SUBJECT: Distance Learning
Purpose: To clarify the Distance Learning definition and specific responsibilities.
UT Martin defines distance learning as those programs and courses meeting any of the following criteria:
Programs and courses delivered off campus for credit or non-credit
- Entirely through the internet,
- By an onsite instructor,
- Through any combination of delivery mediums - internet, interactive compressed video (ITV), videotape, satellite, or correspondence to students at an off-campus location.
The THEC definition is: The course delivers 51 percent or more of the instructional content through mediated methods where the location of the student is not determined by the professor's delivery location.
- Mediated instruction uses a form of communication other than traditional classroom instruction such as satellite, video, internet, mail, etc.
- Location is a learning environment in which a student receives instruction.
The location is not considered as a distance education environment if instruction can only be received at multiple on-campus locations such as computer laboratories. The location is considered as a distance education environment if instruction can be attended or received at a branch or off- campus locations where the professor is not present.
Offices responsible for distance learning are:
- The Office of Educational Outreach is responsible for overseeing the evaluation of the quality of delivery methods for all online courses by providing all non-technical support services and managing all credit internet courses, including all New College courses offered through UT Martin and all courses for the Bachelor of University Studies degree program.
- The Office of Educational Outreach is responsible for supervising and managing all other distance learning courses,ITV, continuing education, and public service programs/courses and non-credit courses (including non-credit internet programs and courses).
- The Office of Computer Services supplies technical support for both offices.