Kathleen Donnenworth
Selmer Administrative Specialist
Office of Regional Centers and Online Programs (Selmer)
"first_name": "Kathleen",
"last_name": "Donnenworth",
"suffix": null,
"netid": "kdonnenw",
"email": "kdonnenw@utm.edu",
"staff_id": "960302226",
"title": "Administrative Associate II",
"academic_title": "Selmer Administrative Spe",
"long_title": "Selmer Administrative Specialist",
"home_department": "UT Martin Selmer Center",
"home_department_long": "Office of Regional Centers and Online Programs (Selmer)",
"addr_line1": "UT Martin Selmer Center",
"addr_line2": "1269 Tennessee Avenue",
"addr_line3": null,
"addr_city": "Selmer",
"addr_stat": "TN",
"addr_zip": "38375",
"addr_cnty": "TN109",
"addr_natn": null,
"office_phone": "(731) 646-1636",
"list_of_departments": "UT Martin Selmer Center",
"list_of_titles": "[]",
"meet_url": null
Natalie Watson
Selmer Administrative Specialist
55 UT Martin Selmer Center
Office of Regional Centers and Online Programs (Selmer)
"first_name": "Natalie",
"last_name": "Watson",
"suffix": null,
"netid": "nwatso18",
"email": "nwatso18@utm.edu",
"staff_id": "960160193",
"title": "Administrative Associate II",
"academic_title": "Selmer Administrative Spe",
"long_title": "Selmer Administrative Specialist",
"home_department": "UT Martin Selmer Center",
"home_department_long": "Office of Regional Centers and Online Programs (Selmer)",
"addr_line1": "55 UT Martin Selmer Center",
"addr_line2": "1269 Tennessee Avenue",
"addr_line3": null,
"addr_city": "Selmer",
"addr_stat": "TN",
"addr_zip": "38375",
"addr_cnty": "TN109",
"addr_natn": null,
"office_phone": "(731) 646-1636",
"list_of_departments": "Interdisciplinary Studies,UT Martin Selmer Center",
"list_of_titles": "[]",
"meet_url": null
Frankie Wilson
Custodial/Security Associate
Office of Regional Centers and Online Programs (Selmer)
"first_name": "Frankie",
"last_name": "Wilson",
"suffix": null,
"netid": "fwilson7",
"email": "fwilson7@utm.edu",
"staff_id": "960763294",
"title": "Facilities Services Building and Grounds Assistant",
"academic_title": "Custodial\/Security Associ",
"long_title": "Custodial\/Security Associate",
"home_department": "UT Martin Selmer Center",
"home_department_long": "Office of Regional Centers and Online Programs (Selmer)",
"addr_line1": "UT Martin Selmer Center",
"addr_line2": "1269 Tennessee Avenue",
"addr_line3": null,
"addr_city": "Selmer",
"addr_stat": "TN",
"addr_zip": "38375",
"addr_cnty": "TN109",
"addr_natn": null,
"office_phone": "(731) 453-4114",
"list_of_departments": "UT Martin Selmer Center",
"list_of_titles": "[]",
"meet_url": null
Alan Youngerman
Director of Selmer Center
123 UT Martin Selmer Center
Office of Regional Centers and Online Programs (Selmer)
"first_name": "Alan",
"last_name": "Youngerman",
"suffix": null,
"netid": "ayounge3",
"email": "ayounge3@utm.edu",
"staff_id": "960423021",
"title": "Administrative Management I",
"academic_title": "Director of Selmer Center",
"long_title": "Director of Selmer Center",
"home_department": "UT Martin Selmer Center",
"home_department_long": "Office of Regional Centers and Online Programs (Selmer)",
"addr_line1": "123 UT Martin Selmer Center",
"addr_line2": "1269 Tennessee Avenue",
"addr_line3": null,
"addr_city": "Selmer",
"addr_stat": "TN",
"addr_zip": "38375",
"addr_cnty": "TN109",
"addr_natn": null,
"office_phone": "(731) 646-1636",
"list_of_departments": "Ag, Geosciences, & Natural Res,UT Martin Selmer Center",
"list_of_titles": "[]",
"meet_url": null