Patty Flowers
Research Associate III
Office of Curriculum and Assessment
"first_name": "Patty",
"last_name": "Flowers",
"suffix": null,
"netid": "pflowers",
"email": "",
"staff_id": "960081729",
"title": "E - Data Analytics Analyst 3",
"academic_title": "Research Associate III",
"long_title": "Research Associate III",
"home_department": "Curriculum and Assessment",
"home_department_long": "Office of Curriculum and Assessment",
"addr_line1": "310 Hall_Moody Admin",
"addr_line2": "554 University Street",
"addr_line3": null,
"addr_city": "Martin",
"addr_stat": "TN",
"addr_zip": "38238",
"addr_cnty": "TN183",
"addr_natn": null,
"office_phone": "(731) 881-3477",
"list_of_departments": "Curriculum and Assessment,Mathematics and Statistics",
"list_of_titles": "[]",
"meet_url": null
Laura Sherrod
Curriculum Catalog Coordinator
Office of Curriculum and Assessment
"first_name": "Laura",
"last_name": "Sherrod",
"suffix": null,
"netid": "lsherro3",
"email": "",
"staff_id": "960670836",
"title": "Administrative Associate 3",
"academic_title": "Curriculum Catalog Coordinator",
"long_title": "Curriculum Catalog Coordinator",
"home_department": "Curriculum and Assessment",
"home_department_long": "Office of Curriculum and Assessment",
"addr_line1": "227C Hall_Moody Admin",
"addr_line2": "554 University Street",
"addr_line3": null,
"addr_city": "Martin",
"addr_stat": "TN",
"addr_zip": "38238",
"addr_cnty": "TN183",
"addr_natn": null,
"office_phone": "(731) 881-3121",
"list_of_departments": "Curriculum and Assessment",
"list_of_titles": "[]",
"meet_url": null