Heather Coleman
Parsons Center Coordinator
126 UT Martin Parsons Ctr
Office of Regional Centers and Online Programs (Parsons)
"first_name": "Heather",
"last_name": "Coleman",
"suffix": null,
"netid": "hcolema5",
"email": "hcolema5@utm.edu",
"staff_id": "960439347",
"title": "Administrative Associate 3",
"academic_title": "Parsons Center Coordinator",
"long_title": "Parsons Center Coordinator",
"home_department": "UT Martin Parsons Center",
"home_department_long": "Office of Regional Centers and Online Programs (Parsons)",
"addr_line1": "126 UT Martin Parsons Ctr",
"addr_line2": "975 TN Avenue North",
"addr_line3": null,
"addr_city": "Parsons",
"addr_stat": "TN",
"addr_zip": "38363",
"addr_cnty": "TN039",
"addr_natn": null,
"office_phone": "(731) 847-3880",
"list_of_departments": "Health and Human Performance,UT Martin Parsons Center",
"list_of_titles": "[]",
"meet_url": null
Kelli Deere
Director of Parsons Center
132 UT Martin Parsons Ctr
Office of Regional Centers and Online Programs (Parsons)
"first_name": "Kelli",
"last_name": "Deere",
"suffix": null,
"netid": "kdeere",
"email": "kdeere@utm.edu",
"staff_id": "960456952",
"title": "E - Administrative Management ",
"academic_title": "Director of Parsons Center",
"long_title": "Director of Parsons Center",
"home_department": "UT Martin Parsons Center",
"home_department_long": "Office of Regional Centers and Online Programs (Parsons)",
"addr_line1": "132 UT Martin Parsons Ctr",
"addr_line2": "975 TN Avenue North",
"addr_line3": null,
"addr_city": "Parsons",
"addr_stat": "TN",
"addr_zip": "38363",
"addr_cnty": "TN039",
"addr_natn": null,
"office_phone": "(731) 847-3880",
"list_of_departments": "Educational Studies,UT Martin Parsons Center",
"list_of_titles": "[]",
"meet_url": null
Barry Duke
Custodial/Security Associate
101 UT Martin Parsons Ctr
Office of Regional Centers and Online Programs (Parsons)
"first_name": "Barry",
"last_name": "Duke",
"suffix": null,
"netid": "bduke1",
"email": "bduke1@utm.edu",
"staff_id": "960668198",
"title": "Facilities Services Band G Ass",
"academic_title": "Custodial\/Security Associate",
"long_title": "Custodial\/Security Associate",
"home_department": "UT Martin Parsons Center",
"home_department_long": "Office of Regional Centers and Online Programs (Parsons)",
"addr_line1": "101 UT Martin Parsons Ctr",
"addr_line2": "975 TN Avenue North",
"addr_line3": null,
"addr_city": "Parsons",
"addr_stat": "TN",
"addr_zip": "38363",
"addr_cnty": "TN039",
"addr_natn": null,
"office_phone": "(731) 847-3880",
"list_of_departments": "UT Martin Parsons Center",
"list_of_titles": "[]",
"meet_url": null
Kimberly Fisher
Nursing Administrative Specialist
101 UT Martin Parsons Ctr
Office of Regional Centers and Online Programs (Parsons)
"first_name": "Kimberly",
"last_name": "Fisher",
"suffix": null,
"netid": "kfishe20",
"email": "kfishe20@utm.edu",
"staff_id": "960625441",
"title": "Administrative Associate 2",
"academic_title": "Nursing Administrative Specialist",
"long_title": "Nursing Administrative Specialist",
"home_department": "UT Martin Parsons Center",
"home_department_long": "Office of Regional Centers and Online Programs (Parsons)",
"addr_line1": "101 UT Martin Parsons Ctr",
"addr_line2": "975 TN Avenue North",
"addr_line3": null,
"addr_city": "Parsons",
"addr_stat": "TN",
"addr_zip": "38363",
"addr_cnty": "TN039",
"addr_natn": null,
"office_phone": "(731) 847-3801",
"list_of_departments": "UT Martin Parsons Center",
"list_of_titles": "[]",
"meet_url": null
Tammy Kelley
Custodial/Security Associate
101 UT Martin Parsons Ctr
Office of Regional Centers and Online Programs (Parsons)
"first_name": "Tammy",
"last_name": "Kelley",
"suffix": null,
"netid": "tkelley9",
"email": "tkelley9@utm.edu",
"staff_id": "960512972",
"title": "Facilities Services Band G Ass",
"academic_title": "Custodial\/Security Associate",
"long_title": "Custodial\/Security Associate",
"home_department": "UT Martin Parsons Center",
"home_department_long": "Office of Regional Centers and Online Programs (Parsons)",
"addr_line1": "101 UT Martin Parsons Ctr",
"addr_line2": "975 TN Avenue North",
"addr_line3": null,
"addr_city": "Parsons",
"addr_stat": "TN",
"addr_zip": "38363",
"addr_cnty": "TN039",
"addr_natn": null,
"office_phone": "(731) 847-3880",
"list_of_departments": "UT Martin Parsons Center",
"list_of_titles": "[]",
"meet_url": null
Amy Lee
Parsons Administrative Specialist
112A UT Martin Parsons Ctr
Office of Regional Centers and Online Programs (Parsons)
"first_name": "Amy",
"last_name": "Lee",
"suffix": null,
"netid": "alee56",
"email": "alee56@utm.edu",
"staff_id": "960438371",
"title": "Administrative Associate 2",
"academic_title": "Parsons Administrative Specialist",
"long_title": "Parsons Administrative Specialist",
"home_department": "UT Martin Parsons Center",
"home_department_long": "Office of Regional Centers and Online Programs (Parsons)",
"addr_line1": "112A UT Martin Parsons Ctr",
"addr_line2": "975 TN Avenue North",
"addr_line3": null,
"addr_city": "Parsons",
"addr_stat": "TN",
"addr_zip": "38363",
"addr_cnty": "TN039",
"addr_natn": null,
"office_phone": "(731) 847-3880",
"list_of_departments": "UT Martin Parsons Center",
"list_of_titles": "[]",
"meet_url": null