detection and evaluation of patterns in multiple factor databases related to particular managerial problems. Given the nature of the data, appropriate hypothesis tests and statistical tests of hypotheses will be applied including regression and correlation analysis, analysis of variance, crosstabs and multivariate regression. Use of standard computer programs to analyze the data will be incorporated. Prereq: MATH 210 or equivalent. (F, Su)
30255Human Resource MgtMGT3503Jamye LongJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Personnel principles, functions and practices, relating to managing human resources in organizations, the development of personnel practices and currently accepted practices in personnel management. Prereq: MGT 300 or 301 or SPMG 305. (F, Sp, Su)
30256Compensation MgtMGT4503Paul McCulloughJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) A study of the design and administration of compensation systems. Examination of job analysis, job evaluation, compensation research, pay structure design and employee benefits management. Prereq: MGT 350. (Sp-odd)
30258Topics In Mgt Business EthicsMGT4763Benton JohnsonJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Selected topics in management offered on an occasional basis for qualified students. Admission by permission of instructor only. (as needed)
30259Topics In Mgt Supervisory MgtMGT4783Jamye LongJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Selected topics in management offered on an occasional basis for qualified students. Admission by permission of instructor only. (as needed)
30260Topics Mgt Conflict ResolutionMGT4793Benton JohnsonJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) Selected topics in management offered on an occasional basis for qualified students. Admission by permission of instructor only. (as needed)
30261Business PolicyMGT4903Brandon KilburnJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(4) A capstone course focusing on policy, strategy and the integration of all business functional areas, including analysis of the implications and relevance of social, ethical, environmental, competitive and international considerations for top-level organizational decision making. Students are required to write case reports and give oral presentations. Additionally, professional preparation including; resume building, interviewing skills and ethics will be included. Prereq: ACCT 201, 202; BLAW 201 or 301; ECON 201, 202; FIN 301; INFS 310 or ACCT 461; INFS 351; MGT 300 or 301, 310; MKTG 301. This course may be taken only by students majoring in business disciplines. Students must take this course during their last semester of study. (F, Sp, Su)
30579Labor Relations MgmtMGT3403Sean WalkerJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) An analysis of the relationship between management of private and public sector enterprises and labor organizations. The examination of the development, government and functions of labor unions, the legal environment of labor relations, union organizing campaigns and the collective bargaining process. Prereq: ECON 201-202. (F)
30601Sustainable Manage PracticesMGT4623Paul McCulloughJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) This course investigates the evolving understanding of what it means to manage social systems sustainably, in a world of finite resources and rapid innovation. Junior standing or instructor's permission. (As needed)
30227Bus Tools & Tech in MktgMKTG2053Derek EzellJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) Provides hands-on education in word processing, presentation, spreadsheet, social media, electronic communication, and other technologies involving product planning, distribution, promotion, and pricing. Students will learn the capabilities and efficiencies of these tools for analysis and for communicating with internal and external stakeholders. Specific emphasis will be placed on effective use of these technologies within a variety of professional marketing contexts. (Fall , Summer)
30228Principles of MarketingMKTG3013Ashley KilburnJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) Introduction to the complexity of the modern marketing system— why it is essential and how it performs. Identification and examination of business activities involved in the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organization objectives. Prereqs: MATH 110 or higher; ECON 201 or ECON 202; have earned a minimum of 45 hours credit. (F, Sp, Su)
30229Marketing ResearchMKTG3603Hyung Jin ParkJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) A study of marketing research as an aid to marketing decision making. Emphasis will be placed on problem defining, data collection and analysis of data applied to the solution of marketing problems. Students are required to develop and present written marketing research reports and make oral presentations. Prereq: Junior standing. (F, Sp, Su)
30264Advertising & Promotion MgmtMKTG3303Ashley KilburnJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) Study of the theory and practice of advertising and other promotion mix elements as they relate to the development of an integrated marketing communication program. Application of advertising theory to current advertisements. Emphasis on the use of advertising and the promotion mix in developing marketing strategy from a managerial perspective. Prereq: MKTG 301. (F, Su)
30265Logistics Supply Chain MgtMKTG3403Ashley KilburnJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) An introduction to logistics management. A study of the decisions involved in the flow and storage of goods, services and information from supplier to the end user. Topics include purchasing and materials management, transportation decisions, quality, customer satisfaction and the nature of relationships between firms within the channel of distribution. Prereq: Junior standing. (Sp, Su)
30266Service MarketingMKTG3503Hyung Jin ParkJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) A study of marketing concepts and the extension of the marketing management process beyond the traditional role in the physical products area. To develop an understanding of the creative translation required in the supplemental and core marketing mix for services. Emphasis on the development of marketing strategy and analysis of the distinctive aspects of service marketing, including the role of internal relationships. Prereq: MKTG 301. (Su-even)
30528Marketing ChannelsMKTG4703Hyung Jin ParkJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) This course explains how to build, modify, and maintain efficient and effective channel structures and helps to improve ability to use the already acquired knowledge in practice using case study. (as needed)
30599Consumer BehaviorMKTG3203Derek EzellJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) An analysis of consumer buying behavior, including attitudes, perception, learning, involvement, personality, culture and subculture, reference group and family influence and group communication. These are studied in the context of marketing decision-making, particularly decisions about market segmentation, product positioning, advertising and research. Prereq: MKTG 301. (F, Sp, Su)
30600Strat Mktg and MetricsMKTG4653Derek EzellJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Application of analytical skills and strategic perspectives using marketing metrics to address real-world questions, problems, and opportunities present in competitive marketing situations. An opportunity for students to track, measure, and assess real-world data using metric-based analysis to support decision-making regarding segmentation, targeting and positioning, satisfaction management, customer choice, customer profitability, product, pricing, distribution, and promotion decisions. Pre-Req: MKTG 301 and senior standing. (Fall , Spring)
30520Public SpeakingMMSC2303Chara Van HornJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) Study and application of basic communication theory in the preparation and delivery of extemporaneous informative and persuasive speeches and in critical listening. Prereq: Minimum grade of C in ENGL 111. (F, Sp)
30578Public CommunicationMMSC2293Angela GlunzJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) Study and application of communication theory through preparation and delivery of video presentations utilizing appropriate technology and visual aids. Includes research and analysis of data and information addressing key communication presentation topics. This course is equivalent to COMM 230 and is for students seeking online degree completion only. Instructor approval required. Prereq: Minimum grade of C in ENGL 110 or 111.
30683Public SpeakingMMSC2303Angela GlunzJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) Study and application of basic communication theory in the preparation and delivery of extemporaneous informative and persuasive speeches and in critical listening. Prereq: Minimum grade of C in ENGL 111. (F, Sp)
30690Public SpeakingMMSC2303Chara Van HornJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) Study and application of basic communication theory in the preparation and delivery of extemporaneous informative and persuasive speeches and in critical listening. Prereq: Minimum grade of C in ENGL 111. (F, Sp)
30208Understanding MusicMUS1123Roberto MancusiJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) An introduction to music’s aesthetic principles and its role in life through examining music from a variety of genres, cultures and historical periods. May not be used toward a major in music. (Fall , Spring)
30271Hist Survey of Popular MusicMUS1153Douglas OwensJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) An exploration of popular folk music throughout history. Topics will include the dissemination of secular music through medieval troubadours in Western Europe, the origins and influences of African-American slave song, and the influence of modern era politics on musicians such as Woody Guthrie and Bob Dylan. A special emphasis will be placed on the study of rock and roll and its derivative subgenres. (As needed)
30279Understanding MusicMUS1123Roberto MancusiMay 13, 2024May 31, 2024
(3) An introduction to music’s aesthetic principles and its role in life through examining music from a variety of genres, cultures and historical periods. May not be used toward a major in music. (Fall , Spring)
30735Understanding MusicMUS1123Charles LewisJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) An introduction to music’s aesthetic principles and its role in life through examining music from a variety of genres, cultures and historical periods. May not be used toward a major in music. (Fall , Spring)
30605Population HealthNURS4055Gloria BrowningJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
30606Population Health LabNURS405L Gloria BrowningJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
30607Lead and Mgmt (Prof Role Dev)NURS4435Gloria BrowningJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
Facilitates the transition from student to the role of the professional nurse as a leader and manager in the delivery of health care. The course provides a strong emphasis on the development of leadership, including the organization, planning, staffing, managing change, responsibilities in delegation, and patient advocacy. Clinical goals include advanced progression of independence and confidence in nursing practice, implementing clinical decision making, and theoretical application of nursing leadership and management concepts.
30608Lead& Mgmt (Prof Role Dev) LabNURS443L Gloria BrowningJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
30093Intro NutritionNUTR1003Brian CarrollJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Introduction to macro and micronutrients, including their role in human nutrition and wellness. Nutrient needs of healthy individuals discussed. Legislation and regulation of U.S. food supply discussed, including impact of global interdependence of food availability. (F, Sp)
30179Adventure Of Ideas: HistoricalPHIL1103James FieserJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) A historical introduction to philosophy course covering classical Greek, Asian, medieval, and early modern philosophical thought. Philosophers covered include Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Epicurus, Augustine, Aquinas, Descartes, Locke, Hume, and Kant. (As needed)
30180Exploring EthicsPHIL1603Matthew BraddockJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) A topical introduction to the main theories and problems in ethics, including utilitarian, Kantian, and virtue theories, and contemporary issues such as abortion, euthanasia, animal rights and environmental ethics. (As needed)
30300Adventure Of Ideas: ContempPHIL1203James FieserJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) (TBR: PHIL 1030) A topical introduction to philosophy course covering recent philosophical discussions of God’s existence, mind, free will, knowledge, morality and government. (As needed)
30522BioethicsPHIL3503Matthew BraddockJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Discussion of major ethical controversies in biology and health care including abortion, euthanasia, human cloning, stem cell research, genetic manipulations, allocation of medical resources, and medical paternalism. (As needed)
30523Intro Plant & Soil SciPLSC1103Isaac LepchaJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Economic importance of plants and their relationship to agriculture and society. Plant structure, physiology and heredity. Factors of the environment in relation to growth, adaptation and management of plants. Utilization of plant products. (F, Sp)
30236Paralegal Stud: Legal Term/WrPOSC3913Trisha CapanskyJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) An introduction to the legal language and the style of legal writing commonly used legal terms, writing of law office and trial memoranda, trial court briefs, appellate briefs and the abstracting of depositions. Prereq: POSC 210-220 or instructor’s approval. (Sp)
30268Introduction to World PoliticsPOSC2303Adnan RasoolJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) An introductory survey of leading theories and concepts resulting in an understanding of world politics. The course examines domestic and international aspects of global affairs while focusing on democratization, economic development, conflict, and cooperation. (F, Sp)
30269Amer Govt & PoliticsPOSC2103Trisha CapanskyJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) A survey of the origins, structure and functions of the political system in the United States on the national, state and local levels. Development of American constitutionalism, federalism and intergovernmental relations, parties, interest groups, elections, civil rights and civil liberties. (F, Sp, Su)
30358Judicial ProcessPOSC4513Ashley BynumJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) A study of federal and state court structures and their environments with emphasis on the role that each level of court plays in the American legal system. The staffing of the courts and the process of judicial decision-making. Political Science, Independent Study, Internships, Research, Travel-Study and Topics Courses (F)
30597Amer Political Instit & PolicyPOSC2203Liam HayesJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) A survey of the origin and structure of political decision making in the various institutions of American government, including the legislative, judicial, and executive branches. The course also places an emphasis on the public policy process as it relates to issues on domestic and foreign policy. (F, Sp, Su)
30598American Foreign PolicyPOSC3223Adnan RasoolJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) A study and critical analysis of major international and domestic factors shaping US foreign relations. (Sp)
30199Introduction to PsychologyPSYC1013Angelina MacKewnJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) This is an introductory course which surveys the field of psychology including the following major areas: research methods and findings, biological, learning and cognition, developmental, social, personality, and psychological disorders. Student may receive credit for either the PSYC 110-120 sequence or PSYC 101, but not both. (F, Sp, Su)
30200Developmental PsychPSYC3133Colin KeyJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) A theoretical and empirical study of human cognitive, social and personality development spanning prenatal development to death. Primary emphasis on psychological growth and change in infancy, childhood and adolescence. Prereq: PSYC 101. (F, Sp, Su)
30201Psych, Forensics, & the LawPSYC3713Brian JohnsonJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) The course subject matter examines areas where the fields of psychology and criminal justice intersect. Content from the psychology fields of clinical, cognitive, industrial-organizational, and social psychology will be highlighted as they relate to issues relevant to identification of potential suspects up to and including the trial and sentencing of those convicted of crimes. Coverage will include but is not limited to interrogations, polygraph testing, criminal profiling, eyewitness memory and testimony, competency issues, insanity issues, jury selection and decision-making, and sentencing. Prereq: PSYC 101 or instructor approval. Students will not receive credit for both PSYC 365: Special Topics: Psychology, Forensics, and The Law and PSYC 371.
30244Social PsychPSYC3123Brian JohnsonJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) The psychological and sociological study of how people’s actions, emotions and moods, and thoughts are influenced by those around them. Content focuses on the three main areas of research in the field: social cognition and perception, social influence, and social interactions and relations. Content in the course will focus on concepts such as interpersonal attraction, prejudice and stereotyping, group influences, conformity, and persuasion but is not limited to these areas. Prereq: Three hours general psychology (PSYC 101) or general sociology (SOC 201, 202, or 308). (Same as SOC 312.) (F, Sp)
30246Health PsychologyPSYC3253Angelina MacKewnJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) A course covering psychological, environmental, and behavioral factors as they relate to health concerns. Writing requirements may include essay examinations and research papers. (As needed)
30274Human Relations & Personal AdjPSYC3103Sherry BrittMay 13, 2024May 31, 2024
(3) The psychological study of the principles and practices of human relations skills in organizations and how they impact adjustment in everyday life. Content in the course will primarily focus on concepts that apply to both areas (such as communication, conflict resolution, stress management, diversity, and motivation). (Sp, Su)
30275Drugs and BehaviorPSYC3603Sherry BrittMay 13, 2024May 31, 2024
(3) Effects of recreational and therapeutic drugs on the brain and behavior. Coverage includes depressants, stimulants, narcotics, hallucinogens, and psychotherapeutics drugs. A major component of the course includes understanding addiction and how it is treated. Students may not receive credit for PSYC 360 and HLTH/HHP 351. (F)
30612Abnormal PsychPSYC3503Sherry BrittJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) A study of the biological and psychological factors underlying abnormal behavior. The dynamics of psychological models, patterns of abnormal behavior and nontechnical discussion of diagnostic and therapeutic methods. Prereq: PSYC 101. (F)
30272Intro to Religious StudiesRLST2013Daniel PiggMay 13, 2024May 31, 2024
(3) An introduction to the academic study of religion. Attention to definitions, sacred story, ritual, space and time, religious experience, theodicy, organization, politics, and human existence and destiny. Contemporary issues and religious perspectives will be explored. (F)
30245Social PsychologySOC3123Brian JohnsonJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) The psychological and sociological study of how people’s actions, emotions and moods, and thoughts are influenced by those around them. Content focuses on the three main areas of research in the field: social cognition and perception, social influence, and social interactions and relations. Content in the course will focus on concepts such as interpersonal attraction, prejudice and stereotyping, group influences, conformity, and persuasion but is not limited to these areas. Prereq: Three hours general psychology (PSYC 101) or general sociology (SOC 201, 202, or 308). (Same as PSYC 312.) (F, Sp)
30287Social ProblemsSOC2023Justin MartinJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Analysis of selected contemporary social problems in their social and cultural setting. Develop an awareness of local, national and international social problems. Learn and apply sociological perspectives to the analysis of social problems. SOC 202 is a service learning course, and students are required to complete volunteer community service hours and attend an assigned number of campus events. (F, Sp)
30297General SociologySOC2013Aaron RowlandJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) Study of human society and the means by which groups and individuals adjust; the nature of social process, social structure, social organization (institutions) and social change. (F, Sp)
30542CriminologySOC4133Tina LeeJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Problems, theory, cause, control and prevention of criminal behavior. (Same as CJ 325/525.) (F, Sp)
30160Elementary SpanishSPAN1113Harriette SpiegelJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) (TBR: SPAN 1010) An introductory course emphasizing listening, speaking, reading and writing. May be used to remove an entrance deficiency or for students with no prior experience in this language. After passing 111, students will take the second semester of the elementary sequence, 122. Three classroom hours. (F, Sp)
30161Interm SpanishSPAN2223Daniel NappoJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) Grammar review, reading, writing and conversation. Prereq: SPAN 122 or equivalent as determined by the department. (F, Sp)
30527Elem SpanishSPAN1223Harriette SpiegelJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) An introductory course emphasizing listening, speaking, reading and writing. Prereq: SPAN 111 or 115 or equivalent as determined by the department. Three classroom hours.
30728Elementary SpanishSPAN1113Harriette SpiegelJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) (TBR: SPAN 1010) An introductory course emphasizing listening, speaking, reading and writing. May be used to remove an entrance deficiency or for students with no prior experience in this language. After passing 111, students will take the second semester of the elementary sequence, 122. Three classroom hours. (F, Sp)
30124Children with ExceptionalitiesSPED3003Laura PlunkJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) An introductory course designed to provide an overview of the field of special education. Principles, characteristics, programs, special needs, legal requirements and instructional strategies related to the education of children with exceptionalities. (F, Sp)
30231Intro to Sport Mgt & AdminSPMG2903Dexter DavisJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
30288Hum Diversity & Oppressed PopuSWRK2203Shelby EastJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Focuses on the dynamics and consequences of discrimination, economic deprivation and oppression on people of color, women, gay and lesbian persons. Other populations at risk are examined and distinguished by age, ethnicity, culture, class and physical or mental ability. Exploration of personal and professional beliefs, values, roles and norms of culturally different clients and the use of culture in formulating appropriate intervention. (F, Sp)
30289SpTp:Mindfulness&SelfCareSWRK4253Ivan AlvaradoJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(1-3) Selected topics of current interest and importance. Prereq: Instructor’s approval. Course may be repeated with different topics. A maximum of nine credit hours can be counted toward a degree in Social Work. (As needed
30298Intro Soc Work & Soc WelfareSWRK2003Ivan AlvaradoJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) Introduces students to the profession of social work and provides an overview of the professional knowledge, skills and values necessary for generalist social work practice. An overview of the historical, philosophical, educational and social dimensions of the social work profession. The origins, structure and characteristics of the American social welfare system. Survey of the needs and problems people bring to social welfare agencies and patterns of societal responses. Special emphasis on rural areas. (F, Sp)
30299Alcohol and DrugsSWRK3653Shelby EastJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) The effects of alcohol and other drugs on the brain and behavior. Takes a look at the components of addiction, and aspects of AOD treatment, including levels of treatment, genetic components impacting addiction and treatment, and best practices in AOD treatment. (As needed)
30250Understanding TheatreTHEA1103Ann HollisJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) An overview of contemporary theatre and drama, initiating basic critical analysis of art and theatre as art in relation to various other art forms and popular entertainment. Particular attention is given to theatre's place in society, its diversity and its relevance to students today. Notable connections are made between theatre and the familiar world of Hollywood, television and film. The roles of the actor, director, playwright and designer are surveyed. (Theatre Appreciation)
30248Vet Technology ParasitologyVET3503Clint AryJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Introduction to parasites including their life cycles, identification, control methods, and zoonoses. Three one-hour lectures. (F)
30249Sm Animal Clin Nutr Vet MediciVET3603Amanda WaldonJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
30277Intro Veterinary TechnologyVET2002Amanda WaldonMay 13, 2024May 31, 2024
(2) Introductory course on the role of the veterinary technician in the veterinary profession. Emphasis placed on ethics, professionalism, legal applications, value of professional organizations, importance of life-long learning, and safety issues. Veterinary office management and computer skills are also covered. Two one-hour lectures. (F)
30278Sm Animal Clin Nutr Vet MediciVET3603Amanda WaldonMay 13, 2024May 31, 2024
30669Vet Technology ParasitologyVET3503Clint AryJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Introduction to parasites including their life cycles, identification, control methods, and zoonoses. Three one-hour lectures. (F)
30541Intro Women's&Gender StudiesWMST2013Renee LaFleurJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Surveys the study of women in society. The primary goal is to explore how gender shapes our views and understandings. A further goal is to explain how class, race, ethnicity and age shape the female experience historically and across cultures. The relationship between cultural definitions of feminine behavior and the reality of women’s lives, roles in work, the family, the arts, politics and the sciences is examined. (as needed)
30098Human Anatomy & Physiology IIZOOL3524Amanda VanhooseJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(4) This course focuses on the structure and function of the endocrine, reproductive, digestive, respiratory, excretory, lymphatic, immune and cardiovascular systems, with additional emphasis on blood, metabolism and the maintenance of fluid and electrolyte balance. Three one-hour lectures and one two-hour lab. Prereq: ZOOL 251 with grade of C or better or instructor’s permission. Students may not receive credit for both ZOOL 252 and ZOOL 352. (F, Sp)
30099Zoology LabZOOL352L Amanda VanhooseJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
30609Human Anatomy & Physiology IIZOOL3524Joaquin GoyretJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(4) This course focuses on the structure and function of the endocrine, reproductive, digestive, respiratory, excretory, lymphatic, immune and cardiovascular systems, with additional emphasis on blood, metabolism and the maintenance of fluid and electrolyte balance. Three one-hour lectures and one two-hour lab. Prereq: ZOOL 251 with grade of C or better or instructor’s permission. Students may not receive credit for both ZOOL 252 and ZOOL 352. (F, Sp)
30630Zoology LabZOOL352L Andrew MorencyJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
Summer 2024 Graduate Courses
CrnTitleSubjectCourseCredit HoursInstructor NameStart DateEnd Date
30210Managerial AccountingACCT7113Ben LeJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(4) Study of accounting as it applies to the managerial function. Includes both managerial input into the accounting system and managerial use of accounting information. Prereq: ACCT 201 or 300. This course may not be used to meet MAc degree requirements. (F)
30252Managerial AccountingACCT7113Yu-Ho ChiJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(4) Study of accounting as it applies to the managerial function. Includes both managerial input into the accounting system and managerial use of accounting information. Prereq: ACCT 201 or 300. This course may not be used to meet MAc degree requirements. (F)
30406Agric Risk Analysis/Dec MakingAGEC7503Rachna TewariJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Application of current risk management techniques to issues specific to the U.S. Agribusiness system. Elements include: production risk; crop insurance; diversification; contract production; integration of systems; market risk; futures and options; minimum price contracts; personal risk; estate planning; organizational concerns; interest rate risk; policy risk. (As needed)
30536Adv Agricultural MarketingAGEC7053Anthony DelmondJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Analytical and empirical treatment of consumer behavior related to food and fiber commodities. Specific topics include creating customer value, market penetration strategies, product positioning, vertical and horizontal integration and market growth. (As needed)
30510GIS for Agriculture & NRMAGET7823Sandra MehlhornJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Principles and application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technologies with emphasis on the use of GIS for collecting, storing and analyzing spatial data associated with agricultural and natural resource-based enterprises. GIS software techniques are developed using an interactive/inductive learning process. Students will collect and analyze data to complete a research project using GIS to answer questions related to an agricultural or natural resources topic. (As needed)
30381Scientific Writ & PresentationAGRI7903Joseph MehlhornJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) A course designed to give graduate students the skills necessary to write a thesis, and to prepare other professional materials for presentation or publication. Topics covered in this course include: searching the scientific literature, scientific writing style; writing graduate level papers, proposals, projects, and thesis components; preparing scientific presentations, presentation of data; using visual aids; and using word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation software. (Same as NRM 790.) (As needed)
30695MR:ImpactPlasticPollutionAGRI7913Anthony DelmondJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(1-3) A major research project associated with agriculture. Research projects shall include: a review of literature, data collection methodology, data presentation and a final written report. May repeat enrollment. No more than three semester hours credit will be counted toward requirements for the MSANR degree. P/N only. (F, Sp, Su)
30725MR:InteBusinModeSustMeatProcAGRI7913Joseph MehlhornJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(1-3) A major research project associated with agriculture. Research projects shall include: a review of literature, data collection methodology, data presentation and a final written report. May repeat enrollment. No more than three semester hours credit will be counted toward requirements for the MSANR degree. P/N only. (F, Sp, Su)
30732MR:CaseStudyHumanFoodbyProdInAAGRI7913Joseph MehlhornJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(1-3) A major research project associated with agriculture. Research projects shall include: a review of literature, data collection methodology, data presentation and a final written report. May repeat enrollment. No more than three semester hours credit will be counted toward requirements for the MSANR degree. P/N only. (F, Sp, Su)
30212Business Law and EthicsBLAW7113Patrick BakerJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) Today’s managers are expected to make decisions that comply with legal and ethical principles. This course increases awareness of ethical, legal and regulatory controls, problems and responsibilities that impact business dealings with government agencies, consumers, employees, competitors, investors and society. Students will develop the ability to identify and address major legal and ethical issues so as to avoid potential liability and to maintain ethical integrity in a competitive global marketplace. (Su)
30384Business Law and EthicsBLAW7113Patrick BakerJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) Today’s managers are expected to make decisions that comply with legal and ethical principles. This course increases awareness of ethical, legal and regulatory controls, problems and responsibilities that impact business dealings with government agencies, consumers, employees, competitors, investors and society. Students will develop the ability to identify and address major legal and ethical issues so as to avoid potential liability and to maintain ethical integrity in a competitive global marketplace. (Su)
30494Theories in Child Fam StudiesCFS7443William DooleyJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Selected theories concerning the development of children and families. Historical views, current research and applications to family life. (As needed)
30290Topical Seminar in Crim JustCJ7043Danny PirtleJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) In-depth examination and inquiry into selected topics, problems, and contemporary issues related to criminal justice within a democratic society. (F-even, Su-odd)
30335Adv Topics in VictimologyCJ7093Danny PirtleJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) This course will consist of an in-depth study of crime victims. Specific crimes will be discussed, remedies will be explored, and the responses of the various components of the criminal justice system to crime victims will be assessed. This course will require extensive reading and writing. (Sp-odd)
30698Applied Research Crim JusticeCJ7053Danny PirtleJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) This course is designed to provide students with a working knowledge of conducting and applying research through multiple methods. Statistical and/or qualitative software will be utilized. Ethical considerations of conducting field research and IRB applications will be addressed. A major research project will be initiated in this course. (Sp-odd, Su-even)
30712Civil LibertiesCJ7033Tina LeeJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) Study of the legal and moral responsibility of the criminal justice system to individual rights and the relationship of law to political, economic, and social systems. (F-even, Su-odd)
30102Individual AppraisalCOUN7603Laura ToneyJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) A study of representative psychological and educational test/inventories including the rationale which underlies testing or assessment of individuals for educational or guidance purposes. Practice in the use and appraisal of instruments and techniques for understanding the individual, including both testing and non-testing interview or developmental history procedures. Pre-req: admission to the graduate counseling program or consent of instructor. (Maymester)
30103Pre-Pract in School CounselingCOUN7873Tabitha CudeJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
"(3) This course will prepare the student for the practicum and internship field experiences. Practical and reflective activities will be used to build the skills and knowledge necessary to successfully complete the required field experiences of practicum and internship. Topics may include: the specific requirements of field placements (including direct and indirect student contact hours); understanding school culture and the counselor's role in it; popular counseling theories used in school counseling; overview of supervision theories and practices; the elements of the ASCA National Model; working with special populations; developmental issues of students; self-assessment of knowledge, skills, and attitudes; and taking the next steps toward practicum, internship and professional development. Prereq: COUN 786 and this course must be taken prior to COUN 785. Admission to graduate counseling program or consent of instructor."
30104Internship I CMH/SA/AddictCOUN7883David DietrichJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) This internship provides opportunity for students in the Clinical Mental Health, Student Affairs, and Addictions specializations to develop skills in counseling on site. Case experiences are discussed under the supervision of faculty. Students complete a minimum of 300 hours on site that includes 120 client contact hours (group and individual) and 15 hours of supervision. Favorable final evaluations by the site supervisor and faculty are required for credit. Students may enroll in one additional course while enrolled in the internship course. Course may be repeated as needed for different specializations. Prereq: COUN 785 and admission to counseling candidacy. Students may enroll in internship during their last two semesters of coursework. Application must be submitted the semester prior to enrollment. Course graded on Pass/Fail basis.
30105Internship II CMH/SA/AddCOUN7923Shea HightowerJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) This internship provides the opportunity for students in the Clinical Mental Health, Student Affairs, and Addictions specializations to develop skills in counseling on site. Case experiences are discussed under the supervision of faculty. Students complete a minimum of 300 hours on site that includes 120 client contact hours (group and individual) and 15 hours of supervision. Favorable final evaluations by the site supervisor and faculty are required for credit. Students may enroll in one additional course while enrolled in the internship course. Course may be repeated as needed for different specializations. Prereq: COUN 785 and admission to counseling candidacy. Students may enroll in internship during their last two semesters of coursework. Application must be submitted the semester prior to enrollment. Course graded on Pass/Fail basis.
30106Career Development CounselingCOUN7303Annie JonesJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Theories of vocational development, career education, career development and the significance of the world of work in the lifestyle of individuals. The strategies related to career exploration, career-related assessment, application of career development materials, technical and college career tracks of curriculum development, exploration of gender and cultural/ethnicity issue that may affect the career development of individuals in our society are emphasized. Prereq: admission to the graduate counseling program or consent of instructor. (Sp, Su)
30112Group DynamicsCOUN7403Tabitha CudeJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) A study of group processes, techniques and ethical issues involved in using groups for counseling and personal and interpersonal growth opportunities. Topics of course investigation include the study of leadership, communication skills, stress management and career development. Pre-req: admission to the graduate counseling program or consent of instructor. (F, Su)
30114PsychopharmacologyCOUN7763Melissa GalicaJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) An overview of psychotropic drugs used in the treatment of individuals with psychopathology. Their clinical applications, side effects and relation to counseling clients/ students will be covered. Students will discuss case studies and create treatment plans including the use of appropriate medications. Pre-req: admission to the graduate counseling program and must have taken or be enrolled in EDPG 750 or equivalent graduate level abnormal psychology course. (As needed)
30115Mntl Hlth Srvc Mgt Consult SpvCOUN7843Melissa GalicaJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) A study of the organization and administration of clinical mental health services; needs assessment, funding acquisition, and program management; consultation; and clinical supervision of mental health service providers. Issues such as reimbursement, right to practice, core provider status, practice privileges within managed care systems, and expert witness status are also included. Pre-req: admission to the graduate counseling program or consent of instructor. (F)
30118Grow/Dev Life Span Birth-AdultCOUN7163ZeVida JonesJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) Emphasis on theory and research on social, emotional and cognitive development over the life with emphasis on educational settings. Cannot receive credit for both EDPG/COUN 716 and TCED 716. Pre-req: admission to the graduate counseling program or consent of instructor. (F, Sp, Su)
30119Prof, Ethic & Leg Iss in CounCOUN7223ZeVida JonesJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) An introduction to the legal and ethical issues in the counseling profession. Topics addressed will include ethical decision-making; professional credentials and affiliations; and, standards of practice, research and educational preparation in counseling. (As Needed)
30133Principles Crisis InterventionCOUN7483David DietrichJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) This course is an introduction to crisis counseling. Students will gain an understanding of crisis theory. A particular emphasis will be placed on using case studies in order to apply crisis intervention strategies in a variety of crisis situations. Pre-req: admission to the graduate counseling program or consent of instructor.(Su)
30134Couns Child/Adol Psych DysfuncCOUN7753David DietrichJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Identification of children and adolescents with extensive emotional, social, or psychological/mental disorders. Emphasizes a broad spectrum of therapeutic approaches to treatment that can be utilized in educational and mental health settings and in counseling/consultative activities; IEP’s; parent education and training; teacher education and training; social skills education and training; and self-esteem education and training. Pre-req: admission to the graduate counseling program or consent of instructor.(Sp)
30143Multicultural Issues in EducatCOUN7213Derrick ShepardJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Emphasis is on multicultural issues in the practice of clinical mental health and school counseling. Students will develop knowledge, self-awareness and skill competencies for effectiveness in counseling mental health clients and students from diverse backgrounds. Credit cannot be received for both EDFN 720 and COUN 721 (F,Sp)
30215Managerial EconomicsECON7103William DavisJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(4) Applications of economic theory, management problems from an economic point of view using decision-making tools in managing enterprises. (F)
30385Managerial EconomicsECON7103William DavisJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(4) Applications of economic theory, management problems from an economic point of view using decision-making tools in managing enterprises. (F)
30117Educ Assessment and EvalEDEV7613Mary GilesJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) Construction, use and interpretation of teacher-made and standardized instruments for measuring pupil development. Emphasis on the determination of different estimates of reliability and validity and an introduction to questionnaire and test construction. Prereq: Admission to Teacher Education. Credit cannot be given for both EDEV 661 and EDEV 761. Prereq: Admission to Educator Preparation Program (EPP).
30136Educ Assessment and EvalEDEV7613Mary GilesJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Construction, use and interpretation of teacher-made and standardized instruments for measuring pupil development. Emphasis on the determination of different estimates of reliability and validity and an introduction to questionnaire and test construction. Prereq: Admission to Teacher Education. Credit cannot be given for both EDEV 661 and EDEV 761. Prereq: Admission to Educator Preparation Program (EPP).
30364Educational StatisticsEDEV7103Tammie PattersonJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) An elementary course in methods applied to educational problems; resolution of assigned or chosen problems in educational statistics. (F, Sp, Su)
30438Multicultural Issues Educ/CounEDFN7203Harriette SpiegelJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) Emphasis is on multicultural education and cultural foundations in education and counseling; developing knowledge, self-awareness and skill competencies for effectiveness in teaching and counseling services in Pre K-12 schools. (F, Sp, Su)
30478Fost Cultural Comp ClassroomEDFN7003Austin FerrellJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) This course provides in-depth opportunities for teacher candidates to explore the impact of cultural competencies on diverse learners in the contemporary classroom. Teacher candidates will examine cross-cultural experiences in P-12 classrooms related to the holistic approach to teaching diverse learners through the lens of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Field experience may be required. (As Needed)
30479Fost Cultural Comp ClassroomEDFN7003Austin FerrellJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) This course provides in-depth opportunities for teacher candidates to explore the impact of cultural competencies on diverse learners in the contemporary classroom. Teacher candidates will examine cross-cultural experiences in P-12 classrooms related to the holistic approach to teaching diverse learners through the lens of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Field experience may be required. (As Needed)
30587Fost Cultural Comp ClassroomEDFN7003Austin FerrellJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) This course provides in-depth opportunities for teacher candidates to explore the impact of cultural competencies on diverse learners in the contemporary classroom. Teacher candidates will examine cross-cultural experiences in P-12 classrooms related to the holistic approach to teaching diverse learners through the lens of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Field experience may be required. (As Needed)
30715Multicultural Issues Educ/CounEDFN7203Harriette SpiegelMay 13, 2024May 31, 2024
(3) Emphasis is on multicultural education and cultural foundations in education and counseling; developing knowledge, self-awareness and skill competencies for effectiveness in teaching and counseling services in Pre K-12 schools. (F, Sp, Su)
30109School Finance & Education LawEDLD7603Versie HamlettJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Ethical and culturally-responsive building-level administrators understand and demonstrate the capacity to promote the current and future success and well-being of each student and adult by applying the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to improve management, communication, technology, school-level governance, and operations systems, to develop and to improve data-informed and equitable school improvement plans that support individual student’s learning needs, to promote the mission and vision of the school, and to apply laws, rights, policies, and regulations to promote student and adult success. Clinical (Field) Experience is required.
30111Equitable&Culturally Resp PracEDLD7553Amanda BattsJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) Effective school leaders actively engage their teams in exploring key principles of equity as a way to understand the communities they serve. Effective school leaders guide their teachers and staff in uncovering their own biases and assumptions, identify key areas for staff development and growth, and facilitate a culture of learning as they integrate practices to address the diverse needs of the students and families within their communities. Effective school leaders are aware of their own personal biases and assumptions in order to guide staff in developing a shared understanding of cultural responsiveness and equity, so that each student can receive the quality education they deserve. Clinical (Field) Experience is required.
30130Family&Community EngagementEDLD7303Amanda BattsJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Candidates will lead, plan, implement, and evaluate community and family engagement initiatives that promote continuous school improvement. They will explore theory of practice, methods, models, and protocols for school to engage family and community members to maximize each student’s academic success and well-being. Candidates will have an opportunity to reflect on their own beliefs, values, and leadership style while considering parental involvement, community partners as well as social, economic, and cultural factors. Candidates will understand the importance of systems that support communication with family members and community partners and the use of data for decision making to promote school improvement and equity for all students including the underserved. (Theory of Action/Logic Model) Clinical (Field) Experience is required.
30123Models Instr, Curric Dev, AdvEDST7103Alisa WilsonJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) Advanced principles of curriculum and instruction as applied to education; study of a variety of curriculum designs used regularly or experimentally; development and organization of the curriculum; analysis of current practices, problems and trends in education; an exploration of significant alternative approaches to teaching in education; examination of ethical practices related to implementation of programs with consideration given to issues of diversity and school culture. (Su)
30127Teaching with TechnologyEDST7503Michael SpauldingJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) This course provides a research-based overview of the use of a variety of media and technology tools as an integrated part of the teaching and learning process. Emphasis is on current technology-related issues in schools and the use of technology to promote learner-centered classroom environments. Credit cannot be received for both EDST 750 and IDT 750. (F, Sp)
30144Teaching with TechnologyEDST7503Michael SpauldingJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) This course provides a research-based overview of the use of a variety of media and technology tools as an integrated part of the teaching and learning process. Emphasis is on current technology-related issues in schools and the use of technology to promote learner-centered classroom environments. Credit cannot be received for both EDST 750 and IDT 750. (F, Sp)
30120Higher Ed Finance&Resource MgtHIED7313Daniel KelsoJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) This course provides students with an overview of finance and resource management in higher education. The course will provide a basic understanding of the funding and financial management of colleges and universities including distinctions in funding differences and similarities between public and private institutions, 2-year and 4-year, for profit and HBCUs. Current challenges regarding budget cuts, rising tuition, regulations, accountability, affordability and access will be examined. The curriculum will include discussions, projects, and research on federal and state funding models, advancement and development strategies, and auxiliary services. (As Needed)
30121Higher Ed Finance&Resource MgtHIED7313Laura FoltzJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) This course provides students with an overview of finance and resource management in higher education. The course will provide a basic understanding of the funding and financial management of colleges and universities including distinctions in funding differences and similarities between public and private institutions, 2-year and 4-year, for profit and HBCUs. Current challenges regarding budget cuts, rising tuition, regulations, accountability, affordability and access will be examined. The curriculum will include discussions, projects, and research on federal and state funding models, advancement and development strategies, and auxiliary services. (As Needed)
30137Seminar Post-Sec EducationHIED7303Daniel KelsoJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) The study of the organizational structure of postsecondary institutions, knowledge and skills necessary for effective administrators.
30138Seminar Post-Sec EducationHIED7303Daniel KelsoJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) The study of the organizational structure of postsecondary institutions, knowledge and skills necessary for effective administrators.
30480Capstone Proj High Educ LeadHIED7913Daniel KelsoMay 13, 2024May 31, 2024
(3) Students will be required to synthesize and apply skills and content from across the Higher Education Leadership curriculum to research, analyze and report on a Higher Education Institution focusing on governance, finance, enrollment management, DEI, student engagement and development, history, research, and academic affairs. Students earning a grade of at least B in the course have represented successful completion of the Capstone Project. Students not earning at least a B will be required to retake HIED 791. HIED 791 will be completed in the final semester of coursework and will be offered in the 2nd term of Fall, Spring, and Summer. Pre-Req: All HIED courses must be completed prior to taking HIED 791. No other coursework may be taken with HIED 791. (Fall , Spring , Summer)
30262Analytics & Operations MgmtMGT7303Hui ChenJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) (3) Introduction to Operations Management concepts and problem-solving techniques in production and service operations management. Topics include demand forecasting, capacity management, resource allocation, inventory management, applications of linear programming, supply chain planning and data analytics, quality control, and project management. (As needed) (As needed)
30383Analytics & Operations MgmtMGT7303Taeuk KangJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) (3) Introduction to Operations Management concepts and problem-solving techniques in production and service operations management. Topics include demand forecasting, capacity management, resource allocation, inventory management, applications of linear programming, supply chain planning and data analytics, quality control, and project management. (As needed) (As needed)
30504Staffing and DevelopmentMGT7523Sean WalkerJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) An overview of the acquisition and development of human resources within modern organizations. Topics include workforce planning, recruitment and selection, as well as career development, as part of the organization’s strategy for achieving its objectives. (As Needed)
30505Compensation ManagementMGT7533Sean WalkerJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) An introduction to compensation systems based on job analysis, performance evaluation, and pay structure design. Compensation management theories will be covered, along with strategies for creating an effective compensation system based on pay and benefits within the modern organizational setting. (As Needed)
30521Comm & the Global AudienceMMSC7703Angela GlunzJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) The study of theoretical concepts pertaining to intercultural communication and its application to interpersonal, workplace, public and mediated communication practices. Prereq: COMM 720. (As needed)
30582Instructional Tech in Music EdMUED7703Jody BlakeJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) Survey of technology applications and resources for teaching music in traditional and online environments. Principles of online music instruction and course design will be discussed. (F, Sp)
30726SpTp:MusicTheoryPedagogyMUS7113Michael MatheniaJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Graduate seminar that covers a specific topic in music as determined by the course instructor. Topics vary based on semester. May be repeated for different topics. (F, Sp)
30362Prod of Biorenewable ResourcesNRM7223John ColeJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) An exploration of plant species with potential as crops for industrial uses including biofuels. An overview of the chemistry of plant products and extraction techniques for useful products including biofuels, unique fatty acids and pharmaceuticals from new and existing crops. Will include a review of fundamental concepts in bioenergy and biobased products including engineering thermodynamics and organic chemistry. (Same as PLSC 722.) (As needed)
30382Scientific Writing & PresentNRM7903Joseph MehlhornJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) A course designed to give graduate students the skills necessary to write a thesis, and to prepare other professional materials for presentation or publication. Topics covered in this course include: searching the scientific literature; scientific writing style; writing graduate level papers, proposals, projects, and thesis components; preparing scientific presentations; presentation of data; using visual aids; and using word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation software. (Same as AGRI 790.) (As needed)
30563Non-Profit Org Mgmt & AdminNRM7503Thomas MullinJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Nonprofits are not simply businesses that make no profit, but rather a community-based organization that serves a public need. But they still need to operate as with a sustainable financial model. Planning, financial management, human resources and risk assessment/management will be the four primary areas of concentration in this course. Partnering with a non-profit agency to fill a non-profit need will be required for this course. (Fall Even)
30495Maternal and Child NutritionNUTR7053Amy RichardsJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) The impact of social, educational, psychological, cultural, environmental, economic, demographic, political, and genetic factors on nutritional intake and health outcomes of women and children. The impact of normal versus adverse nutritional intake will be explored within a domestic and global framework. Public Health nutrition interventions will be researched and discussed. (As needed)
30110Pract for Diff Literacy InstruREAD7203Lauren CampbellJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) An examination of the historical impact of differentiated instruction leading to expectations in today's classrooms. Candidates will explore research-based literacy methodologies and best practices to meet the varied needs of today's learners and understand essential concepts of diversity and equity. Field Experience Required.
30129Reading as Neurologic ProcessREAD7303Abbie McClureJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) The investigation of current developments in cognitive psychology and linguistics as they relate to understanding the reading act. Reading theories and models will be compared and evaluated. (As needed)
30477Literacy I: Intro to LiteracyREAD7383Lauren CampbellJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) This course will address teacher knowledge and skills required for effective curriculum design, instruction, and evaluation of literacy learners form kindergarten through middle grades. Including theory, research, curriculum/instruction, and evaluation as they relate to the components of literacy (phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. (Su, F)
30481Literacy I: Intro to LiteracyREAD7383Rachael MartinJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) This course will address teacher knowledge and skills required for effective curriculum design, instruction, and evaluation of literacy learners form kindergarten through middle grades. Including theory, research, curriculum/instruction, and evaluation as they relate to the components of literacy (phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. (Su, F)
30524Current Issues in Sport CoachiSCP7153Ashley BynumJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) This course will examine contemporary issues in sport coaching and address the application of social theories. The theory-to-practice gap, development versus winning, early specialization, ethics, dealing with parents, and coach burn-out are examined.
30525Strength and Conditioning forSCP7253Christopher GilliesJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Candidates will design a sport-specific strength and conditioning program based upon the principles of training. Factors affecting the aerobic, anaerobic, and muscular systems are examined. Periodization for yearly planning and field testing and evaluation are included.
30526Practical Coaching AssessmentSCP7553Stuart CurrieJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Course will revisit key content, concepts, and principles from through-out the program. Capstone project will include a final self-reflection and student portfolio presentation containing relevant information gained and reflection on lessons learned from each course. Candidates will also be required to develop and submit a final practical coaching assessment via video documentation.
30107Beh Interv & Strg for Sch AdmiSPED7603Howard SmithJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
Practical interventions and strategies for school administrators and school counselors for managing behaviors that impact academic learning for children with and without exceptionalities. Strategies for understanding trauma and trauma informed practices, conducting functional behavior assessments, writing function-based intervention behavior plans, increasing socially appropriate behaviors, and reducing inappropriate behaviors. (Fall , Spring)
30397Behavior Intervnt & StrategiesSPED6603Howard SmithJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Strategies for managing social behaviors that impact on academic learning of children with and without exceptionalities. Strategies for organizing classroom space, classroom management, trauma-informed practices, conducting functional behavioral assessments, assessing, and teaching appropriate social skills, and writing function-based intervention behavioral plans Pre-Req: Admission to Educator Preparation Program (EPP) (Fall)
30483Exceptional Child & Strat InclSPED7803Laura PlunkJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Principles, characteristics, programs, special needs, legal requirements and instructional strategies related to the education of children with exceptionalities. Emphasis on lesson planning design utilizing the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework and differentiated instruction that meets the multiple needs of a diverse groups of learners, collaborative teaching, and delivering accommodations and modifications in the inclusive classroom. (As Needed)
30484Exceptional Child & Strat InclSPED7803Elizabeth StrattonJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Principles, characteristics, programs, special needs, legal requirements and instructional strategies related to the education of children with exceptionalities. Emphasis on lesson planning design utilizing the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework and differentiated instruction that meets the multiple needs of a diverse groups of learners, collaborative teaching, and delivering accommodations and modifications in the inclusive classroom. (As Needed)
30588Trends in Special EducationSPED7303Howard SmithJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) Current trends in special education including but not limited to transition services, inclusion, assistive technology, curriculum-based measurement, video self-modeling, communication and collaborative team building with parents, administration and professionals. (Su-odd)
30506External Relations in SportSPMG7033Dexter DavisJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) This course is designed to provide a student with an understanding of the field of public relations, communications, development, and support organizations as they apply to sport organizations. An understanding of public relations planning is provided as well as a study of the concepts of sports fundraising. It provides a framework within which development staff, managers, and directors can operate and develop fundraising programs and create support organizations. (As Needed)
30108Master's Culminating ExperiencTCED7913Harriette SpiegelJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(4) The culminating professional project for the Master of Science in Education with a major in Teaching Programs. Topics selected reflect student interest in the area of education. That topic is expanded as students explore and assess the information previously examined to develop a research proposal appropriate for an instructional setting. Approval of the Education Graduate Office is required before registering for this course. Course is repeatable but only for those seeking a subsequent degree. TCED 791 from a prior degree cannot be used to satisfy requirement in subsequent degree and therefore must be taken an additional time. (F, Sp)
30126Princ&Pract of Effect TeachingTCED7303Abbie McClureJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Introduction to current research-based trends of teaching and learning styles; strategies for teaching; planning for instruction; models of instruction; and an introduction to classroom management of instruction. Emphasis will be placed on refining requirements and expectations for licensure. Applies theory to a practical classroom environment through a directed field component. Credit cannot be received for both TCED 730 and TCED 780. (F,Sp,Su)
30145Growth & Devel School Age StudTCED7163Elizabeth StrattonJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) The physiological, sociological and psychological basis of human behavior with emphasis upon research dealing with the normal student in a school environment. Projects/activities will be individualized according to the licensure area being sought. Cannot receive credit for both EDPG/COUN 716 and TCED 716. (F, Sp, Su)
30148Lrng Theory & Cognition SchoolTCED7123Howard SmithMay 13, 2024May 31, 2024
(3) The nature of learning processes and conditions for effective learning and implications for teaching exploration of how learning theory can be applied in the school environment to enhance the learning experience; recent directions in cognitive studies and their general implications for functional classroom use. Projects/activities will be individualized according to the licensure area being sought. Cannot receive credit for both EDPG/COUN 712 and TCED 712. (F, Sp)
30482Princ&Pract of Effect TeachingTCED7303Abbie McClureJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) Introduction to current research-based trends of teaching and learning styles; strategies for teaching; planning for instruction; models of instruction; and an introduction to classroom management of instruction. Emphasis will be placed on refining requirements and expectations for licensure. Applies theory to a practical classroom environment through a directed field component. Credit cannot be received for both TCED 730 and TCED 780. (F,Sp,Su)
30581Teaching as a ProfessionTCED7033Alisa WilsonJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) A course designed to introduce future educators to the profession of teaching. Topics such as roles and responsibilities of the educator, legal and ethical expectations of the profession, and cultural diversity and bias will be covered. Requirements and terms related to education licensure and other relevant topics are introduced. Service-learning and school visits may be utilized within the curriculum.
30585Teaching as a ProfessionTCED7033Alisa WilsonJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) A course designed to introduce future educators to the profession of teaching. Topics such as roles and responsibilities of the educator, legal and ethical expectations of the profession, and cultural diversity and bias will be covered. Requirements and terms related to education licensure and other relevant topics are introduced. Service-learning and school visits may be utilized within the curriculum.
30718Master's Culminating ExperiencTCED7913Elizabeth StrattonJun 3, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(4) The culminating professional project for the Master of Science in Education with a major in Teaching Programs. Topics selected reflect student interest in the area of education. That topic is expanded as students explore and assess the information previously examined to develop a research proposal appropriate for an instructional setting. Approval of the Education Graduate Office is required before registering for this course. Course is repeatable but only for those seeking a subsequent degree. TCED 791 from a prior degree cannot be used to satisfy requirement in subsequent degree and therefore must be taken an additional time. (F, Sp)
30439Principles of Teaching ESLTESL7003Abbie McClureJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) A comprehensive survey of the second language acquisition process, including linguistic variables which affect second language learning. Federal guidelines and the legal framework for educational services for Non-English language background students will be emphasized. Fifteen (15) hours field experience required. (F)
30440Strategies for Teaching ESLTESL7103Cheryl StewartJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) The application of various teaching methods in reading, writing, listening, and speaking for English language learners including cultural considerations, multiple learning modalities, and materials adaptation for content area teaching. Fifteen (15) hours field experience required. (Sp)
30617Principles of Teaching ESLTESL7003Caroline IdeusJun 3, 2024Jul 5, 2024
(3) A comprehensive survey of the second language acquisition process, including linguistic variables which affect second language learning. Federal guidelines and the legal framework for educational services for Non-English language background students will be emphasized. Fifteen (15) hours field experience required. (F)
30618Strategies for Teaching ESLTESL7103Caroline IdeusJul 9, 2024Aug 9, 2024
(3) The application of various teaching methods in reading, writing, listening, and speaking for English language learners including cultural considerations, multiple learning modalities, and materials adaptation for content area teaching. Fifteen (15) hours field experience required. (Sp)
Fall 2024 Undergraduate Courses
CrnTitleSubjectCourseCredit HoursInstructor NameStart DateEnd Date
41572Acct Info Decision Making IACCT2013Richard GriffinAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) This course is designed to help students appreciate the role of accountants in providing information helpful to decisions of investors, creditors, government regulators, management and others and understand how that information can be used. Emphasis is on comprehending the meaning and value of the balance sheet, income statement. Pre-Req: Sophomore standing and grade of C or better in MATH 110 or MATH 130 or MATH 140  or MATH 160 or MATH 185  or MATH 210  or MATH 251. (Fall , Spring , Summer)
41573Acct Info Decision Making IACCT2013Richard GriffinAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) This course is designed to help students appreciate the role of accountants in providing information helpful to decisions of investors, creditors, government regulators, management and others and understand how that information can be used. Emphasis is on comprehending the meaning and value of the balance sheet, income statement. Pre-Req: Sophomore standing and grade of C or better in MATH 110 or MATH 130 or MATH 140  or MATH 160 or MATH 185  or MATH 210  or MATH 251. (Fall , Spring , Summer)
41574Acct Info Decision Making IIACCT2023Richard GriffinAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) This course is designed to help students appreciate the role of accountants in providing information helpful to investors, creditors, and management in understanding the balance sheet, and income statement and statement of cash flows. In addition, uses of accounting information for managerial decision making includes planning and control activities of managers in business enterprises. Topics include methods for determining the costs of products and services, for assessing product and project profitability and for budgeting and monitoring of costs and profits. Pre-req: Grade of C or better in either ACCT 201 or ACCT 300. (Fall , Spring , Summer)
41543Intro Agricultural BusinessAGEC1103Jessica CrewsAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) An introduction to the field of agricultural business and some of the basic tools and concepts of decision-making. Concepts are illustrated in terms of selected current social and economic issues in the industry of production agriculture, agricultural business and the computer application of those concepts. (F, Sp)
41544Practicum in AgribusinessAGEC4443Jessica CrewsAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Field research and/or work experience related to the agribusiness industry. Specific topics include agribusiness management, marketing, and financial management. Students are expected to make presentations to faculty, peers, and agribusiness professionals reflective of their research findings or develop a portfolio of experiential activities for presentation. An emphasis on problem solving and effectively communicating solutions to agricultural stakeholders will be practiced. Prereq: instructor’s approval. (As needed)
41545Spreadsheet Analysis AgribusAGEC3113Daniel MorrisAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Use of computer spreadsheets to analyze complex and unique problems facing the agricultural firm. Specific emphasis on financial, statistical, and logical spreadsheet functions will be addressed. Topics include linear programming, optimization techniques, risk analysis, simulation, and data organization and communication. Prereq: AGEC 110 or AGET 110. (F)
41550Farm ManagementAGEC2713Rachna TewariAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Principles and procedures of farm management. Farm records, accounts, budgets and their uses. Farm tax law. Financing farm acquisition and expansion. (F)
41563Agriculture and Climate ChangeAGEC1203Rachna TewariAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
An introductory course on the impacts of climate change on agriculture, food security, and food systems. Topics include basic understanding of the science of climate and climate change, evaluating and measuring economic impacts of climate change on agriculture, policy issues in climate change and agriculture, and climate-smart agriculture.
41564Value Chain Mgt Food & AgriAGEC3123Rachna TewariAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Strategic links in agricultural value chains to enhance competitiveness and efficiency within the marketplace. Logistics and supply chain management as key components in agri-food value chains. Best practices in value chain management to support innovation in products and services. Understanding global issues and current trends in agricultural value chain management. Prereq: AGEC 110 and Junior standing.
41691Environmental and Agri LawAGEC3753Ashley BynumAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Survey of law and its application to agricultural and natural resource management. Property, contracts, torts, drainage and water rights. Environmental law, land tenure, employment, forms of business organization, estate planning, regulatory law and other selected topics. (Same as NRM 375.) (F)
41713Ag Futures and OptsAGEC4153Scott ParrottAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Basic elements and principles of agricultural commodity marketing with emphasis on using futures market contracts and options to limit risk exposure to producers and agribusiness firms. Attention is focused on the study of market price determination, forecasting basis, technical analysis and on actual trading of futures and options through market simulation programs. Prereq: AGEC 110. (F)
41843Research ParticipationAGEC4013Joseph MehlhornAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Application of the scientific method and techniques of research to investigation of problems in major subject areas of agricultural economics. Restricted to students with demonstrated ability to conduct a supervised research problem. Preparation of project outline and presentation of written and oral reports are required. Taught only by arrangement prior to registration. Only 401 may be used for Agriculture, Geosciences, and Natural Resources Fellows Research Program. (F, Su)
42895SpTp:TopicsInAgribusinessAGEC4013Jessica CrewsAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Application of the scientific method and techniques of research to investigation of problems in major subject areas of agricultural economics. Restricted to students with demonstrated ability to conduct a supervised research problem. Preparation of project outline and presentation of written and oral reports are required. Taught only by arrangement prior to registration. Only 401 may be used for Agriculture, Geosciences, and Natural Resources Fellows Research Program. (F, Su)
41568Land Surveying with GPSAGET4543Sandra MehlhornAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Land surveying techniques and methodologies using survey-grade Global Positioning Systems (GPS). Topics include: the GPS signal, biases and solutions, GPS receivers and GPS surveying methods (static, differential GPS (DGPS), kinematic, pseudokinematic, rapid static, on-the-fly and real-time kinematic (RTK)), coordinates, planning a GPS- based survey, observing (equipment, reconnaissance, monumentation, logistics) and postprocessing. Techniques for proper utilization of RTK and DGPS. Two hours lecture and one two-hour lab. Prereq: AGET 354 or CIEG 354. (Same as CIEG 454.) (As needed)
41569Ag Engin Tech LabAGET454L Sandra MehlhornAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
41985Surveying & Soil/Water EngrAGET2203Sandra MehlhornAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Fundamentals of surveying to include measurements of angles and distances, leveling, topographic surveys and mapping. Application of surveying information to soil and water engineering. Integration of engineering hydrologic and agronomic information in planning facilities for soil and water conservation. (Surveying & Soil/Water Engr) Coreq: Any university-wide general education math course. (Fall)
42011Survey & Soil/Water Engr LabAGET220L Sandra MehlhornAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
42082Intro Agric EnginAGET1103John ColeAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Survey of basic engineering principles and terms. Engineering applications in agriculture including topics in soil and water engineering, power and machinery and farm structure building materials and design. Prereq: Students must have satisfied entrance requirements in mathematics. (F, Sp)
41792Career Planning in AgricultureAGRI3903Jessica CrewsAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
Assessment of personal and academic potential for professional careers by the Agriculture graduate. Efforts directed toward preparing for, interviewing and securing a position. Critiques of related extra curricular events. Survey of the history, philosophy and ethics of Agriculture and crucial issues affecting agriculture. Students are required to write reports and present professional oral presentations.
42375Internatl Food & Fiber SystemsAGRI2953Rachna TewariAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) A study of the influence of food and fiber systems on the economy, environment, health, life style and political systems throughout the world. The impact of cultural differences, gender and institutions on international food and fiber systems is discussed. Course provides students with a global perspective on current issues related to international food and fiber. (F, Sp, Su)
41618Intro Animal ScienceANSC1103Amber MooreAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Fundamental principles of animal agriculture. Biological and scientific aspects of development, inheritance and feeding. Animal products and scope of the animal industry. (F, Sp)
41619Animal Welfare and EthicsANSC2703Clint AryAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) This course will begin with a look at the human-animal relationship, and examine the origins of people’s beliefs and attitudes regarding domestic farm and companion animals. It will provide insight into the roles that government, organizations, businesses and key individuals play in influencing animal welfare laws and practices. Through interactive discussion, students will focus on contemporary welfare and ethical issues in areas of food animal production, animal research, and using animals for recreation and companionship. Three one-hour lectures. (Sp)
41620Exotic & Companion Animal MgmtANSC2303Jason RobertsAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) A survey of the basic principles involved in the care and management of exotic and companion animal species. Particular emphasis will be on nutrition and feeding programs, breeding cycles, vaccination programs and diseases of exotic and companion animals generally regarded as household pets. Three one-hour lectures. (F)
41575Digital&Tech Writing for ProfBCOM2553Michael MusserAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) This course provides a comprehensive study of the subject of business English, including grammar, mechanics, and punctuation with an emphasis on writing digital correspondence.  Students enrolled in this class are introduced to some unique experiential-learning opportunities, both in- and outside of the classroom, involving the development of communication skills. (F,Sp)
41578Business CommunicationBCOM3513William BishopAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) This course covers communication of business information through written documents, including electronic communication; instruction writing; oral presentation and meeting protocol; nonverbal communication; an introductory job-search unit; and report-writing techniques. All units incorporate proper use of business grammar and APA writing style. (F, Sp, Su)
42503Microsoft Office Suite AppsBCOM3363William BishopAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) This course provides microcomputer knowledge and skill development using Microsoft Office Suite applications in workplace simulation format. Students taking this class will be prepared for MOS certification. (F,Sp,Su)
42505Professional DevelopmentBCOM3303Virginia DavisAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) This course assists participants with focused career exploration, business culture dissection, development of employment documents, job interviewing, networking, personal branding, LinkedIn creation/maintenance, social media self-promotion, as well as development of professional etiquette, emotional intelligence, appearance, conduct, and attitude. Successful completion of this class will result in students obtaining a certificate of completion in Professional Development. (F,Sp)
43073Business CommunicationBCOM3513William BishopAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) This course covers communication of business information through written documents, including electronic communication; instruction writing; oral presentation and meeting protocol; nonverbal communication; an introductory job-search unit; and report-writing techniques. All units incorporate proper use of business grammar and APA writing style. (F, Sp, Su)
41788Intro Cell Biology & GeneticsBIOL1104Amanda VanhooseAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(4) (TBR: BIOL 1010) An introductory course that emphasizes plant and animal cell structure, cellular processes and genetics. Three one-hour lectures and one two-hour lab. Students may not receive credit for both BIOL 110 and BIOL 140. (F, Sp, Su)
41789Biology LabBIOL110L Amanda VanhooseAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
41799Medical and Scientific VocabBIOL2002Ann GathersAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(2) The study of word derivations, especially as it relates to technical terms. The use of common prefixes, suffixes and combining forms to understand and effectively use scientific vocabulary. Prereq: Completion of two lab science courses. (Fall , Spring , Summer)
41579Business Law IBLAW3013Patrick BakerAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Basic principles of the law of contracts, including the elements of a valid contract, performance and remedies for breach of contract. The law of agency. The law of partnerships. Emphasis on the Uniform Commercial Code. Prereq: Minimum grade of D in ECON 201 and ECON 202. (F,Sp, Su)
41596Snr Seminar:Crim JusticeCJ4603Danny PirtleAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) A critical examination of theory and practice in the Criminal Justice System. Research, writing and presentation of papers. Prereq: Must be taken during final semester of course work. (Fall , Spring)
42506Juvenile DelinquencyCJ2503Danny PirtleAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3)Students will be exposed to the theories that help professionals understand the development of delinquency within the context of individuals, families, and communities. Understanding the mechanisms that contribute to delinquency is important for juvenile justice and social science professionals as his understanding should directly guide the policies and practices of the justice system. (Fall)
42507Criminal InvestigationCJ3103Eric ReedAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Foundation and principles of criminal investigation, including legal parameters and follow-through activities necessary for capitalizing on investigative efforts. (F)
42508Child AbuseCJ3603Tina LeeAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) The goal of this course is to introduce students to the multifaceted issue of child abuse law. Students will learn about child sexual predators, child witnesses, types of child abuse and neglect and the future of child abuse in the criminal justice system. The course will include an examination of the various courts that deal with child abuse issues. (F-even)
42509Juvenile JusticeCJ3703Danny PirtleAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Focuses on the juvenile, the family and the community as related to and interwoven with legal issues, practices and processes encountered by the social work and criminal justice professionals and their clients. Restorative Justice practices are emphasized. (F)
42538Principles of Law EnforcementCJ2113Eric ReedAug 26, 2024Oct 11, 2024
(3) An introduction to the complex responsibilities, procedures and policies of a law enforcement agency operating in a pluralistic, multi-culture, free market, democratic society. Extensive reading required. Critical thinking, problem solving and writing exercises geared to practical applications in law enforcement are core requirements of this course. Interaction with computer based software applications for research required.
42539CourtsCJ2123Cynthia BoylesAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) An overview of the criminal court system and process of adjudication of a criminal case from the time of arrest to final disposition. (Sp)
42540Criminal Justice EthicsCJ3023Tina LeeAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) An examination of the ethical issues encountered within the Criminal Justice System. Critical moral reasoning, criteria for ethical decision making, codes of professional ethics and typical ethical dilemmas in the Criminal Justice System will be covered. (F, Sp)
43091Juvenile JusticeCJ3703Tina LeeAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Focuses on the juvenile, the family and the community as related to and interwoven with legal issues, practices and processes encountered by the social work and criminal justice professionals and their clients. Restorative Justice practices are emphasized. (F)
43092Snr Seminar:Crim JusticeCJ4603Cynthia BoylesAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) A critical examination of theory and practice in the Criminal Justice System. Research, writing and presentation of papers. Prereq: Must be taken during final semester of course work. (Fall , Spring)
40061Effect Instr Strat & Mgmt EnvCTE2903Elizabeth WhiteAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) This course is designed to introduce instructional strategies aimed at fostering a classroom environment which promotes student success and achievement through the integration of educational theory, classroom management techniques, as well as assessment. Topics presented in this course will address lesson and unit plan construction, differentiated instruction to diverse learners, mastery of content knowledge, along with the importance of ongoing reflection and its relationship to professional learning. Discipline-specific literacy skills and strategies will be introduced. Course fulfills three credit hours toward an Occupational Licensure certification. Course may not be substituted for education degree program credit without permission of the department; may also require additional coursework. (As needed)
40062Students with ExceptionalitiesCTE3003Jane HinsonAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) An introductory course designed to provide an overview of the field of special education. Principles, characteristics, programs, special needs, legal requirements and instructional strategies, related to the education of students with exceptionalities. A deeper understanding of discipline-specific literacy skills and strategies will be covered, as well as, acronyms used in the state and region that are unique to the special education field. Course fulfills three credit hours towards an Occupational Licensure certification. Course may not be substituted for education degree program credit without permission of the department; may also require additional coursework. (As needed)
40063Diagnosis and EvaluationCTE3033Elizabeth WhiteAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Designed to develop skills in selecting, constructing, administering and interpreting instruments appropriate for assessing differing needs and achievement of students in the classroom. Criterion-based assessment and their classroom relevance will be reviewed. Instructor will continue to promote the use of academic and discipline-specific vocabulary. Course fulfills three credit hours towards an Occupational Licensure certification. Course may not be substituted for education degree program credit without permission of the department; may also require additional coursework. (As needed)
40064Educational PsychologyCTE3253Sally JonesAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Introduction to the psychology of learning, motivation, and social development. The course focus will be on the development of learning theory, psychological and environmental factors that influence learning and the validity of various learning paradigms. Academic and discipline-specific vocabulary will be covered. Course fulfills three credit hours towards an Occupational Licensure certification. Course may not be substituted for education degree program credit without permission of the department; may also require additional coursework.
43019Cyber LiteracyCYBR1153Lily PharrisAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) An introduction to the basic terms and background needed for further cybersecurity study, intended for those with a less technical background. Identity Theft, Malware Attacks, Privacy Essentials, Social Engineering, Safe Browsing, Hardware Exploits. (as needed)
41802Understanding DanceDANC1103Sarah McCormickAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
3) General survey of the development of dance as an art form from primitive times to the present. (F, Sp)
41628Principles of MacroeconomicsECON2013Richard NanneyAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) An introduction to the economic problem, the basics of supply and demand, national income accounting, fiscal and monetary policy and other topics. Coreq: A college level math course. (F, Sp, Su)
41646Principles of MacroeconomicsECON2013David TaylorOct 16, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) An introduction to the economic problem, the basics of supply and demand, national income accounting, fiscal and monetary policy and other topics. Coreq: A college level math course. (F, Sp, Su)
41647Principles of MicroeconomicsECON2023David TaylorOct 16, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) An in-depth analysis of supply and demand, the economics of production and cost and analysis of firm behavior in various market models, resource markets and the international economy and other topics. Coreq: A college level math course. (F, Sp, Su)
41780Principles of MicroeconomicsECON2023Anthony DelmondAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) An in-depth analysis of supply and demand, the economics of production and cost and analysis of firm behavior in various market models, resource markets and the international economy and other topics. Coreq: A college level math course. (F, Sp, Su)
41528CompositionENGL1123Daniel PiggAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) (TBR: ENGL 1020) Further study of written English and practice in composition. Readings and research writing with documentation. Predominantly a skills course. Students must complete ENGL 111 and 112 in sequence. For successful completion of ENGL 112, students must earn a grade of C or higher. (F, Sp, Su)
41554CompositionENGL1123Melissa BurneyAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) (TBR: ENGL 1020) Further study of written English and practice in composition. Readings and research writing with documentation. Predominantly a skills course. Students must complete ENGL 111 and 112 in sequence. For successful completion of ENGL 112, students must earn a grade of C or higher. (F, Sp, Su)
41555British Literary TraditionsENGL2513Melissa BurneyAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) (TBR: ENGL 2220) English literature from the Romantic period to the present. ENGL 251 may be taken before ENGL 250. Prereq: ENGL 112, 112H, or 113. (F, Sp)
41556American Literary TraditionsENGL2603Melvin HillAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) (TBR: ENGL 2110) American literature from the pre-Colonial period through the Romantic period. Prereq: ENGL 112, 112H, or 113. (F, Sp)
41557Women Writers: Gend Race ClassENGL3503Melvin HillAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) A historical survey of women writers, including contemporary writers, which focuses on women writers’ concern with and presentation of issues such as race, ethnicity, religion and class. American and British authors will be represented. (F)
41558CompositionENGL1113David WilliamsAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) (TBR: ENGL 1010) Introduction to the fundamentals of written discourse. Study of rhetoric, grammar and style as means to effective prose. Readings and concomitant writing assignments. Predominantly a skills course. Students must complete ENGL 111 and 112 in sequence. In order to proceed to ENGL 112, students must complete ENGL 111 with a grade of C or higher. (F, Sp, Su)
41670Financial PlanningFIN1603Bryce YoungermanAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) An introductory course designed to teach students to manage their personal finances. Topics include saving and investment for retirement, insurance, taxes, the responsible use of credit, and the societal problems by irresponsible use of credit including bankruptcy and divorce. (F, Sp)
43077Commercial BankingFIN3513Brittany ColeAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) A comprehensive study of commercial banks and their role in the economy. The course emphasizes the practical application of business and economic principles as they relate to bank management and regulatory policy. Topics covered include banking history and regulation, consumer and commercial credit analysis, asset and liability management, risk management, loan policy and money management services. Trends such as consolidation, on-line banking, internationalization and project-line expansion are also addressed. Prereq: Grade of C or better in FIN 301. (Sp)
41608SpTp: Fen Stu MinicourseGENS3301Ashley BynumSep 30, 2024Nov 1, 2024
41610General Studies MinicourseGENS3801Ashley BynumNov 4, 2024Dec 6, 2024
41611General Studies MinicourseGENS3811Ashley BynumNov 4, 2024Dec 6, 2024
41597Geoscience in Everyday LifeGEOS1104Thomas DePriestAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(4) A survey of the geosciences as they apply to societal issues. Topics include earthquakes, volcanoes, natural resources, water availability issues, severe weather, flooding, mass wasting, pollution, pandemics, and other natural phenomena. Scientific data and tools by which the Earth is studied will also be introduced. Three hours lecture and two hours lab.
41598Geoscience Everyday Life LabGEOS110L Thomas DePriestAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
42377Global Change and Earth HistorGEOS1304Joshua RatliffAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(4) The evolving Earth is investigated - past, present, and future - with emphasis on scientific methods used to study its history and societal issues related to future global change. Topics include geologic time and stratigraphy; lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, and biosphere evolutionary interactions, including organic evolution and extinction; and paleoclimate and sea level change. Prereq. GEOS 110, or two semesters of university-level lab science coursework.
42378Global Change&Earth Histor LabGEOS130L Joshua RatliffAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
41527History and HistoriansHIST2993Benjamin GuyerAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) An introduction to the History Major designed to introduce students to basic techniques, skills and issues of historical research, writing and teaching, including key historical concepts and methods, the nature and fields of history and historiography. Should be taken prior to the junior year and before commencing upper-division course work, including taking HIST 499 for which it is a prerequisite. Required for History and Secondary History majors. (F, Sp)
41540Hist Of U SHIST2013Timothy SmithAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) (TBR: HIST 2010) A study of the main currents and developments in American life from colonial times to 1877. (F, Sp, Su)
41541Hist Of U SHIST2023Timothy SmithAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) (TBR: HIST 2020) A study of the main currents and developments in American life from 1877 to the present. (F, Sp, Su)
41599Dev World Civil IHIST1213Benjamin GuyerAug 26, 2024Oct 11, 2024
(3) (TBR: HIST 1110) Studies the formation, interactions, and development of world civilizations and cultures from ancient beginnings to 1500. (F, Sp, Su)
41602Dev World Civil IIHIST1223Benjamin GuyerOct 16, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) (TBR: HIST 1120.) Studies the formation, interactions, and development of world civilizations and cultures from 1500 to the present. (F, Sp, Su)
41623Pop Culture USHIST4033Renee LaFleurAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Exploring the connections between history and popular culture, identifying ways in which popular culture reflected trends in society and ways in which popular culture shaped society. Special emphasis on the major political, social, and economic changes in U.S. history since 1880s and their influences on popular culture. (Fall Even Year)
42211Dev World Civil IIHIST1223Benjamin GuyerOct 16, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) (TBR: HIST 1120.) Studies the formation, interactions, and development of world civilizations and cultures from 1500 to the present. (F, Sp, Su)
42371Hist Latin AmericaHIST4413Timothy SmithAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) An examination of main topics such as conquest, colonialism, independence movements, civil wars and revolutions, economic upheavals and political instability in Latin America and the Caribbean Basin, with special emphasis on the roles of church and state (including the military) and the challenges faced by diverse and stratified societies. Thematic and geographical focuses will vary with each offering. (F-odd)
42516Europe War To War 1914-45HIST3423Benjamin GuyerAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) A comparative study of European states from the outbreak of World War I to the end of World War II, this course examines total war’s impact on peoples, cultures, and economies; political and cultural modernization, the birth of the welfare state, unification attempts, and Europe’s changing relations with the world. (F-even)
42626SpTp:History of IrelandHIST4903Daniel McDonoughAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Classes taught with an interdisciplinary and/or comparative approach, or allowing for an in-depth study of specialized topics in European history. May be repeated for credit (with different topic). Only six hours of undergraduate topics courses (460, 470, 480 or 490) can be counted toward the major or minor. Not regularly offered. (As needed)
41465Educ PsychHLRN3253Texas CulverAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) An overview of the application of psychology to the teaching/learning process. The creation of an effective learning environment is emphasized through the study of the teaching process, human development, learner differences, learning theory and motivation. (F, Sp)
41495Technology IntegrationHLRN3113Michael SpauldingAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Overview of methods for integrating technology into the K-12 curriculum. Emphasis is on the application of technology-based strategies and web-based resources to support and promote diverse, learner-centered classroom environments. (F, Sp)
41605Principles & Concept Pers HlthHLTH1113Tara Tansil-GentryOct 16, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Development of the understandings, attitudes and practices which contribute to better individual health. (F, Sp)
41571Senior SeminarIDST4903Deborah GibsonAug 26, 2024Oct 11, 2024
(3) The capstone course associated with the Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies major. A theme-based writing seminar designed to promote scholarly expression; to synthesize connections among experiences outside of the formal classroom; to make connections across disciplines; to solve difficult problems; to clearly express interdependence of language, thought, and expression; to develop a sense of self as a learner building on prior experiences; and to draw conclusions by combining more than one field of study or perspective. This course is required for all Interdisciplinary Studies majors and should be taken in their last semester of study and completed with a grade of C or better. Prereq: Interdisciplinary Studies major. (F, Sp, Su)
42517Web DesignINFS3153Charles FoltzAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Introduction to web-design using HTML and CSS. Accessibility, browser differences, hosting solutions, and related technologies will be discussed. Prereq: CSCI 201 or CSCI 220 or CSCI 221 or INFS 205. (F)
42518Object-Oriented Sys AnalysisINFS3713Denise WilliamsAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Study of the systems development life cycle system, various types of systems including business and government. Methods of designing systems, data management, input and output design, hardware selection and methods of information processing. Prereq: CSCI 220, CSCI 221 or CSCI 250.
41709People, Power and ChangeLDSP3213Lowell HowardAug 26, 2024Oct 11, 2024
(3) Analysis of social and scientific leaders. Special focus shall be placed on resources, innovation, control, power, influence, and the role ideas play in cultural development. Students will combine selected readings, films, and lecture materials to better grasp fundamentals of leadership. This academic approach to the study and researching of leadership will provide students with a firm understanding of the subject matter as well as an appreciation for the opportunities all challenges supply. Emphasis will additionally be placed on individual leadership development within our modern and emerging American political-economic environment. (F)
41710LDSP: Theory, Innov & PolicyLDSP3223Darren EkeyOct 16, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) This course provides a practical introduction to leadership. Special emphasis and understanding will be placed on the nature of leadership, understanding the theories behind their current and future political and economic environments, individualism vs. narcissism, researching the will and will power, free will and determinism, action and consequences, enthusiasm, honesty, liberty and responsibility, self-presentation and attitude, interpersonal relationships, creativity, and technology and advancement. Students will culminate this knowledge in regard to leading within their social, political and economic environment. Development of unique personal leadership initiatives within their discipline through research and design of a strategic leadership plan of action. Prereq: LDSP 321 or consent of instructor. (Sp)
41796LDSP: Global and LocalLDSP3233Darren EkeyAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) This course will offer students a comprehensive understanding of globalization and the modernization process. Comparisons between underdeveloped parts of the United States and other underdeveloped parts of the world will be made. Students will develop a firm understanding of what liberties they have as well as what resources are available and needed in a competitive global environment. Special focus will be placed upon culture, community, creativity, capitalism, and democracy, as well as the role of traditional and emergent leaders. (F, Sp)
42519People, Power and ChangeLDSP3213Lowell HowardOct 16, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Analysis of social and scientific leaders. Special focus shall be placed on resources, innovation, control, power, influence, and the role ideas play in cultural development. Students will combine selected readings, films, and lecture materials to better grasp fundamentals of leadership. This academic approach to the study and researching of leadership will provide students with a firm understanding of the subject matter as well as an appreciation for the opportunities all challenges supply. Emphasis will additionally be placed on individual leadership development within our modern and emerging American political-economic environment. (F)
41641Elementary Statistics & ProbabMATH2103Curtis KunkelAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) An introduction to descriptive and inferential statistics. Topics include basic probability, measures of central tendency and variability, graphical representations of data, correlation and linear regression, random variables and probability distributions, sampling distributions, tests of hypotheses about means and proportions for one and two populations, confidence interval estimation of parameters, and utilization of statistical software. Prereq: MATH 100-MATH 110, or MATH 130, or MATH 140, or MATH 170, or MATH 185, or MATH 251 or appropriate mathematics placement. (Fall, Spring)
41642Elementary Statistics & ProbabMATH2103Curtis KunkelAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) An introduction to descriptive and inferential statistics. Topics include basic probability, measures of central tendency and variability, graphical representations of data, correlation and linear regression, random variables and probability distributions, sampling distributions, tests of hypotheses about means and proportions for one and two populations, confidence interval estimation of parameters, and utilization of statistical software. Prereq: MATH 100-MATH 110, or MATH 130, or MATH 140, or MATH 170, or MATH 185, or MATH 251 or appropriate mathematics placement. (Fall, Spring)
41643Essentials of Algebra IIMATH1104Susan HamiltonAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(4) Functions and their graphs (including polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic), exponents, roots, radicals, rational expression, factoring polynomials, zeroes of polynomials, solutions of linear and nonlinear equations and inequalities, systems of equations, matrices and determinants, inverse functions. In order to proceed to MATH 110, students must complete MATH 100 with a grade of C or better. MATH 100 may not be substituted for MATH 110. MATH 100 cannot be used to satisfy the general education requirement. Credit may not be received for both MATH 100-MATH 110 and MATH 140. (Fall, Spring)
41644Mathematics LabMATH110L Susan HamiltonAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
41706Precalculus College AlgebraMATH1403Dana GatewoodAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Functions (e.g. , polynomial, rational, exponential and logarithmic). Zeroes of polynomials. Solutions of systems of equations. Matrices and determinants. Other selected topics from algebra. Credit may not be received for both MATH 140 and MATH 100-MATH 110. Prereq: Two units of high school algebra, and appropriate mathematics placement. (Fall, Spring)
41707Essentials of Algebra IMATH1004Barbara KunkelAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(4) Functions and their graphs (including polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic), exponents, roots, radicals, rational expression, factoring polynomials, zeroes of polynomials, solutions of linear and nonlinear equations and inequalities, systems of equations, matrices and determinants, inverse functions. In order to proceed to MATH 110, students must complete MATH 100 with a grade of C or better. MATH 100 may not be substituted for MATH 110. MATH 100 cannot be used to satisfy the general education requirement. Credit may not be received for both MATH 100-MATH 110 and MATH 140. (Fall, Spring)
41708Mathematics LabMATH100L Barbara KunkelAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
41583Management and BehaviorMGT3003Samuel FaughtAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) This is a study of managerial functions and decision-making and how these affect human behavior within organizations. This course also includes consideration of organizational structure and organizational dynamics relative to the environments. Prereq: MATH 110 or higher; ECON 201 or ECON 202; have earned a minimum of 45 hours credit. (F, Sp, Su)
41584Organization Behavior & TheoryMGT3033Benton JohnsonAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) An advanced study of analyzing, directing and changing organizational structure and organizational dynamics relative to the environment. Prereq: MGT 300 or 301. (as needed)
41585Operations ManagementMGT3103Taeuk KangAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Management of business transformation processes. A survey of the basic concepts, principles and practices involved in the design, implementation, operation and control of business processes (operations) in contemporary business organizations. Emphasis is placed on the integration of the operation function with other disciplines to foster achievement of strategic and tactical goals in both manufacturing and service organizations. Topical coverage includes operations strategy, product/service design, process design, contemporary quality management, forecasting, capacity planning, facility location and layout, work design and scheduling, production planning and control with a broad emphasis on goal-driven process and productivity management and quality management. Prereq: MATH 210 and either MGT 300 or MGT 301, or ENGR 311 and Instructor Approval. (Same as INEG 310.) (F, Sp, Su)
41586Data Analysis for Mgr Dec MakgMGT3203Hui ChenAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Managerial decision making is emphasized based on the detection and evaluation of patterns in multiple factor databases related to particular managerial problems. Given the nature of the data, appropriate hypothesis tests and statistical tests of hypotheses will be applied including regression and correlation analysis, analysis of variance, crosstabs and multivariate regression. Use of standard computer programs to analyze the data will be incorporated. Prereq: MATH 210 or equivalent. (F, Su)
41587Human Resource MgtMGT3503Samuel FaughtAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Personnel principles, functions and practices, relating to managing human resources in organizations, the development of personnel practices and currently accepted practices in personnel management. Prereq: MGT 300 or 301 or SPMG 305. (F, Sp, Su)
41588International ManagementMGT4613Jamye LongAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) A study of the rapidly changing global environment and the ability of organizations to adapt to these changes. This study of changes includes developing countries, legal and political issues, ethical values and social responsibility, strategic and operational decisions and the role of culture in motivating and building an effective workforce. Students will complete projects and presentations that will demonstrate understanding and application of concepts and theories. Prereq: MGT 300 or MGT 301. (F, Sp, Su)
41590Topics In Mgt Business EthicsMGT4763Benton JohnsonAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Selected topics in management offered on an occasional basis for qualified students. Admission by permission of instructor only. (as needed)
41591Topics Mgt Conflict ResolutionMGT4793Brandon KilburnAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Selected topics in management offered on an occasional basis for qualified students. Admission by permission of instructor only. (as needed)
41592Business PolicyMGT4903Brandon KilburnAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(4) A capstone course focusing on policy, strategy and the integration of all business functional areas, including analysis of the implications and relevance of social, ethical, environmental, competitive and international considerations for top-level organizational decision making. Students are required to write case reports and give oral presentations. Additionally, professional preparation including; resume building, interviewing skills and ethics will be included. Prereq: ACCT 201, 202; BLAW 201 or 301; ECON 201, 202; FIN 301; INFS 310 or ACCT 461; INFS 351; MGT 300 or 301, 310; MKTG 301. This course may be taken only by students majoring in business disciplines. Students must take this course during their last semester of study. (F, Sp, Su)
42523Management and BehaviorMGT3003Paul McCulloughAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) This is a study of managerial functions and decision-making and how these affect human behavior within organizations. This course also includes consideration of organizational structure and organizational dynamics relative to the environments. Prereq: MATH 110 or higher; ECON 201 or ECON 202; have earned a minimum of 45 hours credit. (F, Sp, Su)
42524Lean Operations StrategiesMGT4083David HarryAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) This course introduces the concepts and techniques in Lean and Six Sigma, as well as their applications in service and manufacturing operations. The course utilizes a problem-solving approach that includes qualitative and quantitative methods. Prereq: Junior standing (As Needed)
42525Sustainable Manage PracticesMGT4623Paul McCulloughAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) This course investigates the evolving understanding of what it means to manage social systems sustainably, in a world of finite resources and rapid innovation. Junior standing or instructor's permission. (As needed)
42526Training & DevelopmentMGT4703Sean WalkerAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Analysis of a systematic process of changing the behavior, knowledge and motivation of present employees to improve the match between employee characteristics and employment requirements. Prereq: MGT 350. (Sp)
42564Creativity & InnovationMGT3053Paul McCulloughAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Intensive practice in the use of contemporary approaches to the creative process, including use of proven aids for developing innovative ideas. The generation of creative designs of products, processes and services with emphasis on commercial applications is stressed. Considerable emphasis on intellectual contribution that can be patented or copyrighted. Prereq: Junior standing. (as needed)
42627Compensation MgtMGT4503Monty TaylorAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) A study of the design and administration of compensation systems. Examination of job analysis, job evaluation, compensation research, pay structure design and employee benefits management. Prereq: MGT 350. (Sp-odd)
41593Principles of MarketingMKTG3013Ashley KilburnAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Introduction to the complexity of the modern marketing system— why it is essential and how it performs. Identification and examination of business activities involved in the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organization objectives. Prereqs: MATH 110 or higher; ECON 201 or ECON 202; have earned a minimum of 45 hours credit. (F, Sp, Su)
42527Bus To Business MktgMKTG4503Julie AlexanderAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Exploration of the environment that businesses operate within when marketing to other businesses or distribution channel members. Includes an emphasis on organizational purchasing behavior, the global nature of the business marketplace and the processes involved in understanding, creating and delivering value for business customers. Dynamics of the marketing mix, strategy development and buyerseller relationships are studied within this environment. Application oriented through the use of case analysis and/or computer simulation. Emphasis on group work and communication skills. Prereq: MKTG 301. (F)
42548Event Plan&Corporate PromotionMKTG3773Ashley KilburnAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Principles of events planning within organizations are discussed using a combination of lecture and real-world event planning projects. The course covers event definition, client expectation definition and refinement, design selection, site selection, planning and production timelines, and event management, as they apply to marketing and event promotions. Pre-Req: Junior standing (Spring)
42571Advertising & Promotion MgmtMKTG3303Ashley KilburnAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Study of the theory and practice of advertising and other promotion mix elements as they relate to the development of an integrated marketing communication program. Application of advertising theory to current advertisements. Emphasis on the use of advertising and the promotion mix in developing marketing strategy from a managerial perspective. Prereq: MKTG 301. (F, Su)
41570Public CommunicationMMSC2293Angela GlunzAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Study and application of communication theory through preparation and delivery of video presentations utilizing appropriate technology and visual aids. Includes research and analysis of data and information addressing key communication presentation topics. This course is equivalent to COMM 230 and is for students seeking online degree completion only. Instructor approval required. Prereq: Minimum grade of C in ENGL 110 or 111.
41539Understanding MusicMUS1123Roberto MancusiAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) An introduction to music’s aesthetic principles and its role in life through examining music from a variety of genres, cultures and historical periods. May not be used toward a major in music. (Fall , Spring)
41603Understanding MusicMUS1123Roberto MancusiOct 16, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) An introduction to music’s aesthetic principles and its role in life through examining music from a variety of genres, cultures and historical periods. May not be used toward a major in music. (Fall , Spring)
42901Hist Church MusicMUS3433Jody BlakeAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) History of music in the church and related liturgical practices from the tenth century to the present. History and practices relevant to major contemporary Christian denominations. (As needed)
43100Understanding MusicMUS1123Charles LewisOct 16, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) An introduction to music’s aesthetic principles and its role in life through examining music from a variety of genres, cultures and historical periods. May not be used toward a major in music. (Fall , Spring)
43111Understanding MusicMUS1123Roberto MancusiOct 16, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) An introduction to music’s aesthetic principles and its role in life through examining music from a variety of genres, cultures and historical periods. May not be used toward a major in music. (Fall , Spring)
41633Trans to Prof NursingNURS3516Julie FloydAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(6) A transition course for Registered Nurses taken in place of NURS 305. Expands on nursing content introduced at the technical level to provide the RN with the broader knowledge base required in baccalaureate nursing education. Pre-Req: Licensure as a Registered Nurse or Instructor's Approval. (Fall , Spring)
41634Transition to Prof Nursing LabNURS351L Julie FloydAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
41635Evidence Based PracticeNURS3523Christy BlountAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Introduces students to evidence based practice (EBP) in nursing. Content includes review of the scientific process, introduction of the research process, and major research designs. Students will review and critique selected nursing research studies and develop an evidence based practice project. Emphasis is placed on the application of research studies to nursing practice.Three hours lecture.Prerequisites: Math 210 and NURS 305, 342; or instructor’s approval Corequisites: NURS 355, 363
41636Population HealthNURS4055Gloria BrowningAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
41637Population Health LabNURS405L Gloria BrowningAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
41638Lead and Mgmt (Prof Role Dev)NURS4434Gloria BrowningAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
Facilitates the transition from student to the role of the professional nurse as a leader and manager in the delivery of health care. The course provides a strong emphasis on the development of leadership, including the organization, planning, staffing, managing change, responsibilities in delegation, and patient advocacy. Clinical goals include advanced progression of independence and confidence in nursing practice, implementing clinical decision making, and theoretical application of nursing leadership and management concepts.
41639Lead& Mgmt (Prof Role Dev) LabNURS443L Gloria BrowningAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
41559Adventure Of Ideas: HistoricalPHIL1103James FieserAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) A historical introduction to philosophy course covering classical Greek, Asian, medieval, and early modern philosophical thought. Philosophers covered include Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Epicurus, Augustine, Aquinas, Descartes, Locke, Hume, and Kant. (As needed)
41560Adventure Of Ideas: ContempPHIL1203James FieserAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) (TBR: PHIL 1030) A topical introduction to philosophy course covering recent philosophical discussions of God’s existence, mind, free will, knowledge, morality and government. (As needed)
42166Exploring EthicsPHIL1603Emma FieserAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) A topical introduction to the main theories and problems in ethics, including utilitarian, Kantian, and virtue theories, and contemporary issues such as abortion, euthanasia, animal rights and environmental ethics. (As needed)
42372Question of Right or WrongPHIL3003James FieserAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Advanced investigation of questions about the nature and foundations of morality, with applications to contemporary moral controversies. Topics discussed may include religion and morality, gender and morality, moral relativism vs. objectivism, consequentialism vs. nonconsequentialism, and applied ethical issues in bioethics and environmental ethics. (As needed)
42875Ancient and Medieval MindPHIL3143James FieserAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) An examination of the leading philosophical ideas from ancient Greece through the medieval period. Figures may include pre-Socratic philosophers, Plato, Aristotle, Hellenistic philosophers, Augustine, Maimonides, and Aquinas. (As needed)
41629Intro Plant & Soil SciPLSC1103Isaac LepchaAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Economic importance of plants and their relationship to agriculture and society. Plant structure, physiology and heredity. Factors of the environment in relation to growth, adaptation and management of plants. Utilization of plant products. (F, Sp)
41552Amer Govt & PoliticsPOSC2103Trisha CapanskyAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) A survey of the origins, structure and functions of the political system in the United States on the national, state and local levels. Development of American constitutionalism, federalism and intergovernmental relations, parties, interest groups, elections, civil rights and civil liberties. (F, Sp, Su)
41553Paralegal Stud: Legal Term/WrPOSC3913Trisha CapanskyAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) An introduction to the legal language and the style of legal writing commonly used legal terms, writing of law office and trial memoranda, trial court briefs, appellate briefs and the abstracting of depositions. Prereq: POSC 210-220 or instructor’s approval. (Sp)
41594Introduction to World PoliticsPOSC2303Adnan RasoolAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) An introductory survey of leading theories and concepts resulting in an understanding of world politics. The course examines domestic and international aspects of global affairs while focusing on democratization, economic development, conflict, and cooperation. (F, Sp)
41625Paralegal Stud: JurisprudencePOSC3903Ashley BynumAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) An introduction to the history and philosophy of law. Particular emphasis on the development of American law from its European antecedents. Examines major categories of contemporary legal practice. Prereq: POSC 210-220. (Sp)
41626Amer Political Instit & PolicyPOSC2203Anderson StarlingAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) A survey of the origin and structure of political decision making in the various institutions of American government, including the legislative, judicial, and executive branches. The course also places an emphasis on the public policy process as it relates to issues on domestic and foreign policy. (F, Sp, Su)
41529Introduction to PsychologyPSYC1013Angelina MacKewnAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) This is an introductory course which surveys the field of psychology including the following major areas: research methods and findings, biological, learning and cognition, developmental, social, personality, and psychological disorders. Student may receive credit for either the PSYC 110-120 sequence or PSYC 101, but not both. (F, Sp, Su)
41530Developmental PsychPSYC3133Colin KeyAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) A theoretical and empirical study of human cognitive, social and personality development spanning prenatal development to death. Primary emphasis on psychological growth and change in infancy, childhood and adolescence. Prereq: PSYC 101. (F, Sp, Su)
41532Abnormal PsychPSYC3503Susan BuckelewAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) A study of the biological and psychological factors underlying abnormal behavior. The dynamics of psychological models, patterns of abnormal behavior and nontechnical discussion of diagnostic and therapeutic methods. Prereq: PSYC 101. (F)
41836Learning & CognitionPSYC3204Angelina MacKewnAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(4) A survey and critical analysis of theoretical issues, empirical findings and research methods in the psychology of learning and cognition. Coverage includes mechanisms of learning and how learned information is retained, processed and used in memory and other cognitive processes. Students conduct several lab research projects and write up the results in the publication format of the American Psychological Association. Three hours lecture and one two-hour lab. Prereq: PSYC 315 and 318. (Sp)
41888Psychology LabPSYC320L Angelina MacKewnAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
41992SpTp: Brain & BehaviorPSYC3653Sherry BrittAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(1-3) Selected topics in the area of psychology. The course subject matter for this class will vary by semester; for example, human sexuality, psychology and the media, psychology of aging, autism, or introduction to brain and behavior, etc. Course may be repeated with different topics. Total credits not to exceed nine hours in the group PSYC 361-365 for majors or minors in Psychology. Prereq: PSYC 101 or instructor approval.
42808Experimental Psych IIPSYC3184Angelina MacKewnAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(4) An introduction to research methodology in the behavioral sciences. Topics will include a scientific overview, ethics, experimental and other designs. Students will complete assignments in the publication format of the American Psychological Association. Three one-hour lectures and one two-hour lab. Prereq: PSYC 101 and 315 with grade of C or better; MATH 140 or equivalent. (F, Sp)
43014Psychology LabPSYC318L Angelina MacKewnAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
42601Lit III:Lit Instr Assess&InterREAD4483Aubrey RickettsAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) This course further develops literacy topics addressed in READ 438, with special emphasis on statewide literacy initiatives, dyslexia, assessment practices, and intervention strategies. Topics explored in this course include reading comprehension, vocabulary development, and response to instruction and intervention (RTI2). Teacher candidates will learn how to integrate research-based practices to promote development in all six strands of language arts: reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing, and visually representing. Prerequisite(s): READ 438; READ 442; Admission to Educator Preparation Program (EPP); Must make a C or better. (Fall)
41631Social ProblemsSOC2023David HallAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Analysis of selected contemporary social problems in their social and cultural setting. Develop an awareness of local, national and international social problems. Learn and apply sociological perspectives to the analysis of social problems. SOC 202 is a service learning course, and students are required to complete volunteer community service hours and attend an assigned number of campus events. (F, Sp)
42530Data AnalysisSOC3193Justin MartinAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) An introduction to statistics in the social sciences. Topics will include univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analyses of social science data. Particular emphasis will be placed on using data analysis software and the interpretation of statistical results. Students may receive credit for either SOC 303 or 319, not both. Pre-Req: Math 110 or Math 140. (Spring)
41534Elementary SpanishSPAN1113Harriette SpiegelAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) (TBR: SPAN 1010) An introductory course emphasizing listening, speaking, reading and writing. May be used to remove an entrance deficiency or for students with no prior experience in this language. After passing 111, students will take the second semester of the elementary sequence, 122. Three classroom hours. (F, Sp)
42374Elem SpanishSPAN1223Harriette SpiegelAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) An introductory course emphasizing listening, speaking, reading and writing. Prereq: SPAN 111 or 115 or equivalent as determined by the department. Three classroom hours.
42846Interm SpanishSPAN2223Harriette SpiegelAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Grammar review, reading, writing and conversation. Prereq: SPAN 122 or equivalent as determined by the department. (F, Sp)
43076Elementary SpanishSPAN1113Harriette SpiegelAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) (TBR: SPAN 1010) An introductory course emphasizing listening, speaking, reading and writing. May be used to remove an entrance deficiency or for students with no prior experience in this language. After passing 111, students will take the second semester of the elementary sequence, 122. Three classroom hours. (F, Sp)
41490Children with ExceptionalitiesSPED3003Jennifer DickersonAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) An introductory course designed to provide an overview of the field of special education. Principles, characteristics, programs, special needs, legal requirements and instructional strategies related to the education of children with exceptionalities. (F, Sp)
42967Inclu Prac for Midd and Sec ClSPED4703Howard SmithAug 26, 2024Oct 11, 2024
(3) An examination of the needs and particular issues which are specific to adolescent students with mild disabilities and at-risk populations. The course emphasizes curriculum approaches, inclusion, RTI, collaborative teaching, differentiated instruction, universal design for learning modifications and accommodations, and approaches for general and special education teachers. Prereq: SPED 300 (500), Admission to Educator Preparation Program (EPP). Coreq or Prereq: TCED 302. (As needed)
41640Hum Diversity & Oppressed PopuSWRK2203Shelby EastAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Focuses on the dynamics and consequences of discrimination, economic deprivation and oppression on people of color, women, gay and lesbian persons. Other populations at risk are examined and distinguished by age, ethnicity, culture, class and physical or mental ability. Exploration of personal and professional beliefs, values, roles and norms of culturally different clients and the use of culture in formulating appropriate intervention. (F, Sp)
42022Social Work in Mental HealthSWRK3353Cayce BattsOct 16, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Focuses on developmental disabilities and mental/behavioral health issues and appropriate interventions with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities. (F-even)
42043Hum Diversity & Oppressed PopuSWRK2203Shelby EastOct 16, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Focuses on the dynamics and consequences of discrimination, economic deprivation and oppression on people of color, women, gay and lesbian persons. Other populations at risk are examined and distinguished by age, ethnicity, culture, class and physical or mental ability. Exploration of personal and professional beliefs, values, roles and norms of culturally different clients and the use of culture in formulating appropriate intervention. (F, Sp)
42531Intro Soc Work & Soc WelfareSWRK2003Lisa CliftonAug 26, 2024Oct 11, 2024
(3) Introduces students to the profession of social work and provides an overview of the professional knowledge, skills and values necessary for generalist social work practice. An overview of the historical, philosophical, educational and social dimensions of the social work profession. The origins, structure and characteristics of the American social welfare system. Survey of the needs and problems people bring to social welfare agencies and patterns of societal responses. Special emphasis on rural areas. (F, Sp)
42532Social Work Prog OrientationSWRK2902Cayce BattsAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(2) Focuses on disseminating specific requirements for students accepted into the social work program including Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), Individualized Student Success Plans (ISSP), and Community Service, Volunteer Placement requirements. Student participation in 25 hours of community service is required. Prereq: Initial Progression and Purchase of Tevera Tracking Software
42533Social Work Practice ISWRK3403Alicia Maya DonaldsonAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Presents a generalist approach to the basic principles and concepts of evidence based social work practice. Building on foundation knowledge, values and skills introduced in SWRK 200, an ecological-systems approach to problem solving is emphasized. Introduction of the general methods of social work interaction with individuals is the primary emphasis. Student participation in a three hour per week field experience is required. Prereq: Concurrent registration in SWRK 350. (F, Sp)
42534SWRK Practice Skills & TechnolSWRK3503Alicia Maya DonaldsonAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Offers interaction simulation which builds on the theoretical information presented in SWRK 340. Skills and processes of engagement, data collection, assessment, intervention, evaluation and termination phases in service delivery with a variety of systems are included. This course focuses on interviewing and recording techniques which can be applied to all levels of social work practice. Role play and videotaped scenarios assist in development of skills. Student participation in a three hour per week field experience is required. Prereq: Concurrent registration in SWRK 340. (F, Sp)
42535Social Work in School SettingSWRK3753Cayce BattsAug 26, 2024Oct 11, 2024
(3) Provides understanding of the social worker’s role in the interface between students, parents, schools and communities. Focus on primary prevention and intervention in the school setting. (F-odd)
42536SpTp:CrisisAssessment&IntervenSWRK4253Lisa CliftonAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(1-3) Selected topics of current interest and importance. Prereq: Instructor’s approval. Course may be repeated with different topics. A maximum of nine credit hours can be counted toward a degree in Social Work. (As needed
42595Residency ITCED4001Abbie McClureOct 16, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(1) This course serves as the lab component for Residency I, a performance based field experience. The course includes the planning of appropriate instruction and implementation of theories from professional education classes to practice within the classroom. During Residency I, students will be enrolled in professional education method classes, along with this course, based on their major. Pre-req- Admission to EPP (F, Sp)
42596Residency ITCED4001Lauren CampbellOct 16, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(1) This course serves as the lab component for Residency I, a performance based field experience. The course includes the planning of appropriate instruction and implementation of theories from professional education classes to practice within the classroom. During Residency I, students will be enrolled in professional education method classes, along with this course, based on their major. Pre-req- Admission to EPP (F, Sp)
42597App Social Stud and Lang ArtsTCED3503Rachael MartinAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Strategies and materials for teaching social studies and languages arts in K-8 classrooms. Unit and lesson plans, activities and materials for the classroom, peer teaching. Special emphasis on meeting the needs of diverse learners. Prereq: Admission to Educator Preparation Program (EPP) and TCED 302. Residency I Course. (Fall)
42598App Science in Elem EducationTCED3403Texas CulverAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Development of elementary science strategies, materials, and content pedagogy through problem solving, scientific reasoning, communication, and connections. Bridges the theoretical foundations of learning to teach science in an active and diverse learning environment using research-based strategies. Includes unit planning, writing lesson plans, practical teaching exercises, and field experience. Pre-Req: Admission to Educator Preparation Program (EPP) and TCED 302. Residency I Course. (Fall)
42599Elem Methods I: Teaching MathTCED3423Texas CulverAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) This course provides teacher candidates an opportunity to explore standards and teaching methods associated with the pedagogy of elementary mathematics. This course emphasizes the importance of using models, demonstrations, academic language, and High Quality Instructional Materials (HQIMs) to teach mathematics. Prereq: Admission to Educator Preparation Program (EPP). Must make a C or better. (Fall)
42963Residency ITCED4001Mary GilesAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(1) This course serves as the lab component for Residency I, a performance based field experience. The course includes the planning of appropriate instruction and implementation of theories from professional education classes to practice within the classroom. During Residency I, students will be enrolled in professional education method classes, along with this course, based on their major. Pre-req- Admission to EPP (F, Sp)
42964Residency ITCED4001Rachael MartinAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(1) This course serves as the lab component for Residency I, a performance based field experience. The course includes the planning of appropriate instruction and implementation of theories from professional education classes to practice within the classroom. During Residency I, students will be enrolled in professional education method classes, along with this course, based on their major. Pre-req- Admission to EPP (F, Sp)
42965Residency ITCED4001Tammie PattersonAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(1) This course serves as the lab component for Residency I, a performance based field experience. The course includes the planning of appropriate instruction and implementation of theories from professional education classes to practice within the classroom. During Residency I, students will be enrolled in professional education method classes, along with this course, based on their major. Pre-req- Admission to EPP (F, Sp)
43044Intro To TeachingTCED2113Texas CulverAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) A course designed to provide prospective Educator Preparation Program (EPP) majors with an introduction to teaching as a profession. Includes an overview of the Educator Preparation Program (EPP) Conceptual Framework. Introduction to cultural diversity and bias, roles and responsibilities of the educator, and legal and ethical requirements of the profession. Requirements and terms related to education licensure and other relevant concepts and expectations are also introduced. Service learning and school visits may be utilized within the curriculum. (As needed)
41537Theatre AppreciationTHEA1103Ann HollisAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) An overview of contemporary theatre and drama, initiating basic critical analysis of art and theatre as art in relation to various other art forms and popular entertainment. Particular attention is given to theatre's place in society, its diversity and its relevance to students today. Notable connections are made between theatre and the familiar world of Hollywood, television and film. The roles of the actor, director, playwright and designer are surveyed. (Theatre Appreciation)
41621Intro Veterinary TechnologyVET2002Amanda WaldonAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(2) Introductory course on the role of the veterinary technician in the veterinary profession. Emphasis placed on ethics, professionalism, legal applications, value of professional organizations, importance of life-long learning, and safety issues. Veterinary office management and computer skills are also covered. Two one-hour lectures. (F)
41622Vet Tech Medical TerminologyVET3002Zachary MorphisAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(2) Medical terminology in veterinary medicine. Emphasizes the structure of medical terms and determination of meaning based on prefixes, root words, and suffixes. Directional and descriptive terms are covered. Two one-hour lectures. (F)
42537Intro Women's&Gender StudiesWMST2013Natalie WatsonAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Surveys the study of women in society. The primary goal is to explore how gender shapes our views and understandings. A further goal is to explain how class, race, ethnicity and age shape the female experience historically and across cultures. The relationship between cultural definitions of feminine behavior and the reality of women’s lives, roles in work, the family, the arts, politics and the sciences is examined. (as needed)
Fall 2024 Graduate Courses
CrnTitleSubjectCourseCredit HoursInstructor NameStart DateEnd Date
41567Strategic Mgmt Issues in AgricAGEC7513Rachna TewariAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Application of current strategic management techniques to agribusiness problems. Emphasis on viewing management from a broad organizational perspective through an integrated approach. The ability to assimilate and analyze information from all aspects of the organization (i.e. management, marketing, information systems, production, finance, accounting, etc.) to analyze complex problems, develop plans and propose recommendations on a top-management perspective. (As needed)
41712Commodity Futures & OptionsAGEC7103Scott ParrottAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Economic theory and methods for analyzing agricultural production decisions and the underlying relationship to futures and options markets. Specific topics include the institutional structure, price formation, producer and agribusiness strategies, and financial instruments associated with U.S. and international markets. (As needed)
42565SpTp:EvalDomestic&WildAnimalMgAGRI7733Emalee ButtreyAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(1-6) Topics in selected areas of agriculture. For graduate students in the Master of Science in Agriculture and Natural Resources Systems Management program. Can be used to meet requirements in the MSANR curriculum. The subject matter area is indicated by the third digit: 0 for Agriculture, 1 for Agricultural Economics, 2 for Agricultural Engineering Technology, 3 for Animal Science, 5 for Plant and Soil Science. Prereq: Graduate Coordinator and instructor’s approval. May repeat enrollment up to six credit hours. (As needed)
42858MR:On&OffCampusVetSchAcceptAGRI7911Joseph MehlhornAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(1-3) A major research project associated with agriculture. Research projects shall include: a review of literature, data collection methodology, data presentation and a final written report. May repeat enrollment. No more than three semester hours credit will be counted toward requirements for the MSANR degree. P/N only. (F, Sp, Su)
42975MR :Farmland Loss in TNAGRI7913Philip SmarttAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(1-3) A major research project associated with agriculture. Research projects shall include: a review of literature, data collection methodology, data presentation and a final written report. May repeat enrollment. No more than three semester hours credit will be counted toward requirements for the MSANR degree. P/N only. (F, Sp, Su)
43031MR:FactorsAffectPurchLeaseDeciAGRI7913Joseph MehlhornAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(1-3) A major research project associated with agriculture. Research projects shall include: a review of literature, data collection methodology, data presentation and a final written report. May repeat enrollment. No more than three semester hours credit will be counted toward requirements for the MSANR degree. P/N only. (F, Sp, Su)
41434Business Law and EthicsBLAW7113Patrick BakerSep 30, 2024Nov 1, 2024
(3) Today’s managers are expected to make decisions that comply with legal and ethical principles. This course increases awareness of ethical, legal and regulatory controls, problems and responsibilities that impact business dealings with government agencies, consumers, employees, competitors, investors and society. Students will develop the ability to identify and address major legal and ethical issues so as to avoid potential liability and to maintain ethical integrity in a competitive global marketplace. (Su)
42437Business Law and EthicsBLAW7113Patrick BakerSep 30, 2024Nov 1, 2024
(3) Today’s managers are expected to make decisions that comply with legal and ethical principles. This course increases awareness of ethical, legal and regulatory controls, problems and responsibilities that impact business dealings with government agencies, consumers, employees, competitors, investors and society. Students will develop the ability to identify and address major legal and ethical issues so as to avoid potential liability and to maintain ethical integrity in a competitive global marketplace. (Su)
42413Resources Fam Life EducCFS7513William DooleyAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Resources useful in developing curriculum content in child and family studies. (As needed)
42980Theories in Child Fam StudiesCFS7443William DooleyAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Selected theories concerning the development of children and families. Historical views, current research and applications to family life. (As needed)
41606Administration of JusticeCJ7023Danny PirtleSep 30, 2024Nov 1, 2024
(3) Survey of administration and management patterns and strategies in criminal justice and modern criminal justice agencies. (F-odd)
41609Criminological TheoryCJ7083Tina LeeNov 4, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Presented in seminar format, this course will provide an examination of major criminological theories presented through historical and contemporary writings of major theorists. Extensive reading and writing will be required. (Sp-even)
41613Foundations of LeadershipCJ7103Jasmine DrakeAug 26, 2024Sep 27, 2024
(3) Assessment and development of personal leadership skills and behaviors. Emphasis on identifying, clarifying, and developing personal competencies essential for assuming leadership roles in law enforcement and other criminal justice areas. (As needed)
41840Practical LeadershipCJ7153David RembertSep 30, 2024Nov 1, 2024
(3) Implementation of leadership theories and principles in law enforcement and criminal justice organizations. Emphasis on the development of individual ability to develop practical problem-solving skills. (As needed)
42142Info, Planning, & LogisticsCJ7193Nicola Davis BivensNov 4, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Collecting and processing information about potential or actual incidents to facilitate overall activities aiding whole communities, including planning and support for timely and efficient delivery of supplies, equipment, services, and facilities. (As Needed)
43023Program PlanningCJ7013Tina LeeNov 4, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Development of cost-effective, productivity-oriented professional criminal justice training programs. Emphasis on needs assessment, curriculum development, delivery, assessment, and accountability of professional training. (Sp-odd, Su-even)
41451Group DynamicsCOUN7403Tabitha CudeAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) A study of group processes, techniques and ethical issues involved in using groups for counseling and personal and interpersonal growth opportunities. Topics of course investigation include the study of leadership, communication skills, stress management and career development. Pre-req: admission to the graduate counseling program or consent of instructor. (F, Su)
41452Pre-Pract in School CounselingCOUN7873Tabitha CudeAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
"(3) This course will prepare the student for the practicum and internship field experiences. Practical and reflective activities will be used to build the skills and knowledge necessary to successfully complete the required field experiences of practicum and internship. Topics may include: the specific requirements of field placements (including direct and indirect student contact hours); understanding school culture and the counselor's role in it; popular counseling theories used in school counseling; overview of supervision theories and practices; the elements of the ASCA National Model; working with special populations; developmental issues of students; self-assessment of knowledge, skills, and attitudes; and taking the next steps toward practicum, internship and professional development. Prereq: COUN 786 and this course must be taken prior to COUN 785. Admission to graduate counseling program or consent of instructor."
41453Internship Secondary SchoolCOUN7893Whitney SimpsonAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Includes 300 hours of supervised experience in 7-12 school settings (120 hours must be direct client contact hours). Students will plan Counseling 377 Course Descriptions and manage all facets of the counseling program including counseling with students, coordinating the program and consulting with student support personnel, parents and community resources. Students may enroll in one additional course while enrolled in the internship course. Prereq: COUN 785 and admission to counseling candidacy. Students may enroll in internship during their last two semesters of coursework. Application must be submitted the semester prior to enrollment. Course graded on Pass/Fail basis.
41463Internship Elementary SchoolCOUN7903Tabitha CudeAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Includes 300 hours of supervised experience in Pre K-6 school settings (120 hours must be direct client contact hours). Students will plan and manage all facets of the counseling program including counseling with students, coordinating the program and consulting with student support personnel, parents and community resources. Students may enroll in one additional course while enrolled in the internship course. Prereq: COUN 785 and admission to counseling candidacy. Students may enroll in internship during their last two semesters of coursework. Application must be submitted the semester prior to enrollment. Course graded on Pass/Fail basis.
41466Counseling PracticumCOUN7853Covington HanleyAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3)This course has an academic component with two foci; first, the personal and professional exploration of students assuming the role of counselor-in-training; and, second, the concentrated study and practice of specific counseling theory through the completion of readings, written assignments, and role plays. The course also requires a supervised clinical experience at a clinical mental health counseling facility under the direct supervision of a licensed mental health professional. Includes 100 hours; 40 of those hours must be in direct contact with clients/students. Relationship-building skills, listening skills, fact-finding skills, reflective skills, summarizing skills, role-playing, simulation, and actual experiences with clients in counseling are investigated. Professional liability insurance is required. Enrollment is by application and permission of the instructor. The course must be completed near the end of the program but before the first internship. (This course has an academic component with two foci; first, the personal and professional exploration of students assuming the role of counselor-in-training; and, second, the concentrated study and practice of specific counseling theory through the completion of readings, written assignments, and role plays. The course also requires a supervised clinical experience at a clinical mental health counseling facility under the direct supervision of a licensed mental health professional. Includes 100 hours; 40 of those hours must be in direct contact with clients/students. Relationship-building skills, listening skills, fact-finding skills, reflective skills, summarizing skills, role-playing, simulation, and actual experiences with clients in counseling are investigated. Professional liability insurance is required. Enrollment is by application and permission of the instructor. The course must be completed near the end of the program but before the first internship. Pre-req: COUN 725, admissions to counseling candidacy and instructor's approval. (F,Sp, Su)
41468Psychopathology Diag&TrtmtCOUN7773Covington HanleyAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) This course reviews interviewing and diagnosing skills and intervention models and techniques applicable to psychological disorders: cognitive, affective and behavioral. Pre-req: admission to the graduate counseling program or consent of instructor. (As needed)
41471Internship II CMH/SA/AddCOUN7923Covington HanleyAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) This internship provides the opportunity for students in the Clinical Mental Health, Student Affairs, and Addictions specializations to develop skills in counseling on site. Case experiences are discussed under the supervision of faculty. Students complete a minimum of 300 hours on site that includes 120 client contact hours (group and individual) and 15 hours of supervision. Favorable final evaluations by the site supervisor and faculty are required for credit. Students may enroll in one additional course while enrolled in the internship course. Course may be repeated as needed for different specializations. Prereq: COUN 785 and admission to counseling candidacy. Students may enroll in internship during their last two semesters of coursework. Application must be submitted the semester prior to enrollment. Course graded on Pass/Fail basis.
41474Alcohol & Subst Abuse CounsCOUN7823David DietrichAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) The process of counseling alcohol and drug or substance dependent persons. The modalities of treatment including the pharmacological approach and referral are covered. Pre-req: admission to the graduate counseling program or consent of instructor. (F)
41476Career Development CounselingCOUN7303David DietrichAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Theories of vocational development, career education, career development and the significance of the world of work in the lifestyle of individuals. The strategies related to career exploration, career-related assessment, application of career development materials, technical and college career tracks of curriculum development, exploration of gender and cultural/ethnicity issue that may affect the career development of individuals in our society are emphasized. Prereq: admission to the graduate counseling program or consent of instructor. (Sp, Su)
41480Counseling PracticumCOUN7853ZeVida JonesAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3)This course has an academic component with two foci; first, the personal and professional exploration of students assuming the role of counselor-in-training; and, second, the concentrated study and practice of specific counseling theory through the completion of readings, written assignments, and role plays. The course also requires a supervised clinical experience at a clinical mental health counseling facility under the direct supervision of a licensed mental health professional. Includes 100 hours; 40 of those hours must be in direct contact with clients/students. Relationship-building skills, listening skills, fact-finding skills, reflective skills, summarizing skills, role-playing, simulation, and actual experiences with clients in counseling are investigated. Professional liability insurance is required. Enrollment is by application and permission of the instructor. The course must be completed near the end of the program but before the first internship. (This course has an academic component with two foci; first, the personal and professional exploration of students assuming the role of counselor-in-training; and, second, the concentrated study and practice of specific counseling theory through the completion of readings, written assignments, and role plays. The course also requires a supervised clinical experience at a clinical mental health counseling facility under the direct supervision of a licensed mental health professional. Includes 100 hours; 40 of those hours must be in direct contact with clients/students. Relationship-building skills, listening skills, fact-finding skills, reflective skills, summarizing skills, role-playing, simulation, and actual experiences with clients in counseling are investigated. Professional liability insurance is required. Enrollment is by application and permission of the instructor. The course must be completed near the end of the program but before the first internship. Pre-req: COUN 725, admissions to counseling candidacy and instructor's approval. (F,Sp, Su)
41481Introduction to CounselingCOUN6203ZeVida JonesAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) An orientation to counseling, counseling skills and principles including sociological, historical and philosophical foundations of the counseling profession. Topics include professional dispositions and behavior, ethical standards, multicultural perspectives of counseling, contemporary trends or issues in counseling, and the role and importance of professional counseling organizations. (F, Sp)
41482Prof, Ethic & Leg Iss in CounCOUN7223ZeVida JonesAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) An introduction to the legal and ethical issues in the counseling profession. Topics addressed will include ethical decision-making; professional credentials and affiliations; and, standards of practice, research and educational preparation in counseling. (As Needed)
41491Research in CounselingCOUN7103Derrick ShepardAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) This course is an introduction to historical, experimental, descriptive and survey research in the field of counseling. Research techniques, the analysis of research results, and the uses of research in counseling and in program evaluation are explored. Topics covered include research methodology and basic statistical concepts. Cannot receive credit for both EDFN 710 and COUN 710. Prerequisite(s): Admission to the graduate counseling program or consent of the instructor. (Fall , Spring, Summer)
41492Grow/Dev Life Span Birth-AdultCOUN7163Derrick ShepardAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Emphasis on theory and research on social, emotional and cognitive development over the life with emphasis on educational settings. Cannot receive credit for both EDPG/COUN 716 and TCED 716. Pre-req: admission to the graduate counseling program or consent of instructor. (F, Sp, Su)
41493Theor and Tech of CounselingCOUN7253Derrick ShepardAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) This course provides a detailed review of the theoretical foundations of major counseling theories and techniques applicable to children/adolescents/adults. Students will practice basic counseling skills in role plays and assignments as well as practice use of specific counseling theories. (F,Sp)
41497Special Topics in School CounsCOUN7473Tabitha CudeAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) This course is designed to provide the opportunity to explore current and relevant topics in school counseling, in response to the changing nature of the profession. The focus will be on providing school counseling students with knowledge, training and practice in contemporary topics. (F,Sp)
42341Internship I CMH/SA/AddictCOUN7883Covington HanleyAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) This internship provides opportunity for students in the Clinical Mental Health, Student Affairs, and Addictions specializations to develop skills in counseling on site. Case experiences are discussed under the supervision of faculty. Students complete a minimum of 300 hours on site that includes 120 client contact hours (group and individual) and 15 hours of supervision. Favorable final evaluations by the site supervisor and faculty are required for credit. Students may enroll in one additional course while enrolled in the internship course. Course may be repeated as needed for different specializations. Prereq: COUN 785 and admission to counseling candidacy. Students may enroll in internship during their last two semesters of coursework. Application must be submitted the semester prior to enrollment. Course graded on Pass/Fail basis.
42803Couns Child/Adol Psych DysfuncCOUN7753David DietrichAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Identification of children and adolescents with extensive emotional, social, or psychological/mental disorders. Emphasizes a broad spectrum of therapeutic approaches to treatment that can be utilized in educational and mental health settings and in counseling/consultative activities; IEP’s; parent education and training; teacher education and training; social skills education and training; and self-esteem education and training. Pre-req: admission to the graduate counseling program or consent of instructor.(Sp)
41515Educ Assessment and EvalEDEV7613Mary GilesAug 26, 2024Oct 11, 2024
(3) Construction, use and interpretation of teacher-made and standardized instruments for measuring pupil development. Emphasis on the determination of different estimates of reliability and validity and an introduction to questionnaire and test construction. Prereq: Admission to Teacher Education. Credit cannot be given for both EDEV 661 and EDEV 761. Prereq: Admission to Educator Preparation Program (EPP).
41522Educ Assessment and EvalEDEV7613Stanton WatsonOct 16, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Construction, use and interpretation of teacher-made and standardized instruments for measuring pupil development. Emphasis on the determination of different estimates of reliability and validity and an introduction to questionnaire and test construction. Prereq: Admission to Teacher Education. Credit cannot be given for both EDEV 661 and EDEV 761. Prereq: Admission to Educator Preparation Program (EPP).
41505Multicultural Issues Educ/CounEDFN7203Harriette SpiegelAug 26, 2024Oct 11, 2024
(3) Emphasis is on multicultural education and cultural foundations in education and counseling; developing knowledge, self-awareness and skill competencies for effectiveness in teaching and counseling services in Pre K-12 schools. (F, Sp, Su)
41520Research In EducationEDFN7103Bonnie DanielOct 16, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) This course is an introduction to historical, experimental, descriptive, and survey research as they relate to seeking solutions to problems within the field of education. Research techniques, the analysis of research results, and the uses of research are explored. Students will complete in-depth library research, including research for individual classroom purposes, as well as writing research proposals in American Psychological Association (APA) format. The knowledge bases will cover both the consumer and producer perspectives of research. Research methodology, techniques, and literature review information will be addressed. (F, Sp, Su)
42012Research In EducationEDFN7103Annie JonesOct 16, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) This course is an introduction to historical, experimental, descriptive, and survey research as they relate to seeking solutions to problems within the field of education. Research techniques, the analysis of research results, and the uses of research are explored. Students will complete in-depth library research, including research for individual classroom purposes, as well as writing research proposals in American Psychological Association (APA) format. The knowledge bases will cover both the consumer and producer perspectives of research. Research methodology, techniques, and literature review information will be addressed. (F, Sp, Su)
43081Fost Cultural Comp ClassroomEDFN7003Texas CulverOct 16, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) This course provides in-depth opportunities for teacher candidates to explore the impact of cultural competencies on diverse learners in the contemporary classroom. Teacher candidates will examine cross-cultural experiences in P-12 classrooms related to the holistic approach to teaching diverse learners through the lens of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Field experience may be required. (As Needed)
41448Clinical PracticeEDLD7503Amanda BattsAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Candidates will utilize a systems approach in collaboration with mentor principals to establish an instructional focus with accompanying strategies to improve student achievement. They will communicate to multiple stakeholders the theory of action that underpins the instructional focus and accompanying strategies. Candidates will demonstrate their proficiency to lead successfully continuous school improvement efforts by: applying systems thinking to implement and continuously monitor the Change Project in alignment with the School Improvement Plan. leading, monitoring, and evaluating curriculum alignment and equitable instruction and assessments, managing all resources equitably to ensure a safe learning environment for the implementation of the School Improvement Plan. Clinical (Field) Experience is required.
41449Clinical Practice IIEDLD7803Amanda BattsAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Candidates will utilize a systems approach in collaboration with mentor principals to establish an instructional focus with accompanying strategies to improve student achievement. They will communicate to multiple stakeholders the theory of action that underpins the instructional focus and accompanying strategies. Prereq: must be taken during the last semester of coursework.
41500Instructional LeadershipEDLD7103Versie HamlettAug 26, 2024Oct 11, 2024
(3) Culturally responsive leaders function comfortably in cross-cultural settings and interact harmoniously with people from cultures and races that differ from one’s own. An effective school leader identifies culturally responsive instructional practices that guide teachers in planning and executing culturally responsive learning experiences, and provides feedback on how these practices are implemented. When all teachers are purposeful about implementing culturally responsive instructional practices, there is a shared student-centered approach to teaching in which the students' unique identities and cultural strengths are recognized and nurtured to promote relevant and rigorous instruction, student achievement and a sense of safety and social-emotional well-being. Clinical (Field) Experience is required.
41512Measurement & Decision MakingEDLD7453Gregory BarclayOct 16, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3)Culturally responsive school leaders guide teachers to interpret and use data in ways that recognize the importance of the including students’ cultural identities in all aspects of school life. Culturally responsive principals focus on the assets of students when they collect data, ask probing questions to help analyze root causes that may explain the data, and respond by establishing practices that recognize the inherent role and impact of culture and history upon learning and development. When educators intentionally review and respond to data through a culturally responsive lens, they make decisions that acknowledge and reduce privileges, confront individual and institutional bias; and take action for improvement that provide equitable opportunities and equitable outcomes for each student.
41513Equitable&Culturally Resp PracEDLD7553Amanda BattsOct 16, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Effective school leaders actively engage their teams in exploring key principles of equity as a way to understand the communities they serve. Effective school leaders guide their teachers and staff in uncovering their own biases and assumptions, identify key areas for staff development and growth, and facilitate a culture of learning as they integrate practices to address the diverse needs of the students and families within their communities. Effective school leaders are aware of their own personal biases and assumptions in order to guide staff in developing a shared understanding of cultural responsiveness and equity, so that each student can receive the quality education they deserve. Clinical (Field) Experience is required.
43110Organizational Business MgtEDLD7153Amanda BattsOct 16, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Focuses on the knowledge, skills, and practices necessary to improve management, communication, technology, school level governance, and operation systems tin order to develop and improve data informed and equitable school resource plans and to applu laws, policies, and regulations. Clinical (Field) Experience is required.
41504Teaching with TechnologyEDST7503Michael SpauldingAug 26, 2024Oct 11, 2024
(3) This course provides a research-based overview of the use of a variety of media and technology tools as an integrated part of the teaching and learning process. Emphasis is on current technology-related issues in schools and the use of technology to promote learner-centered classroom environments. Credit cannot be received for both EDST 750 and IDT 750. (F, Sp)
41518Teaching with TechnologyEDST7503Michael SpauldingOct 16, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) This course provides a research-based overview of the use of a variety of media and technology tools as an integrated part of the teaching and learning process. Emphasis is on current technology-related issues in schools and the use of technology to promote learner-centered classroom environments. Credit cannot be received for both EDST 750 and IDT 750. (F, Sp)
41484Methods Teach Elem ClassroomELED7303Mary GilesAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Exploration and examination of the content and concepts of the elementary content curricula as well as an investigation of methods and materials and a review of relevant research. Links the theoretical foundations of teaching to active and diverse learning using research-based strategies while supporting the development of literacy in the content area. Includes unit planning, writing lesson plan, and practical teaching exercises. Directed experience in public schools. Must make a B or better. Pre-Req: Admission to Educator Preparation Program (EPP); TCED 730 and EDEV 761; Must make a B or better. (Fall , Spring)
41510Student TeachingELED7933Sally JonesAug 26, 2024Oct 11, 2024
(3) Supervised student teaching in a diverse grade-appropriate setting for the licensure area being pursued. Must be taken with TCED 702. Pre-Req: Admission to the Education Preparation Program (EPP), and completion of all specialized teaching strategies/methods courses,  and Praxis exams required for licensure. (Fall , Spring)
41524Student Teaching Gr 5-8ELED7943Sally JonesOct 16, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Supervised student teaching in grades 5-8 for a minimum of 7.5 weeks. Must be taken with ELED 793. (F, Sp)
41695Methods Teach Math/Sci ElemELED7313Mary GilesAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Exploration and examination of the content and concepts of the elementary mathematics and science curricula as well as an investigation of methods and materials and a review of relevant research. Unit planning, lesson planning, simulated teaching and small group instruction in the public schools are required. Directed experience in public schools. Prereq: TCED 780, TCED 705 (for MSIL Elem/Sec majors only), or SPED 460/660 (for MSIL K-12 SPED majors only), and Admission to Teacher Education. (Sp)
42899Methods Teach Elem ClassroomELED7303Mary GilesAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Exploration and examination of the content and concepts of the elementary content curricula as well as an investigation of methods and materials and a review of relevant research. Links the theoretical foundations of teaching to active and diverse learning using research-based strategies while supporting the development of literacy in the content area. Includes unit planning, writing lesson plan, and practical teaching exercises. Directed experience in public schools. Must make a B or better. Pre-Req: Admission to Educator Preparation Program (EPP); TCED 730 and EDEV 761; Must make a B or better. (Fall , Spring)
43106Methods Teach Elem ClassroomELED7303Mary GilesOct 16, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Exploration and examination of the content and concepts of the elementary content curricula as well as an investigation of methods and materials and a review of relevant research. Links the theoretical foundations of teaching to active and diverse learning using research-based strategies while supporting the development of literacy in the content area. Includes unit planning, writing lesson plan, and practical teaching exercises. Directed experience in public schools. Must make a B or better. Pre-Req: Admission to Educator Preparation Program (EPP); TCED 730 and EDEV 761; Must make a B or better. (Fall , Spring)
43107Methods Teach Math/Sci ElemELED7313Mary GilesOct 16, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Exploration and examination of the content and concepts of the elementary mathematics and science curricula as well as an investigation of methods and materials and a review of relevant research. Unit planning, lesson planning, simulated teaching and small group instruction in the public schools are required. Directed experience in public schools. Prereq: TCED 780, TCED 705 (for MSIL Elem/Sec majors only), or SPED 460/660 (for MSIL K-12 SPED majors only), and Admission to Teacher Education. (Sp)
41435Corporate FinanceFIN7103Mahmoud HaddadAug 26, 2024Sep 27, 2024
(4) An analysis of the problems associated with the internal financial management of business enterprises through the application of decision-making methods. Prereq: ACCT 711 or 201 or 300; and ECON 710, or 201 and 202. (Sp)
41777Corporate FinanceFIN7103Mahmoud HaddadAug 26, 2024Sep 27, 2024
(4) An analysis of the problems associated with the internal financial management of business enterprises through the application of decision-making methods. Prereq: ACCT 711 or 201 or 300; and ECON 710, or 201 and 202. (Sp)
41415Administration Fd & Nutr ServFSMG7113Lori LittletonAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Organization and direction of systems which provide food and nutrition services to consumers as individuals and groups. (as needed)
41501Introduction to LeadershipHIED7203Daniel KelsoAug 26, 2024Oct 11, 2024
(3) In this course, students will examine their development and expression of leadership through self-reflection, activities, conceptual theories and external projects. The interpersonal and cultural skills and practices needed to be an effective and compelling leader of postsecondary institutions will be the focus. Topics will include, leadership attributes, traits, strengths, philosophy, styles, skills, vision, symbols, climate, inclusion, managing conflict, ethics and obstacles. Students will engage with current exemplary leaders in colleges and universities to explore leadership in practice. (F)
41502Introduction to LeadershipHIED7203Daniel KelsoAug 26, 2024Oct 11, 2024
(3) In this course, students will examine their development and expression of leadership through self-reflection, activities, conceptual theories and external projects. The interpersonal and cultural skills and practices needed to be an effective and compelling leader of postsecondary institutions will be the focus. Topics will include, leadership attributes, traits, strengths, philosophy, styles, skills, vision, symbols, climate, inclusion, managing conflict, ethics and obstacles. Students will engage with current exemplary leaders in colleges and universities to explore leadership in practice. (F)
41509History of Higher EducationHIED7403John LewterAug 26, 2024Oct 11, 2024
(3) An introduction to the historical origins and development of American Higher Education. Students will explore the historical foundations of higher education in the United States from European roots and philosophical ideas. Using both epistemological and ontological methods, students will examine the culture, beliefs, values, mission and goals of postsecondary education. Students will study historical, philosophical, cultural, social, religious, and economic issues that created a unique American higher education model. The course will also discover the theories and philosophies that undergird the institution of higher education. Issues of social justice, diverse institution types, government regulation, access and change and their influences on the academy will be studied.
41516Organiz & Admin Post SecondaryHIED7603Daniel KelsoOct 16, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) The study of the organizational structure of postsecondary institutions, knowledge and skills necessary for effective administrators. (Sp)
41519Organiz & Admin Post SecondaryHIED7603Joseph MehlhornOct 16, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) The study of the organizational structure of postsecondary institutions, knowledge and skills necessary for effective administrators. (Sp)
41521History of Higher EducationHIED7403Marquis McCloudAug 26, 2024Oct 11, 2024
(3) An introduction to the historical origins and development of American Higher Education. Students will explore the historical foundations of higher education in the United States from European roots and philosophical ideas. Using both epistemological and ontological methods, students will examine the culture, beliefs, values, mission and goals of postsecondary education. Students will study historical, philosophical, cultural, social, religious, and economic issues that created a unique American higher education model. The course will also discover the theories and philosophies that undergird the institution of higher education. Issues of social justice, diverse institution types, government regulation, access and change and their influences on the academy will be studied.
42716Capstone Proj High Educ LeadHIED7913Daniel KelsoOct 16, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Students will be required to synthesize and apply skills and content from across the Higher Education Leadership curriculum to research, analyze and report on a Higher Education Institution focusing on governance, finance, enrollment management, DEI, student engagement and development, history, research, and academic affairs. Students earning a grade of at least B in the course have represented successful completion of the Capstone Project. Students not earning at least a B will be required to retake HIED 791. HIED 791 will be completed in the final semester of coursework and will be offered in the 2nd term of Fall, Spring, and Summer. Pre-Req: All HIED courses must be completed prior to taking HIED 791. No other coursework may be taken with HIED 791. (Fall , Spring , Summer)
41436Leadership & Organiza BehaviorMGT7103Paul McCulloughAug 26, 2024Sep 27, 2024
(4) This course will address the theory of how organizations are structured. The course explores the behavioral side of organizations at both the macro and micro levels. The evolving body of empirical, literary, philosophical and case/experiential knowledge will be discussed to enhance appreciation for the role of human action in the design and function of organizations including leadership and teamwork. (Sp)
41437Analytics & Operations MgmtMGT7303Hui ChenNov 4, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) (3) Introduction to Operations Management concepts and problem-solving techniques in production and service operations management. Topics include demand forecasting, capacity management, resource allocation, inventory management, applications of linear programming, supply chain planning and data analytics, quality control, and project management. (As needed) (As needed)
41438Human Resource MgtMGT7503Benton JohnsonNov 4, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) An investigation of practices and problems associated with the management of people in contemporary organizations. Consideration is given to both individual and collective relationship situations. A case study approach is extensively utilized, including coverage of Human Resource Management Information Systems and union-management relations. (as needed)
41439Employee RelationsMGT7513Sean WalkerAug 26, 2024Sep 27, 2024
(3) A study of the employee-management relationship in modern work organizations. Topics may include historical and current labor legislation, collective bargaining strategies, conflict resolution, and the impact of current national and global trends in human resource management. (As Needed)
41440Seminar in Human ResourcesMGT7543Jamye LongSep 30, 2024Nov 1, 2024
(3) A seminar focusing on current issues in the human resource environment. Topics will vary, but may include compliance, leadership, and managing workplace diversity and inclusion. Case studies and/or projects are utilized in this course with the goal of developing practical solutions for contemporary human resource issues. (As Needed)
41441Business Policy & StrategyMGT7903Brandon KilburnNov 4, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) An advanced case study, integrating marketing, management, economics, finance and accounting of selected problems encountered in the management of typical organizations engaged in the production of goods and services. Problem analysis and decision making skills are emphasized in the context of the existing international environment. M.B.A. students must take this course during their last scheduled semester. Approval from the Graduate Coordinator is required before registering for this course. (F, Sp, Su)
41818Business Policy & StrategyMGT7903Samuel FaughtNov 4, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) An advanced case study, integrating marketing, management, economics, finance and accounting of selected problems encountered in the management of typical organizations engaged in the production of goods and services. Problem analysis and decision making skills are emphasized in the context of the existing international environment. M.B.A. students must take this course during their last scheduled semester. Approval from the Graduate Coordinator is required before registering for this course. (F, Sp, Su)
42046Leadership & Organiza BehaviorMGT7103Paul McCulloughAug 26, 2024Sep 27, 2024
(4) This course will address the theory of how organizations are structured. The course explores the behavioral side of organizations at both the macro and micro levels. The evolving body of empirical, literary, philosophical and case/experiential knowledge will be discussed to enhance appreciation for the role of human action in the design and function of organizations including leadership and teamwork. (Sp)
42438Analytics & Operations MgmtMGT7303Taeuk KangNov 4, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) (3) Introduction to Operations Management concepts and problem-solving techniques in production and service operations management. Topics include demand forecasting, capacity management, resource allocation, inventory management, applications of linear programming, supply chain planning and data analytics, quality control, and project management. (As needed) (As needed)
43102Human Resource MgtMGT7503Benton JohnsonNov 4, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) An investigation of practices and problems associated with the management of people in contemporary organizations. Consideration is given to both individual and collective relationship situations. A case study approach is extensively utilized, including coverage of Human Resource Management Information Systems and union-management relations. (as needed)
41442Marketing StrategyMKTG7103Ashley KilburnSep 30, 2024Nov 1, 2024
(4) This course is a seminar in history of marketing thought and current perspectives with managerial application. Topics will include marketing theory and philosophy, the creation of value through integrating the conception, production, distribution and exchange of goods, services and ideas, marketing planning, market identification and environments, product strategy, price strategy, channels strategy, promotional strategy and marketing assessment and control. (F)
42108Marketing StrategyMKTG7103Derek EzellSep 30, 2024Nov 1, 2024
(4) This course is a seminar in history of marketing thought and current perspectives with managerial application. Topics will include marketing theory and philosophy, the creation of value through integrating the conception, production, distribution and exchange of goods, services and ideas, marketing planning, market identification and environments, product strategy, price strategy, channels strategy, promotional strategy and marketing assessment and control. (F)
41648Appl Research Methods for ProfMMSC7103Tracy RutledgeAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Students will learn about the research process and examine qualitative and quantitative research methods with a focus on application of the techniques in the professional environment. Prereq: Earned grade of at least a "B" in COMM 720 or permission of the instructor. (As needed)
41650Persuasive Comm Tech & StrategMMSC7653Chara Van HornAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) This course examines the theories and techniques of persuasion as they apply to strategic communication contexts. (As needed)
42435Introduction to Strategic CommMMSC7043Jessica BeckhamAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) An introduction to strategic communication concepts, processes, and practices. This course will provide students with an overview of the historical development of strategic communication and the ways in which individuals and organizations use strategic communication to achieve goals. (Fall , Spring , As Needed)
42436Writing for Strategic CommMMSC7153Stacy FreedAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) This course prepares students to write and produce goal-driven messages by exploring the relationship between audience, message structure, and communication medium. Students will examine writing strategies and techniques for print and digital communication to achieve public relations, marketing communication, and business communication objectives. (As Needed)
42373Hist & Phil Found of Music EdMUED7003Jody BlakeOct 16, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Introduction to the historical and philosophical foundations of music education and its role in culture and society. Students will investigate the history of music education, its impact on present curricular trends, and critique major philosophies that shaped the teaching of music in public education. Additionally, students will develop their own philosophy of music education based on extant historical and philosophical foundations. (F)
42584Psyc Perspect in Music EdMUED7303Mark StatlerAug 26, 2024Oct 11, 2024
(3) Survey of music as a human experience with a focus on psychological and sociological principles involved in teaching music. Topics include musical acquisition, cognition, emotion, perception, brain functions, and the overall applications of psychology to instructional practices in music. (Sp)
41711Global Climate & Climate ChngNRM7553Thomas DePriestAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) A study of the physical principles and processes important to understanding past, present, and future climates on Earth. Analyses of data, discussions, case studies, and detailed investigation into the principles that affect global climate systems will be approached from a climatologist’s standpoint. Natural and anthropogenic climatic changes and climatic influences on human activity will be studied. (Same as GEOG 755)
42528Natural Res Policy & AdminNRM7403Thomas MullinAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) This course is designed to provide an understanding of how natural resource policy in the United States is developed. The course examines the intersection of human dimensions and natural systems. The evolution of natural resource policy and participants in policy development will also be studied. Through the use of student led discussion and writing projects, students will examine the application of management decisions within a policy context. (As needed)
42896MR:TNParksSeasonInterpSurveyNRM7913Philip SmarttAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(1-3) A major research project associated with natural resources management. Research projects shall include: a review of literature, data collection methodology, data presentation and a final written report. May repeat enrollment. No more than three semester hours credit will be counted toward requirements for the M.S.A.N.R. degree. P/N only. (F, Sp, Su)
43004MR:AnalysisTNProducerSurveyNRM7911Philip SmarttAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(1-3) A major research project associated with natural resources management. Research projects shall include: a review of literature, data collection methodology, data presentation and a final written report. May repeat enrollment. No more than three semester hours credit will be counted toward requirements for the M.S.A.N.R. degree. P/N only. (F, Sp, Su)
41408Sports NutritionNUTR6143Amy RichardsAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) [Nutrition strategies for optimal performance across various sports throughout the lifespan for all levels of athlete from recreational to professional. Practical information for health and wellness of athletes from weight management and prevention of chronic diet related disease to working with those with eating disorders and diabetes. Dietary recommendations for vegetarian athletes and the latest research on dietary supplements. Prereq: Nutr 100
41410Vitamins: Fund Aspects in NutrNUTR7003Amy RichardsAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) A discussion of the chemical and physiological properties of vitamins. Vitamin requirements, deficiencies, and toxicities addressed. Investigation of current research in the role of vitamins in disease prevention and/or treatment. (As needed)
41483Literacy I: Intro to LiteracyREAD7383Rachael MartinAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) This course will address teacher knowledge and skills required for effective curriculum design, instruction, and evaluation of literacy learners form kindergarten through middle grades. Including theory, research, curriculum/instruction, and evaluation as they relate to the components of literacy (phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. (Su, F)
42604Literacy III: Lit Assess & IntREAD7483Abbie McClureOct 16, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) This course further develops literacy topics address in READ 438, with special emphasis on statewide literacy initiatives, dyslexia, assessment practices, and intervention strategies. Topics explores in this course include reading comprehension, vocabulary development, and response to instruction and intervention (RT12). Teacher candidates will learn how to integrate research-based practices to promote development in all six strands of language arts: reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing, and visually representing. Prerequisite(s): Admission to Educator Preparation Program (EPP); READ 638 and READ 742; Must make a B or better. (Su,F)
42696Literacy II: Intro to LiteracyREAD7423Abbie McClureAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) This course will address teacher knowledge and skills required for effective curriculum design, instruction, and evaluation of emergent learners from pre-kindergarten through second grade. The components of emergent literacy include oral language development, phonological and phonemic awareness, the alphabetic principle, high-frequency vocabulary development, decoding, and emergent writing strategies. In this course, teacher candidates will have the opportunity to apply foundational skills instruction in a pre-kindergarten through the second-grade classroom practicum experience. Pre-req: Admission to Educator Preparation Program and READ 738 (Sp)
42697Disciplinary LiteracyREAD7333Samantha AlperinOct 16, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) A study of methods and materials that can be used in content area classrooms to improve vocabulary skills and comprehension and enhance content retention. Students will develop materials for use in their specific areas of content concentration. (F, Sp)
42878Disciplinary LiteracyREAD7333Samantha AlperinOct 16, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) A study of methods and materials that can be used in content area classrooms to improve vocabulary skills and comprehension and enhance content retention. Students will develop materials for use in their specific areas of content concentration. (F, Sp)
42938Literacy II: Intro to LiteracyREAD7423Lauren CampbellAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) This course will address teacher knowledge and skills required for effective curriculum design, instruction, and evaluation of emergent learners from pre-kindergarten through second grade. The components of emergent literacy include oral language development, phonological and phonemic awareness, the alphabetic principle, high-frequency vocabulary development, decoding, and emergent writing strategies. In this course, teacher candidates will have the opportunity to apply foundational skills instruction in a pre-kindergarten through the second-grade classroom practicum experience. Pre-req: Admission to Educator Preparation Program and READ 738 (Sp)
43003Literacy I: Intro to LiteracyREAD7383Tammie PattersonAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) This course will address teacher knowledge and skills required for effective curriculum design, instruction, and evaluation of literacy learners form kindergarten through middle grades. Including theory, research, curriculum/instruction, and evaluation as they relate to the components of literacy (phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. (Su, F)
43101Found Of Literacy DevelopmentREAD7003Lauren CampbellOct 16, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) An examination of the theoretical, historical, and evidence-based foundations of literacy and language development. Candidates will examine skills-based and knowledge-based competencies that readers use to make meaning from texts through a diverse lens in an effort to increase access, impact, and student learning through effective literacy practices. Field experience required.
42567Professional DevelopmentSCP7353Richard WestAug 26, 2024Oct 11, 2024
(3) Program introduction and review of candidate learning outcomes. Investigation into the craft and profession of sport coaching through examination of the Core Responsibilities that make up the National Standards for Sport Coaching. Exploration of sport coaching exemplars and best coaching practices are examined. Introduction into self-reflection, reflective practice and experiential learning.
42568Skill Acquisition in SportSCP7003Richard WestOct 16, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Candidates will develop a practical understanding of skill acquisition to enhance athlete performance within practice and competitive sport environments. Optimizing practice conditions, issues in motor learning, and the development of skills are investigated.
42569Practical Coaching AssessmentSCP7553Stuart CurrieOct 16, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Course will revisit key content, concepts, and principles from through-out the program. Capstone project will include a final self-reflection and student portfolio presentation containing relevant information gained and reflection on lessons learned from each course. Candidates will also be required to develop and submit a final practical coaching assessment via video documentation.
41498Methds Teach Mid & Sec ClassSEDU7303Alisa WilsonAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Exploration and examination of the content and concepts of the middle and secondary content curricula as well as an investigation of methods and materials and a review of relevant research. Links the theoretical foundations of teaching to active and diverse learning using research-based strategies while supporting the development of literacy in the content area. Includes unit planning, writing lesson plans, and practical teaching exercises. Directed experience in public schools. Prerequisite(s): Admission to Educator Prepraration Program (EPP); TCED 730 and EDEV 761; Must make a B or better. (F,Sp)
41511Student Teaching Gr 7-8SEDU7933Cynthia WatsonAug 26, 2024Oct 11, 2024
(3) Supervised student teaching in grades 7-8 for a minimum of 7.5 weeks. Must be taken with SEDU 794. (F, Sp)
41525Student Teaching Gr 9-12SEDU7943Cynthia WatsonOct 16, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Supervised student teaching in grades 9-12 for a minimum of 7.5 weeks. Must be taken with SEDU 793. (F, Sp)
42707Middle School MethodsSEDU7823Austin FerrellOct 16, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Review of the specific characteristics and educational needs of early adolescents. Describes the current middle school movement, its historical antecedents and the development of curriculum appropriate for early adolescents, emphasizing curriculum integration, authentic assessment, student involvement in planning, etc. Provides strategies and materials for teaching the core subjects of middle level education (6-8); literacy, math, science, and social studies. Lesson and unit planning with assessment strategies and differentiated instruction. Field experience required. Pre-req: TCED 730 and admission to the Education Preparation Program (EPP) (F)
42900Methds Teach Mid & Sec ClassSEDU7303Alisa WilsonAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Exploration and examination of the content and concepts of the middle and secondary content curricula as well as an investigation of methods and materials and a review of relevant research. Links the theoretical foundations of teaching to active and diverse learning using research-based strategies while supporting the development of literacy in the content area. Includes unit planning, writing lesson plans, and practical teaching exercises. Directed experience in public schools. Prerequisite(s): Admission to Educator Prepraration Program (EPP); TCED 730 and EDEV 761; Must make a B or better. (F,Sp)
41485Exceptional Child & Strat InclSPED7803Laurie MillerAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Principles, characteristics, programs, special needs, legal requirements and instructional strategies related to the education of children with exceptionalities. Emphasis on lesson planning design utilizing the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework and differentiated instruction that meets the multiple needs of a diverse groups of learners, collaborative teaching, and delivering accommodations and modifications in the inclusive classroom. (As Needed)
41991Strategies Diff Inclusive ClasSPED6803Howard SmithAug 26, 2024Oct 11, 2024
(3) Provides an understanding of the components of differentiated instructions and applies these concepts to a multi-tiered systems of supports. The course also emphasizes lesson planning design utilizing the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework that meets the multiple needs of a diverse group of learners, collaborative teaching, and delivering accommodations and modifications in the inclusive classroom. This course will be required for job-embedded and masters initial licensure students.
42798Behavior Intervnt & StrategiesSPED6603Howard SmithAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Strategies for managing social behaviors that impact on academic learning of children with and without exceptionalities. Strategies for organizing classroom space, classroom management, trauma-informed practices, conducting functional behavioral assessments, assessing, and teaching appropriate social skills, and writing function-based intervention behavioral plans Pre-Req: Admission to Educator Preparation Program (EPP) (Fall)
42837Exceptional Child & Strat InclSPED7803Jennifer DickersonAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Principles, characteristics, programs, special needs, legal requirements and instructional strategies related to the education of children with exceptionalities. Emphasis on lesson planning design utilizing the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework and differentiated instruction that meets the multiple needs of a diverse groups of learners, collaborative teaching, and delivering accommodations and modifications in the inclusive classroom. (As Needed)
42939Exceptional Child & Strat InclSPED7803Laura PlunkAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Principles, characteristics, programs, special needs, legal requirements and instructional strategies related to the education of children with exceptionalities. Emphasis on lesson planning design utilizing the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework and differentiated instruction that meets the multiple needs of a diverse groups of learners, collaborative teaching, and delivering accommodations and modifications in the inclusive classroom. (As Needed)
41478Seminar in Teacher EducationTCED7023Stanton WatsonAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Structured seminar for advanced discussion with focus on application and analysis of teaching knowledge, instructional, classroom, and behavior management, variety in methodology, discipline, professional and ethical behavior. Deep dive seminars for successful completion of the state mandated licensure assessments are a significant focus of the course.] Emphasis will also be placed on oral expression and written communication. Prereq: Admission to Educator Preparation Program (EPP) Co-Requisite: ELED 793 and ELED 794 OR SEDU 793 and SEDU 794 OR TCED 795 for Initial Licensure degree seeking candidates. (F, Sp)
41494Growth & Devel School Age StudTCED7163Elizabeth StrattonOct 16, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) The physiological, sociological and psychological basis of human behavior with emphasis upon research dealing with the normal student in a school environment. Projects/activities will be individualized according to the licensure area being sought. Cannot receive credit for both EDPG/COUN 716 and TCED 716. (F, Sp, Su)
41496Master's Culminating ExperiencTCED7913Harriette SpiegelAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(4) The culminating professional project for the Master of Science in Education with a major in Teaching Programs. Topics selected reflect student interest in the area of education. That topic is expanded as students explore and assess the information previously examined to develop a research proposal appropriate for an instructional setting. Approval of the Education Graduate Office is required before registering for this course. Course is repeatable but only for those seeking a subsequent degree. TCED 791 from a prior degree cannot be used to satisfy requirement in subsequent degree and therefore must be taken an additional time. (F, Sp)
41499Practicum in Initial LicensureTCED7953Cynthia WatsonAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Supervised student teaching practicum in diverse grade appropriate settings. Must be taken with TCED 702. Pre-Req: Completion of all course work in the Initial Licensure Major and full-time employment in a public P-12 school. (Fall , Spring)
41503Effective Pedagogical PracticeTCED7303Lauren CampbellAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Introduction to current research-based trends of teaching and learning styles; strategies for teaching; planning for instruction; models of instruction; and an introduction to classroom management of instruction. Emphasis will be placed on refining requirements and expectations for licensure. Applies theory to a practical classroom environment through a directed field component. Credit cannot be received for both TCED 730 and TCED 780. (F,Sp,Su)
41506Teaching as a ProfessionTCED7033Staci FuquaAug 26, 2024Oct 11, 2024
(3) A course designed to introduce future educators to the profession of teaching. Topics such as roles and responsibilities of the educator, legal and ethical expectations of the profession, and cultural diversity and bias will be covered. Requirements and terms related to education licensure and other relevant topics are introduced. Service-learning and school visits may be utilized within the curriculum.
41507Teaching as a ProfessionTCED7033Staci FuquaAug 26, 2024Oct 11, 2024
(3) A course designed to introduce future educators to the profession of teaching. Topics such as roles and responsibilities of the educator, legal and ethical expectations of the profession, and cultural diversity and bias will be covered. Requirements and terms related to education licensure and other relevant topics are introduced. Service-learning and school visits may be utilized within the curriculum.
41517Effective Pedagogical PracticeTCED7303Austin FerrellAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Introduction to current research-based trends of teaching and learning styles; strategies for teaching; planning for instruction; models of instruction; and an introduction to classroom management of instruction. Emphasis will be placed on refining requirements and expectations for licensure. Applies theory to a practical classroom environment through a directed field component. Credit cannot be received for both TCED 730 and TCED 780. (F,Sp,Su)
42069Seminar in Teacher EducationTCED7023Stanton WatsonAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Structured seminar for advanced discussion with focus on application and analysis of teaching knowledge, instructional, classroom, and behavior management, variety in methodology, discipline, professional and ethical behavior. Deep dive seminars for successful completion of the state mandated licensure assessments are a significant focus of the course.] Emphasis will also be placed on oral expression and written communication. Prereq: Admission to Educator Preparation Program (EPP) Co-Requisite: ELED 793 and ELED 794 OR SEDU 793 and SEDU 794 OR TCED 795 for Initial Licensure degree seeking candidates. (F, Sp)
42083Effective Pedagogical PracticeTCED7303Austin FerrellAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Introduction to current research-based trends of teaching and learning styles; strategies for teaching; planning for instruction; models of instruction; and an introduction to classroom management of instruction. Emphasis will be placed on refining requirements and expectations for licensure. Applies theory to a practical classroom environment through a directed field component. Credit cannot be received for both TCED 730 and TCED 780. (F,Sp,Su)
42976Effective Pedagogical PracticeTCED7303Abbie McClureAug 26, 2024Dec 6, 2024
(3) Introduction to current research-based trends of teaching and learning styles; strategies for teaching; planning for instruction; models of instruction; and an introduction to classroom management of instruction. Emphasis will be placed on refining requirements and expectations for licensure. Applies theory to a practical classroom environment through a directed field component. Credit cannot be received for both TCED 730 and TCED 780. (F,Sp,Su)
42665Principles of Teaching ESLTESL7003Harriette SpiegelAug 26, 2024Oct 11, 2024
(3) A comprehensive survey of the second language acquisition process, including linguistic variables which affect second language learning. Federal guidelines and the legal framework for educational services for Non-English language background students will be emphasized. Fifteen (15) hours field experience required. (F)