Office of Access, Compliance, and Title IX

Title IX EEO Statement & Tagline for Advertisements Sexual Harassment Policies for Students & Employees Campus Resources Discrimination Complaint Procedure Your Rights Under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Services Provided by the Access, Compliance, and Title IX Office/Title VI ADA Accommodations for Faculty, Staff, and Visitors Educational Adjustments Policy for Pregnant Students


Differences among individuals and various cultural groups are valued assets at the University of Tennessee at Martin. Our commitment to academic excellence encompasses a broad spectrum of perspectives. We believe that academic excellence thrives through collaboration and engagement with others from various backgrounds. Recognizing and embracing the unique qualities within each cultural group enriches both academic achievements and personal development. A respectful and collaborative environment, characteristic of a public university, fosters academic and personal growth. Public universities, including ours, play a vital role in addressing the needs of our community, state, region, and nation. We wholeheartedly embrace the principle of inclusiveness, which is central to our university values.

Office of Access, Compliance, and Title IX
Dominique Ross, Director of Access, Compliance, and Title IX; Title IX Coordinator
212 Boling University Center
The University of Tennessee at Martin
Martin, TN 38238