Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$runway in /var/www/html/directory/staff.php on line 819
Jason Alexander
Associate Professor
231 Latimer_Smith Engineering & Science Bldg (STEM)
Department of Chemistry and Physics
"first_name": "Jason",
"last_name": "Alexander",
"suffix": null,
"netid": "jalexa39",
"email": "jalexa39@utm.edu",
"staff_id": "960490749",
"title": "Associate Professor",
"academic_title": "Associate Professor",
"long_title": "Associate Professor",
"home_department": "Chemistry and Physics",
"home_department_long": "Department of Chemistry and Physics",
"addr_line1": "231 Latimer_Smith Engineering & Science Bldg (STEM)",
"addr_line2": "203 Hurt Street",
"addr_line3": null,
"addr_city": "Martin",
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"addr_zip": "38238",
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"addr_natn": null,
"office_phone": "(731) 881-7431",
"list_of_departments": "Chemistry and Physics",
"list_of_titles": "[]",
"meet_url": null
Verna Baron
Assistant Professor
243 Latimer_Smith Engineering & Science Bldg (STEM)
Department of Chemistry and Physics
"first_name": "Verna",
"last_name": "Baron",
"suffix": null,
"netid": "vbaron",
"email": "vbaron@utm.edu",
"staff_id": "960629594",
"title": "Assistant Professor",
"academic_title": "Assistant Professor",
"long_title": "Assistant Professor",
"home_department": "Chemistry and Physics",
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"addr_line1": "243 Latimer_Smith Engineering & Science Bldg (STEM)",
"addr_line2": "203 Hurt Street",
"addr_line3": null,
"addr_city": "Martin",
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"addr_zip": "38238",
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"addr_natn": null,
"office_phone": "(731) 881-7449",
"list_of_departments": "Chemistry and Physics",
"list_of_titles": "[]",
"meet_url": null
Violet Bumah
Assistant Professor
240 Latimer_Smith Engineering & Science Bldg (STEM)
Department of Chemistry and Physics
"first_name": "Violet",
"last_name": "Bumah",
"suffix": null,
"netid": "vbumah",
"email": "vbumah@utm.edu",
"staff_id": "960731731",
"title": "Assistant Professor",
"academic_title": "Assistant Professor",
"long_title": "Assistant Professor",
"home_department": "Chemistry and Physics",
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"addr_line1": "240 Latimer_Smith Engineering & Science Bldg (STEM)",
"addr_line2": "203 Hurt Street",
"addr_line3": null,
"addr_city": "Martin",
"addr_stat": "TN",
"addr_zip": "38238",
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"addr_natn": null,
"office_phone": "(731) 881-7445",
"list_of_departments": "Chemistry and Physics",
"list_of_titles": "[]",
"meet_url": null
Amanda Burkhart
Assistant Professor
242 Latimer_Smith Engineering & Science Bldg (STEM)
Department of Chemistry and Physics
"first_name": "Amanda",
"last_name": "Burkhart",
"suffix": null,
"netid": "aburkha6",
"email": "aburkha6@utm.edu",
"staff_id": "960718933",
"title": "Assistant Professor",
"academic_title": "Assistant Professor",
"long_title": "Assistant Professor",
"home_department": "Chemistry and Physics",
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"addr_line1": "242 Latimer_Smith Engineering & Science Bldg (STEM)",
"addr_line2": "203 Hurt Street",
"addr_line3": null,
"addr_city": "Martin",
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"addr_zip": "38238",
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"addr_natn": null,
"office_phone": "(731) 881-7456",
"list_of_departments": "Chemistry and Physics",
"list_of_titles": "[]",
"meet_url": null
Lionel Crews
Associate Professor
230 Latimer_Smith Engineering & Science Bldg (STEM)
Department of Chemistry and Physics
"first_name": "Lionel",
"last_name": "Crews",
"suffix": null,
"netid": "lcrews",
"email": "lcrews@utm.edu",
"staff_id": "960150998",
"title": "Associate Professor",
"academic_title": "Associate Professor",
"long_title": "Associate Professor",
"home_department": "Chemistry and Physics",
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"addr_line2": "203 Hurt Street",
"addr_line3": null,
"addr_city": "Martin",
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"addr_natn": null,
"office_phone": "(731) 881-7440",
"list_of_departments": "Chemistry and Physics",
"list_of_titles": "[]",
"meet_url": null
Bryan Dean
Academic Support Spec III
245 Latimer_Smith Engineering & Science Bldg (STEM)
Department of Chemistry and Physics
"first_name": "Bryan",
"last_name": "Dean",
"suffix": null,
"netid": "bdean8",
"email": "bdean8@utm.edu",
"staff_id": "960636877",
"title": "Teaching and Learning Academic Supervisor",
"academic_title": "Academic Support Spec III",
"long_title": "Academic Support Spec III",
"home_department": "Chemistry and Physics",
"home_department_long": "Department of Chemistry and Physics",
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"addr_line2": "203 Hurt Street",
"addr_line3": null,
"addr_city": "Martin",
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"addr_zip": "38238",
"addr_cnty": "TN183",
"addr_natn": null,
"office_phone": "(731) 881-7448",
"list_of_departments": "Chemistry and Physics",
"list_of_titles": "[]",
"meet_url": null
Thomas Ellington, Jr.
Assistant Professor
250 Latimer_Smith Engineering & Science Bldg (STEM)
Department of Chemistry and Physics
"first_name": "Thomas",
"last_name": "Ellington",
"suffix": "Jr.",
"netid": "telling2",
"email": "telling2@utm.edu",
"staff_id": "960743912",
"title": "Assistant Professor",
"academic_title": "Assistant Professor",
"long_title": "Assistant Professor",
"home_department": "Chemistry and Physics",
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"addr_line1": "250 Latimer_Smith Engineering & Science Bldg (STEM)",
"addr_line2": "203 Hurt Street",
"addr_line3": null,
"addr_city": "Martin",
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"addr_natn": null,
"office_phone": "(731) 881-7450",
"list_of_departments": "Chemistry and Physics",
"list_of_titles": "[]",
"meet_url": null
234 Latimer_Smith Engineering & Science Bldg (STEM)
Department of Chemistry and Physics
"first_name": "Cahit",
"last_name": "Erkal",
"suffix": null,
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"email": "cerkal@utm.edu",
"staff_id": "960134012",
"title": "Professor",
"academic_title": "Professor",
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"home_department": "Chemistry and Physics",
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"addr_line2": "203 Hurt Street",
"addr_line3": null,
"addr_city": "Martin",
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"office_phone": "(731) 881-7432",
"list_of_departments": "Chemistry and Physics",
"list_of_titles": "[]",
"meet_url": null
Lana Ferrell
Admin Support Asst III
246 Latimer_Smith Engineering & Science Bldg (STEM)
Department of Chemistry and Physics
"first_name": "Lana",
"last_name": "Ferrell",
"suffix": null,
"netid": "lferrel2",
"email": "lferrel2@utm.edu",
"staff_id": "960226458",
"title": "Administrative Associate II",
"academic_title": "Admin Support Asst III",
"long_title": "Admin Support Asst III",
"home_department": "Chemistry and Physics",
"home_department_long": "Department of Chemistry and Physics",
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"addr_line2": "203 Hurt Street",
"addr_line3": "Tn",
"addr_city": "Martin",
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"addr_zip": "38238",
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"addr_natn": null,
"office_phone": "(731) 881-7450",
"list_of_departments": "Chemistry and Physics",
"list_of_titles": "[]",
"meet_url": null
Misganaw Getaneh
Associate Professor
233 Latimer_Smith Engineering & Science Bldg (STEM)
Department of Chemistry and Physics
"first_name": "Misganaw",
"last_name": "Getaneh",
"suffix": null,
"netid": "mgetaneh",
"email": "mgetaneh@utm.edu",
"staff_id": "960269194",
"title": "Associate Professor",
"academic_title": "Associate Professor",
"long_title": "Associate Professor",
"home_department": "Chemistry and Physics",
"home_department_long": "Department of Chemistry and Physics",
"addr_line1": "233 Latimer_Smith Engineering & Science Bldg (STEM)",
"addr_line2": "203 Hurt Street",
"addr_line3": null,
"addr_city": "Martin",
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"addr_zip": "38238",
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"office_phone": "(731) 881-7433",
"list_of_departments": "Chemistry and Physics",
"list_of_titles": "[]",
"meet_url": null
Maggie Herring
Assistant Professor
238 Latimer_Smith Engineering & Science Bldg (STEM)
Department of Chemistry and Physics
"first_name": "Maggie",
"last_name": "Herring",
"suffix": null,
"netid": "mherri11",
"email": "mherri11@utm.edu",
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"title": "Assistant Professor",
"academic_title": "Assistant Professor",
"long_title": "Assistant Professor",
"home_department": "Chemistry and Physics",
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"addr_line2": "203 Hurt Street",
"addr_line3": null,
"addr_city": "Martin",
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"office_phone": "(731) 881-7455",
"list_of_departments": "Chemistry and Physics",
"list_of_titles": "[]",
"meet_url": null
Robbie Montgomery
Professor & Chair
246A Latimer_Smith Engineering & Science Bldg (STEM)
Department of Chemistry and Physics
"first_name": "Robbie",
"last_name": "Montgomery",
"suffix": null,
"netid": "rmontg10",
"email": "rmontg10@utm.edu",
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"academic_title": "Professor & Chair",
"long_title": "Professor & Chair",
"home_department": "Chemistry and Physics",
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"addr_line2": "203 Hurt Street",
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"addr_city": "Martin",
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"office_phone": "(731) 881-7451",
"list_of_departments": "Chemistry and Physics",
"list_of_titles": "[]",
"meet_url": null
247 Latimer_Smith Engineering & Science Bldg (STEM)
Department of Chemistry and Physics
"first_name": "Phil",
"last_name": "Shelton",
"suffix": null,
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"email": "pshelto2@utm.edu",
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"academic_title": "Professor",
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"home_department": "Chemistry and Physics",
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"addr_line3": null,
"addr_city": "Martin",
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"office_phone": "(731) 881-7453",
"list_of_departments": "Chemistry and Physics",
"list_of_titles": "[]",
"meet_url": null
Abigail Shelton
Professor/Assistant Director
237 Latimer_Smith Engineering & Science Bldg (STEM)
Department of Chemistry and Physics
"first_name": "Abigail",
"last_name": "Shelton",
"suffix": null,
"netid": "ashelt18",
"email": "ashelt18@utm.edu",
"staff_id": "960450967",
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"academic_title": "Professor\/Assistant Director",
"long_title": "Professor\/Assistant Director",
"home_department": "Chemistry and Physics",
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"addr_line2": "203 Hurt Street",
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"addr_city": "Martin",
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"office_phone": "(731) 881-7462",
"list_of_departments": "Chemistry and Physics",
"list_of_titles": "[]",
"meet_url": null
236 Latimer_Smith Engineering & Science Bldg (STEM)
Department of Chemistry and Physics
"first_name": "Genessa",
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"suffix": null,
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"email": "gsmith65@utm.edu",
"staff_id": "960462988",
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"academic_title": "Professor",
"long_title": "Professor",
"home_department": "Chemistry and Physics",
"home_department_long": "Department of Chemistry and Physics",
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"addr_line2": "203 Hurt Street",
"addr_line3": null,
"addr_city": "Martin",
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"addr_zip": "38238",
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"office_phone": "(731) 881-7460",
"list_of_departments": "Chemistry and Physics",
"list_of_titles": "[]",
"meet_url": null