John Abel
Asst Vc Student Affairs & Dean Students
245E Boling University Ctr
Division of Student Affairs
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Abel",
"suffix": null,
"netid": "jabel1",
"email": "",
"staff_id": "960101225",
"title": "E - Student Services Managemen",
"academic_title": "Asst VC Student Affairs & Dean Students",
"long_title": "Asst Vc Student Affairs & Dean Students",
"home_department": "Student Affairs",
"home_department_long": "Division of Student Affairs",
"addr_line1": "245E Boling University Ctr",
"addr_line2": "11 Wayne Fisher Drive",
"addr_line3": null,
"addr_city": "Martin",
"addr_stat": "TN",
"addr_zip": "38238",
"addr_cnty": "TN183",
"addr_natn": null,
"office_phone": "(731) 881-7710",
"list_of_departments": "Student Affairs",
"list_of_titles": "[]",
"meet_url": null
Deborah Adcock
Admin. Assistant to The Vice Chancellor
Division of Student Affairs
"first_name": "Deborah",
"last_name": "Adcock",
"suffix": null,
"netid": "dadcock1",
"email": "",
"staff_id": "960276436",
"title": "Administrative Associate 4",
"academic_title": "Admin. Assistant to the Vice Chancellor",
"long_title": "Admin. Assistant to The Vice Chancellor",
"home_department": "Student Affairs",
"home_department_long": "Division of Student Affairs",
"addr_line1": "223 Hall_Moody Admin",
"addr_line2": "554 University Street",
"addr_line3": null,
"addr_city": "Martin",
"addr_stat": "TN",
"addr_zip": "38238",
"addr_cnty": "TN183",
"addr_natn": null,
"office_phone": "(731) 881-7710",
"list_of_departments": "Student Affairs",
"list_of_titles": "[]",
"meet_url": null
Casey Hudspeth
Student Conduct and Care Assistant
215 Boling University Ctr
Division of Student Affairs
"first_name": "Casey",
"last_name": "Hudspeth",
"suffix": null,
"netid": "clangle4",
"email": "",
"staff_id": "960639889",
"title": "Administrative Associate 2",
"academic_title": "Student Conduct And Care Assistant",
"long_title": "Student Conduct and Care Assistant",
"home_department": "Student Affairs",
"home_department_long": "Division of Student Affairs",
"addr_line1": "215 Boling University Ctr",
"addr_line2": "11 Wayne Fisher Drive",
"addr_line3": null,
"addr_city": "Martin",
"addr_stat": "TN",
"addr_zip": "38238",
"addr_cnty": "TN183",
"addr_natn": null,
"office_phone": "(731) 881-7703",
"list_of_departments": "Student Affairs",
"list_of_titles": "[]",
"meet_url": null
Andy Lewter
Vice Chancellor
211A Boling University Ctr
Division of Student Affairs
"first_name": "Andy",
"last_name": "Lewter",
"suffix": null,
"netid": "jlewter",
"email": "",
"staff_id": "960078238",
"title": "E - Student Services-Managemen",
"academic_title": "Vice Chancellor",
"long_title": "Vice Chancellor",
"home_department": "Student Affairs",
"home_department_long": "Division of Student Affairs",
"addr_line1": "211A Boling University Ctr",
"addr_line2": "11 Wayne Fisher Drive",
"addr_line3": null,
"addr_city": "Martin",
"addr_stat": "TN",
"addr_zip": "38238",
"addr_cnty": "TN183",
"addr_natn": null,
"office_phone": "(731) 881-7710",
"list_of_departments": "Educational Studies,Student Affairs",
"list_of_titles": "[]",
"meet_url": null
Shannon Perry
Director of Student Conduct and Care
215E Boling University Ctr
Division of Student Affairs
"first_name": "Shannon",
"last_name": "Perry",
"suffix": null,
"netid": "sperry19",
"email": "",
"staff_id": "960631088",
"title": "E - Student Services Professio",
"academic_title": "Director Of Student Conduct And Care",
"long_title": "Director of Student Conduct and Care",
"home_department": "Student Affairs",
"home_department_long": "Division of Student Affairs",
"addr_line1": "215E Boling University Ctr",
"addr_line2": "11 Wayne Fisher Drive",
"addr_line3": null,
"addr_city": "Martin",
"addr_stat": "TN",
"addr_zip": "38238",
"addr_cnty": "TN183",
"addr_natn": null,
"office_phone": "(731) 881-7703",
"list_of_departments": "Student Affairs",
"list_of_titles": "[]",
"meet_url": null
Priscilla Price
Coordinator Student Outreach and Support
215 Boling University Ctr
Division of Student Affairs
"first_name": "Priscilla",
"last_name": "Price",
"suffix": null,
"netid": "pprice11",
"email": "",
"staff_id": "960099477",
"title": "E - Student Services Professio",
"academic_title": "Coordinator Student Outreach And Support",
"long_title": "Coordinator Student Outreach and Support",
"home_department": "Student Affairs",
"home_department_long": "Division of Student Affairs",
"addr_line1": "215 Boling University Ctr",
"addr_line2": "11 Wayne Fisher Drive",
"addr_line3": null,
"addr_city": "Martin",
"addr_stat": "TN",
"addr_zip": "38238",
"addr_cnty": "TN183",
"addr_natn": null,
"office_phone": "(731) 881-7703",
"list_of_departments": "Student Affairs",
"list_of_titles": "[]",
"meet_url": null